Class TextBundle

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TextBundle extends LocalizedMessage
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TextBundle

      public TextBundle(String resource, String id) throws NullPointerException
      Constructs a new TextBundle using resource as the base name for the RessourceBundle and id as the message bundle id the resource file.
      resource - base name of the resource file
      id - the id of the corresponding bundle in the resource file
      NullPointerException - if resource or id is null
    • TextBundle

      public TextBundle(String resource, String id, String encoding) throws NullPointerException, UnsupportedEncodingException
      Constructs a new TextBundle using resource as the base name for the RessourceBundle and id as the message bundle id the resource file.
      resource - base name of the resource file
      id - the id of the corresponding bundle in the resource file
      encoding - the encoding of the resource file
      NullPointerException - if resource or id is null
      UnsupportedEncodingException - if the encoding is not supported
    • TextBundle

      public TextBundle(String resource, String id, Object[] arguments) throws NullPointerException
      Constructs a new TextBundle using resource as the base name for the RessourceBundle and id as the message bundle id the resource file.
      resource - base name of the resource file
      id - the id of the corresponding bundle in the resource file
      arguments - an array containing the arguments for the message
      NullPointerException - if resource or id is null
    • TextBundle

      public TextBundle(String resource, String id, String encoding, Object[] arguments) throws NullPointerException, UnsupportedEncodingException
      Constructs a new TextBundle using resource as the base name for the RessourceBundle and id as the message bundle id the resource file.
      resource - base name of the resource file
      id - the id of the corresponding bundle in the resource file
      encoding - the encoding of the resource file
      arguments - an array containing the arguments for the message
      NullPointerException - if resource or id is null
      UnsupportedEncodingException - if the encoding is not supported
  • Method Details