Class OpenSSHPrivateKeySpec

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OpenSSHPrivateKeySpec extends EncodedKeySpec
OpenSSHPrivateKeySpec holds and encoded OpenSSH private key. The format of the key can be either ASN.1 or OpenSSH.
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenSSHPrivateKeySpec

      public OpenSSHPrivateKeySpec(byte[] encodedKey)
      Accept an encoded key and determine the format.

      The encoded key should be the Base64 decoded blob between the "---BEGIN and ---END" markers. This constructor will endeavour to find the OpenSSH format magic value. If it can not then it will default to ASN.1. It does not attempt to validate the ASN.1

      Example: OpenSSHPrivateKeySpec privSpec = new OpenSSHPrivateKeySpec(rawPriv);

      KeyFactory kpf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA", "BC"); PrivateKey prk = kpf.generatePrivate(privSpec);

      OpenSSHPrivateKeySpec rcPrivateSpec = kpf.getKeySpec(prk, OpenSSHPrivateKeySpec.class);

      encodedKey - The encoded key.
  • Method Details

    • getFormat

      public String getFormat()
      Return the format, either OpenSSH for the OpenSSH propriety format or ASN.1.
      Specified by:
      getFormat in class EncodedKeySpec
      the format OpenSSH or ASN.1