Class X509Principal

All Implemented Interfaces:
Principal, ASN1Encodable, Encodable

public class X509Principal extends X509Name implements Principal
use the X500Name class.
a general extension of X509Name with a couple of extra methods and constructors.

Objects of this type can be created from certificates and CRLs using the PrincipalUtil class.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • X509Principal

      public X509Principal(byte[] bytes) throws IOException
      Constructor from an encoded byte array.
    • X509Principal

      public X509Principal(X509Name name)
      Constructor from an X509Name object.
    • X509Principal

      public X509Principal(X500Name name)
      Constructor from an X509Name object.
    • X509Principal

      public X509Principal(Hashtable attributes)
      constructor from a table of attributes.

      it's is assumed the table contains OID/String pairs.

    • X509Principal

      public X509Principal(Vector ordering, Hashtable attributes)
      constructor from a table of attributes and a vector giving the specific ordering required for encoding or conversion to a string.

      it's is assumed the table contains OID/String pairs.

    • X509Principal

      public X509Principal(Vector oids, Vector values)
      constructor from a vector of attribute values and a vector of OIDs.
    • X509Principal

      public X509Principal(String dirName)
      takes an X509 dir name as a string of the format "C=AU,ST=Victoria", or some such, converting it into an ordered set of name attributes.
    • X509Principal

      public X509Principal(boolean reverse, String dirName)
      Takes an X509 dir name as a string of the format "C=AU,ST=Victoria", or some such, converting it into an ordered set of name attributes. If reverse is false the dir name will be encoded in the order of the (name, value) pairs presented, otherwise the encoding will start with the last (name, value) pair and work back.
    • X509Principal

      public X509Principal(boolean reverse, Hashtable lookUp, String dirName)
      Takes an X509 dir name as a string of the format "C=AU, ST=Victoria", or some such, converting it into an ordered set of name attributes. lookUp should provide a table of lookups, indexed by lowercase only strings and yielding a ASN1ObjectIdentifier, other than that OID. and numeric oids will be processed automatically.

      If reverse is true, create the encoded version of the sequence starting from the last element in the string.

  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Principal
    • getEncoded

      public byte[] getEncoded()
      return a DER encoded byte array representing this object
      Specified by:
      getEncoded in interface Encodable
      getEncoded in class ASN1Object
      BER/DER byte encoded object.