Class WinternitzOTSignature


public class WinternitzOTSignature extends Object
This class implements key pair generation and signature generation of the Winternitz one-time signature scheme (OTSS), described in C.Dods, N.P. Smart, and M. Stam, "Hash Based Digital Signature Schemes", LNCS 3796, pages 96–115, 2005. The class is used by the GMSS classes.
  • Constructor Details

    • WinternitzOTSignature

      public WinternitzOTSignature(byte[] seed0, Digest digest, int w)
      The constructor generates an OTS key pair, using seed0 and the PRNG
      seed0 - the seed for the PRGN
      digest - an array of strings, containing the name of the used hash function, the name of the PRGN and the names of the corresponding providers
      w - the Winternitz parameter
  • Method Details

    • getPrivateKey

      public byte[][] getPrivateKey()
      The private OTS key
    • getPublicKey

      public byte[] getPublicKey()
      The public OTS key
    • getSignature

      public byte[] getSignature(byte[] message)
      The one-time signature of the message, generated with the private key
    • getLog

      public int getLog(int intValue)
      This method returns the least integer that is greater or equal to the logarithm to the base 2 of an integer intValue.
      intValue - an integer
      The least integer greater or equal to the logarithm to the base 2 of intValue