Interface VariableContext

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CompositeVariableContext, EmptyVariableContext, SingleVariableContext, VariableMapImpl

    public interface VariableContext
    A context for variables. Allows resolving variables. An API may choose to accept a VariableContext instead of a map of concrete values in situations where passing all available variables would be expensive and lazy-loading is a desirable optimization.
    Daniel Meyer
    • Method Detail

      • resolve

        TypedValue resolve​(String variableName)
        Resolve a value in this context.
        variableName - the name of the variable to resolve.
        the value of the variable or null in case the variable does not exist.
      • containsVariable

        boolean containsVariable​(String variableName)
        Checks whether a variable with the given name is resolve through this context.
        variableName - the name of the variable to check
        true if the variable is resolve.
      • keySet

        Set<String> keySet()
        a set of all variable names resolvable through this Context.