Interface CStringState

  • All Superinterfaces:
    CBaseState<java.lang.String>, CObjectState<java.lang.String>
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CStringState
    extends CObjectState<java.lang.String>

    CStringState is an interface for String state related methods.

    We need this interface to have possibility of adding state to any exists objects with the minimum change in the code.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default boolean centerPadEquals​(int size, java.lang.String padStr, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of, int, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean centerPadNotEquals​(int size, java.lang.String padStr, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of, int, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean compare​(java.lang.String stringToCompare, int expected)
      Verify if result of, String) equals to the expected value.
      default boolean compareIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String stringToCompare, int expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase(String, String) equals to the expected value.
      default boolean contains​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.contains(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean containsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true, ignoring case.
      default boolean endsWith​(java.lang.String suffix)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWith(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true
      default boolean endsWithAny​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> searchInputs)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWithAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is true.
      default boolean endsWithIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String suffix)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean endsWithNone​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> searchInputs)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWithAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is false.
      default boolean equalsAny​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expectedList)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.equalsAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is true
      default boolean equalsAnyIgnoreCase​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expectedList)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.equalsAnyIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is true, ignoring case.
      default boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) value equals the expected value.
      default boolean equalsIgnoreWhiteSpaces​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if value is equal to expected after removing all WhiteSpaces from both.
      default boolean equalsNone​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expectedList)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.equalsAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is false
      default boolean equalsNoneIgnoreCase​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expectedList)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.equalsAnyIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is false, ignoring case.
      default boolean isAlpha()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isAlphanumeric()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isAlphanumericSpace()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isAlphaSpace()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphaSpace(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isAsciiPrintable()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isBlank()
      Verify if String value is blank (Null or Empty)
      default boolean isBlankOrAlpha()
      Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isBlankOrAlphanumeric()
      Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isBlankOrAlphanumeric​(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is true and string length is between minLength and maxLength.
      default boolean isBlankOrNotAlpha()
      Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isBlankOrNotAlphanumeric()
      Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isBlankOrNotNumeric()
      Verify if string is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isBlankOrNumeric()
      Verify if string is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isBlankOrNumeric​(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true and string length is between minLength and maxLength.
      default boolean isEmpty()
      Verify if String value is empty
      default boolean isEmptyOrAlpha()
      Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isEmptyOrAlphanumeric()
      Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isEmptyOrAlphanumeric​(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is true and string length is between minLength and maxLength.
      default boolean isEmptyOrNotAlpha()
      Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isEmptyOrNotAlphanumeric()
      Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isEmptyOrNotNumeric()
      Verify if string is empty or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isEmptyOrNumeric()
      Verify if string is empty or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isEmptyOrNumeric​(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true and string length is between minLength and maxLength.
      default boolean isEqual​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.equals(CharSequence, CharSequence) value equals the expected value.
      default boolean isNotAlpha()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isNotAlphanumeric()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isNotAlphanumericSpace()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isNotAlphaSpace()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphaSpace(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isNotAsciiPrintable()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isNotBlank()
      Verify if String value is not blank (Null or Empty)
      default boolean isNotEmpty()
      Verify String value is not empty
      default boolean isNotEqual​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.equals(CharSequence, CharSequence) value NOT equals the expected value.
      default boolean isNotNumeric()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isNotNumericSpace()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isNumericSpace(CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean isNumeric()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean isNumeric​(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true and string length is between minLength and maxLength.
      default boolean isNumericSpace()
      Verify if result of StringUtils.isNumericSpace(CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean leftPadEquals​(int size, java.lang.String padStr, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.leftPad(String, int, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean leftPadNotEquals​(int size, java.lang.String padStr, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.leftPad(String, int, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean leftValueEquals​(int len, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.left(String, int) equals to expected value.
      default boolean leftValueNotEquals​(int len, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.left(String, int) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean lengthEquals​(int expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.length(CharSequence) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean lengthNotEquals​(int expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.length(CharSequence) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean match​(java.lang.String pattern)
      Verify if String value match provided pattern
      default boolean match​(java.util.regex.Pattern pattern)
      Verify if String value match provided pattern
      default boolean midValueEquals​(int pos, int len, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.mid(String, int, int) equals to expected value.
      default boolean midValueNotEquals​(int pos, int len, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.mid(String, int, int) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean notContains​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.contains(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean notContainsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean notEndsWith​(java.lang.String suffix)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWith(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false
      default boolean notEndsWithIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String suffix)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean notEqualsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) value NOT equals the expected value.
      default boolean notEqualsIgnoreWhiteSpaces​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if value is not equal to expected after removing all WhiteSpaces from both.
      default boolean notMatch​(java.lang.String pattern)
      Verify if String value does not match provided pattern
      default boolean notMatch​(java.util.regex.Pattern pattern)
      Verify if String value does not match provided pattern
      default boolean notStartsWith​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWith(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false
      default boolean notStartsWithIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false.
      default boolean numberOfMatchesEquals​(java.lang.String subString, int expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.countMatches(CharSequence, CharSequence) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean numberOfMatchesNotEquals​(java.lang.String subString, int expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.countMatches(CharSequence, CharSequence) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeEndEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.removeEnd(String, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeEndIgnoreCaseEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(String, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeEndIgnoreCaseNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeEndNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.removeEnd(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.remove(String, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeIgnoreCaseEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.removeIgnoreCase(String, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeIgnoreCaseNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.removeIgnoreCase(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.remove(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeStartEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.removeStart(String, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeStartIgnoreCaseEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(String, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeStartIgnoreCaseNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean removeStartNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.removeStart(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean replaceEquals​(java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.replace(String, String, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean replaceIgnoreCaseEquals​(java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceIgnoreCase(String, String, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean replaceIgnoreCaseNotEquals​(java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceIgnoreCase(String, String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean replaceNotEquals​(java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.replace(String, String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean replaceOnceEquals​(java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceOnce(String, String, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean replaceOnceIgnoreCaseEquals​(java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceOnceIgnoreCase(String, String, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean replaceOnceIgnoreCaseNotEquals​(java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceOnceIgnoreCase(String, String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean replaceOnceNotEquals​(java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String replacement, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceOnce(String, String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean reverseEquals​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.reverse(String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean reverseNotEquals​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.reverse(String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean rightPadEquals​(int size, java.lang.String padStr, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.rightPad(String, int, String) is equals to expected value.
      default boolean rightPadNotEquals​(int size, java.lang.String padStr, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.rightPad(String, int, String) is NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean rightValueEquals​(int len, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.right(String, int) equals to expected value.
      default boolean rightValueNotEquals​(int len, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.right(String, int) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean startsWith​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWith(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true
      default boolean startsWithAny​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> searchInputs)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWithAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is true
      default boolean startsWithIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true.
      default boolean startsWithNone​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> searchInputs)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWithAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is false
      default boolean stripedEndValue​(java.lang.String stripChars, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.stripEnd(String, String) value equals the expected value.
      default boolean stripedEndValueNot​(java.lang.String stripChars, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.stripEnd(String, String) value NOT equals the expected value.
      default boolean stripedStartValue​(java.lang.String stripChars, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.stripStart(String, String) value equals the expected value.
      default boolean stripedStartValueNot​(java.lang.String stripChars, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.stripStart(String, String) value NOT equals the expected value.
      default boolean stripedValue​(java.lang.String stripChars, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.strip(String) value equals the expected value.
      default boolean stripedValueNot​(java.lang.String stripChars, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.strip(String) value NOT equals the expected value.
      default boolean substringAfterEquals​(java.lang.String separator, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringAfter(String, String) equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringAfterLastEquals​(java.lang.String separator, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringAfterLast(String, String) equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringAfterLastNotEquals​(java.lang.String separator, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringAfterLast(String, String) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringAfterNotEquals​(java.lang.String separator, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringAfter(String, String) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringBeforeEquals​(java.lang.String separator, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBefore(String, String) equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringBeforeLastEquals​(java.lang.String separator, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(String, String) equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringBeforeLastNotEquals​(java.lang.String separator, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(String, String) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringBeforeNotEquals​(java.lang.String separator, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBefore(String, String) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringBetweenEquals​(java.lang.String open, java.lang.String close, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBetween(String, String) equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringBetweenNotEquals​(java.lang.String open, java.lang.String close, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBetween(String, String) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringEquals​(int start, int end, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substring(String, int, int) equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringEquals​(int start, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substring(String, int) equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringNotEquals​(int start, int end, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substring(String, int, int) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringNotEquals​(int start, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substring(String, int) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringsBetweenContains​(java.lang.String open, java.lang.String close, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringsBetween(String, String, String) contains to expected value.
      default boolean substringsBetweenEquals​(java.lang.String open, java.lang.String close, java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringsBetween(String, String, String) equals to expected value.
      default boolean substringsBetweenNotContains​(java.lang.String open, java.lang.String close, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringsBetween(String, String, String) NOT contains to expected value.
      default boolean substringsBetweenNotEquals​(java.lang.String open, java.lang.String close, java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expected)
      Verify if result of StringUtils.substringsBetween(String, String, String) NOT equals to expected value.
      default boolean trimmedValueEquals​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.trim(String) value equals the expected value.
      default boolean trimmedValueNotEquals​(java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.trim(String) value NOT equals the expected value.
      default boolean truncatedValueEquals​(int offset, int maxWidth, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.truncate(String, int, int) value equals the expected value.
      default boolean truncatedValueEquals​(int maxWidth, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.truncate(String, int) value equals the expected value.
      default boolean truncatedValueNotEquals​(int offset, int maxWidth, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.truncate(String, int, int) value NOT equals the expected value.
      default boolean truncatedValueNotEquals​(int maxWidth, java.lang.String expected)
      Verify if StringUtils.truncate(String, int) value NOT equals the expected value.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.catools.common.extensions.states.interfaces.CBaseState

    • Method Detail

      • centerPadEquals

        default boolean centerPadEquals​(int size,
                                        java.lang.String padStr,
                                        java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of, int, String) is equals to expected value.

        size - the int size of new String, negative treated as zero
        padStr - the String to pad the new String with, must not be null or empty
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • centerPadNotEquals

        default boolean centerPadNotEquals​(int size,
                                           java.lang.String padStr,
                                           java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of, int, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        size - the int size of new String, negative treated as zero
        padStr - the String to pad the new String with, must not be null or empty
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • compare

        default boolean compare​(java.lang.String stringToCompare,
                                int expected)

        Verify if result of, String) equals to the expected value.

        stringToCompare - the string value to compare against
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • compareIgnoreCase

        default boolean compareIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String stringToCompare,
                                          int expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase(String, String) equals to the expected value.

        stringToCompare - the string value to compare against
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • contains

        default boolean contains​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.contains(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • containsIgnoreCase

        default boolean containsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true, ignoring case.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • endsWith

        default boolean endsWith​(java.lang.String suffix)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWith(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true

        suffix - the suffix to find, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • endsWithAny

        default boolean endsWithAny​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> searchInputs)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWithAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is true.

        searchInputs - the case-sensitive CharSequences to find, may be empty or contain null
        execution boolean result
      • endsWithIgnoreCase

        default boolean endsWithIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String suffix)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true.

        suffix - the suffix to find, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • endsWithNone

        default boolean endsWithNone​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> searchInputs)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWithAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is false.

        searchInputs - the case-sensitive CharSequences to find, may be empty or contain null
        execution boolean result
      • isEqual

        default boolean isEqual​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.equals(CharSequence, CharSequence) value equals the expected value.

        Specified by:
        isEqual in interface CObjectState<java.lang.String>
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • equalsAny

        default boolean equalsAny​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expectedList)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.equalsAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is true

        Specified by:
        equalsAny in interface CObjectState<java.lang.String>
        expectedList - a list of strings, may be null.
        execution boolean result
      • equalsAnyIgnoreCase

        default boolean equalsAnyIgnoreCase​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expectedList)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.equalsAnyIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is true, ignoring case.

        expectedList - a list of strings, may be null.
        execution boolean result
      • equalsIgnoreCase

        default boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) value equals the expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • equalsIgnoreWhiteSpaces

        default boolean equalsIgnoreWhiteSpaces​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if value is equal to expected after removing all WhiteSpaces from both.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • equalsNone

        default boolean equalsNone​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expectedList)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.equalsAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is false

        Specified by:
        equalsNone in interface CObjectState<java.lang.String>
        expectedList - a list of strings, may be null.
        execution boolean result
      • equalsNoneIgnoreCase

        default boolean equalsNoneIgnoreCase​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expectedList)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.equalsAnyIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is false, ignoring case.

        expectedList - a list of strings, may be null.
        execution boolean result
      • isAlpha

        default boolean isAlpha()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isAlphaSpace

        default boolean isAlphaSpace()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphaSpace(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isAlphanumeric

        default boolean isAlphanumeric()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isAlphanumericSpace

        default boolean isAlphanumericSpace()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isAsciiPrintable

        default boolean isAsciiPrintable()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isBlank

        default boolean isBlank()

        Verify if String value is blank (Null or Empty)

        execution boolean result
      • isBlankOrAlpha

        default boolean isBlankOrAlpha()

        Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isBlankOrAlphanumeric

        default boolean isBlankOrAlphanumeric()

        Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isBlankOrAlphanumeric

        default boolean isBlankOrAlphanumeric​(int minLength,
                                              int maxLength)

        Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is true and string length is between minLength and maxLength.

        minLength - minimum expected side of string if it is not Blank
        maxLength - maximum expected side of string if it is not Blank
        execution boolean result
      • isBlankOrNotAlpha

        default boolean isBlankOrNotAlpha()

        Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isBlankOrNotAlphanumeric

        default boolean isBlankOrNotAlphanumeric()

        Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isBlankOrNotNumeric

        default boolean isBlankOrNotNumeric()

        Verify if string is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isBlankOrNumeric

        default boolean isBlankOrNumeric()

        Verify if string is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isBlankOrNumeric

        default boolean isBlankOrNumeric​(int minLength,
                                         int maxLength)

        Verify if string value is Blank or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true and string length is between minLength and maxLength.

        minLength - minimum expected side of string if it is not Blank
        maxLength - maximum expected side of string if it is not Blank
        execution boolean result
      • isEmpty

        default boolean isEmpty()

        Verify if String value is empty

        execution boolean result
      • isEmptyOrAlpha

        default boolean isEmptyOrAlpha()

        Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isEmptyOrAlphanumeric

        default boolean isEmptyOrAlphanumeric()

        Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isEmptyOrAlphanumeric

        default boolean isEmptyOrAlphanumeric​(int minLength,
                                              int maxLength)

        Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is true and string length is between minLength and maxLength.

        minLength - minimum expected side of string if it is not empty
        maxLength - maximum expected side of string if it is not empty
        execution boolean result
      • isEmptyOrNotAlpha

        default boolean isEmptyOrNotAlpha()

        Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isEmptyOrNotAlphanumeric

        default boolean isEmptyOrNotAlphanumeric()

        Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isEmptyOrNotNumeric

        default boolean isEmptyOrNotNumeric()

        Verify if string is empty or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isEmptyOrNumeric

        default boolean isEmptyOrNumeric()

        Verify if string is empty or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isEmptyOrNumeric

        default boolean isEmptyOrNumeric​(int minLength,
                                         int maxLength)

        Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true and string length is between minLength and maxLength.

        minLength - minimum expected side of string if it is not empty
        maxLength - maximum expected side of string if it is not empty
        execution boolean result
      • isNotAlpha

        default boolean isNotAlpha()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlpha(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isNotAlphaSpace

        default boolean isNotAlphaSpace()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphaSpace(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isNotAlphanumeric

        default boolean isNotAlphanumeric()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isNotAlphanumericSpace

        default boolean isNotAlphanumericSpace()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isNotAsciiPrintable

        default boolean isNotAsciiPrintable()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isNotBlank

        default boolean isNotBlank()

        Verify if String value is not blank (Null or Empty)

        execution boolean result
      • isNotEmpty

        default boolean isNotEmpty()

        Verify String value is not empty

        execution boolean result
      • isNotNumeric

        default boolean isNotNumeric()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isNotNumericSpace

        default boolean isNotNumericSpace()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isNumericSpace(CharSequence) is false.

        execution boolean result
      • isNumeric

        default boolean isNumeric()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • isNumeric

        default boolean isNumeric​(int minLength,
                                  int maxLength)

        Verify if string value is empty or the result of StringUtils.isNumeric(CharSequence) is true and string length is between minLength and maxLength.

        minLength - minimum expected side of string if it is not empty
        maxLength - maximum expected side of string if it is not empty
        execution boolean result
      • isNumericSpace

        default boolean isNumericSpace()

        Verify if result of StringUtils.isNumericSpace(CharSequence) is true.

        execution boolean result
      • leftPadEquals

        default boolean leftPadEquals​(int size,
                                      java.lang.String padStr,
                                      java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.leftPad(String, int, String) is equals to expected value.

        size - the size to pad to
        padStr - the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • leftPadNotEquals

        default boolean leftPadNotEquals​(int size,
                                         java.lang.String padStr,
                                         java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.leftPad(String, int, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        size - the size to pad to
        padStr - the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • leftValueEquals

        default boolean leftValueEquals​(int len,
                                        java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.left(String, int) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        len - the length of the required String
        execution boolean result
      • leftValueNotEquals

        default boolean leftValueNotEquals​(int len,
                                           java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.left(String, int) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        len - the length of the required String
        execution boolean result
      • lengthEquals

        default boolean lengthEquals​(int expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.length(CharSequence) is equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • lengthNotEquals

        default boolean lengthNotEquals​(int expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.length(CharSequence) is NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • match

        default boolean match​(java.util.regex.Pattern pattern)

        Verify if String value match provided pattern

        pattern - regular experession pattern
        execution boolean result
      • match

        default boolean match​(java.lang.String pattern)

        Verify if String value match provided pattern

        pattern - regular experession pattern
        execution boolean result
      • midValueEquals

        default boolean midValueEquals​(int pos,
                                       int len,
                                       java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.mid(String, int, int) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        pos - the position to start from, negative treated as zero
        len - the length of the required String
        execution boolean result
      • midValueNotEquals

        default boolean midValueNotEquals​(int pos,
                                          int len,
                                          java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.mid(String, int, int) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        pos - the position to start from, negative treated as zero
        len - the length of the required String
        execution boolean result
      • notContains

        default boolean notContains​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.contains(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • notContainsIgnoreCase

        default boolean notContainsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • notEndsWith

        default boolean notEndsWith​(java.lang.String suffix)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWith(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false

        suffix - the suffix to find, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • notEndsWithIgnoreCase

        default boolean notEndsWithIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String suffix)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false.

        suffix - the suffix to find, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • isNotEqual

        default boolean isNotEqual​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.equals(CharSequence, CharSequence) value NOT equals the expected value.

        Specified by:
        isNotEqual in interface CObjectState<java.lang.String>
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • notEqualsIgnoreCase

        default boolean notEqualsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) value NOT equals the expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • notEqualsIgnoreWhiteSpaces

        default boolean notEqualsIgnoreWhiteSpaces​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if value is not equal to expected after removing all WhiteSpaces from both.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • notMatch

        default boolean notMatch​(java.util.regex.Pattern pattern)

        Verify if String value does not match provided pattern

        pattern - regular experession pattern
        execution boolean result
      • notMatch

        default boolean notMatch​(java.lang.String pattern)

        Verify if String value does not match provided pattern

        pattern - regular experession pattern
        execution boolean result
      • notStartsWith

        default boolean notStartsWith​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWith(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • notStartsWithIgnoreCase

        default boolean notStartsWithIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is false.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • numberOfMatchesEquals

        default boolean numberOfMatchesEquals​(java.lang.String subString,
                                              int expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.countMatches(CharSequence, CharSequence) is equals to expected value.

        subString - the substring to count, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • numberOfMatchesNotEquals

        default boolean numberOfMatchesNotEquals​(java.lang.String subString,
                                                 int expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.countMatches(CharSequence, CharSequence) is NOT equals to expected value.

        subString - the substring to count, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeEndEquals

        default boolean removeEndEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                        java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.removeEnd(String, String) is equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeEndIgnoreCaseEquals

        default boolean removeEndIgnoreCaseEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                                  java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(String, String) is equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeEndIgnoreCaseNotEquals

        default boolean removeEndIgnoreCaseNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                                     java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeEndNotEquals

        default boolean removeEndNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                           java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.removeEnd(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeEquals

        default boolean removeEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                     java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.remove(String, String) is equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeIgnoreCaseEquals

        default boolean removeIgnoreCaseEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                               java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.removeIgnoreCase(String, String) is equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeIgnoreCaseNotEquals

        default boolean removeIgnoreCaseNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                                  java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.removeIgnoreCase(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeNotEquals

        default boolean removeNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                        java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.remove(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeStartEquals

        default boolean removeStartEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                          java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.removeStart(String, String) is equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeStartIgnoreCaseEquals

        default boolean removeStartIgnoreCaseEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                                    java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(String, String) is equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeStartIgnoreCaseNotEquals

        default boolean removeStartIgnoreCaseNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                                       java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • removeStartNotEquals

        default boolean removeStartNotEquals​(java.lang.String remove,
                                             java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.removeStart(String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        remove - the String to search for and remove, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • replaceEquals

        default boolean replaceEquals​(java.lang.String searchString,
                                      java.lang.String replacement,
                                      java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.replace(String, String, String) is equals to expected value.

        searchString - the String to search for (case insensitive), may be null
        replacement - the String to replace it with, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • replaceIgnoreCaseEquals

        default boolean replaceIgnoreCaseEquals​(java.lang.String searchString,
                                                java.lang.String replacement,
                                                java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceIgnoreCase(String, String, String) is equals to expected value.

        searchString - the String to search for (case insensitive), may be null
        replacement - the String to replace it with, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • replaceIgnoreCaseNotEquals

        default boolean replaceIgnoreCaseNotEquals​(java.lang.String searchString,
                                                   java.lang.String replacement,
                                                   java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceIgnoreCase(String, String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        searchString - the String to search for (case insensitive), may be null
        replacement - the String to replace it with, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • replaceNotEquals

        default boolean replaceNotEquals​(java.lang.String searchString,
                                         java.lang.String replacement,
                                         java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.replace(String, String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        searchString - the String to search for (case insensitive), may be null
        replacement - the String to replace it with, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • replaceOnceEquals

        default boolean replaceOnceEquals​(java.lang.String searchString,
                                          java.lang.String replacement,
                                          java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceOnce(String, String, String) is equals to expected value.

        searchString - the String to search for, may be null
        replacement - the String to replace with, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • replaceOnceIgnoreCaseEquals

        default boolean replaceOnceIgnoreCaseEquals​(java.lang.String searchString,
                                                    java.lang.String replacement,
                                                    java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceOnceIgnoreCase(String, String, String) is equals to expected value.

        searchString - the String to search for (case insensitive), may be null
        replacement - the String to replace with, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • replaceOnceIgnoreCaseNotEquals

        default boolean replaceOnceIgnoreCaseNotEquals​(java.lang.String searchString,
                                                       java.lang.String replacement,
                                                       java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceOnceIgnoreCase(String, String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        searchString - the String to search for (case insensitive), may be null
        replacement - the String to replace with, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • replaceOnceNotEquals

        default boolean replaceOnceNotEquals​(java.lang.String searchString,
                                             java.lang.String replacement,
                                             java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.replaceOnce(String, String, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        searchString - the String to search for, may be null
        replacement - the String to replace with, may be null
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • reverseEquals

        default boolean reverseEquals​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.reverse(String) is equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • reverseNotEquals

        default boolean reverseNotEquals​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.reverse(String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • rightPadEquals

        default boolean rightPadEquals​(int size,
                                       java.lang.String padStr,
                                       java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.rightPad(String, int, String) is equals to expected value.

        size - the size to pad to
        padStr - the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • rightPadNotEquals

        default boolean rightPadNotEquals​(int size,
                                          java.lang.String padStr,
                                          java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.rightPad(String, int, String) is NOT equals to expected value.

        size - the size to pad to
        padStr - the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • rightValueEquals

        default boolean rightValueEquals​(int len,
                                         java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.right(String, int) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        len - the length of the required String
        execution boolean result
      • rightValueNotEquals

        default boolean rightValueNotEquals​(int len,
                                            java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.right(String, int) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        len - the length of the required String
        execution boolean result
      • startsWith

        default boolean startsWith​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWith(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • startsWithAny

        default boolean startsWithAny​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> searchInputs)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWithAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is true

        searchInputs - the case-sensitive CharSequence prefixes, may be empty or contain null
        execution boolean result
      • startsWithIgnoreCase

        default boolean startsWithIgnoreCase​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) is true.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • startsWithNone

        default boolean startsWithNone​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> searchInputs)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.startsWithAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) is false

        searchInputs - the case-sensitive CharSequence prefixes, may be empty or contain null
        execution boolean result
      • stripedEndValue

        default boolean stripedEndValue​(java.lang.String stripChars,
                                        java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.stripEnd(String, String) value equals the expected value.

        stripChars - the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • stripedEndValueNot

        default boolean stripedEndValueNot​(java.lang.String stripChars,
                                           java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.stripEnd(String, String) value NOT equals the expected value.

        stripChars - the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • stripedStartValue

        default boolean stripedStartValue​(java.lang.String stripChars,
                                          java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.stripStart(String, String) value equals the expected value.

        stripChars - the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • stripedStartValueNot

        default boolean stripedStartValueNot​(java.lang.String stripChars,
                                             java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.stripStart(String, String) value NOT equals the expected value.

        stripChars - the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • stripedValue

        default boolean stripedValue​(java.lang.String stripChars,
                                     java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.strip(String) value equals the expected value.

        stripChars - the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • stripedValueNot

        default boolean stripedValueNot​(java.lang.String stripChars,
                                        java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.strip(String) value NOT equals the expected value.

        stripChars - the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • substringAfterEquals

        default boolean substringAfterEquals​(java.lang.String separator,
                                             java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringAfter(String, String) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        separator - the String to search for, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • substringAfterLastEquals

        default boolean substringAfterLastEquals​(java.lang.String separator,
                                                 java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringAfterLast(String, String) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        separator - the String to search for, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • substringAfterLastNotEquals

        default boolean substringAfterLastNotEquals​(java.lang.String separator,
                                                    java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringAfterLast(String, String) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        separator - the String to search for, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • substringAfterNotEquals

        default boolean substringAfterNotEquals​(java.lang.String separator,
                                                java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringAfter(String, String) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        separator - the String to search for, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • substringBeforeEquals

        default boolean substringBeforeEquals​(java.lang.String separator,
                                              java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBefore(String, String) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        separator - the String to search for, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • substringBeforeLastEquals

        default boolean substringBeforeLastEquals​(java.lang.String separator,
                                                  java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(String, String) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        separator - the String to search for, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • substringBeforeLastNotEquals

        default boolean substringBeforeLastNotEquals​(java.lang.String separator,
                                                     java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(String, String) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        separator - the String to search for, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • substringBeforeNotEquals

        default boolean substringBeforeNotEquals​(java.lang.String separator,
                                                 java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBefore(String, String) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        separator - the String to search for, may be null
        execution boolean result
      • substringBetweenEquals

        default boolean substringBetweenEquals​(java.lang.String open,
                                               java.lang.String close,
                                               java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBetween(String, String) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        open - the String identifying the start of the substring, empty returns null
        close - the String identifying the end of the substring, empty returns null
        execution boolean result
      • substringBetweenNotEquals

        default boolean substringBetweenNotEquals​(java.lang.String open,
                                                  java.lang.String close,
                                                  java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringBetween(String, String) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        open - the String identifying the start of the substring, empty returns null
        close - the String identifying the end of the substring, empty returns null
        execution boolean result
      • substringEquals

        default boolean substringEquals​(int start,
                                        java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substring(String, int) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        start - the position to start from, negative means count back from the end of the String
        execution boolean result
      • substringEquals

        default boolean substringEquals​(int start,
                                        int end,
                                        java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substring(String, int, int) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        start - the position to start from, negative means count back from the end of the String
        end - the position to end at (exclusive), negative means count back from the end of the String
        execution boolean result
      • substringNotEquals

        default boolean substringNotEquals​(int start,
                                           java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substring(String, int) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        start - the position to start from, negative means count back from the end of the String
        execution boolean result
      • substringNotEquals

        default boolean substringNotEquals​(int start,
                                           int end,
                                           java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substring(String, int, int) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        start - the position to start from, negative means count back from the end of the String
        end - the position to end at (exclusive), negative means count back from the end of the String
        execution boolean result
      • substringsBetweenContains

        default boolean substringsBetweenContains​(java.lang.String open,
                                                  java.lang.String close,
                                                  java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringsBetween(String, String, String) contains to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        open - the String identifying the start of the substring, empty returns null
        close - the String identifying the end of the substring, empty returns null
        execution boolean result
      • substringsBetweenEquals

        default boolean substringsBetweenEquals​(java.lang.String open,
                                                java.lang.String close,
                                                java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringsBetween(String, String, String) equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        open - the String identifying the start of the substring, empty returns null
        close - the String identifying the end of the substring, empty returns null
        execution boolean result
      • substringsBetweenNotContains

        default boolean substringsBetweenNotContains​(java.lang.String open,
                                                     java.lang.String close,
                                                     java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringsBetween(String, String, String) NOT contains to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        open - the String identifying the start of the substring, empty returns null
        close - the String identifying the end of the substring, empty returns null
        execution boolean result
      • substringsBetweenNotEquals

        default boolean substringsBetweenNotEquals​(java.lang.String open,
                                                   java.lang.String close,
                                                   java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> expected)

        Verify if result of StringUtils.substringsBetween(String, String, String) NOT equals to expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        open - the String identifying the start of the substring, empty returns null
        close - the String identifying the end of the substring, empty returns null
        execution boolean result
      • trimmedValueEquals

        default boolean trimmedValueEquals​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.trim(String) value equals the expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • trimmedValueNotEquals

        default boolean trimmedValueNotEquals​(java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.trim(String) value NOT equals the expected value.

        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • truncatedValueEquals

        default boolean truncatedValueEquals​(int maxWidth,
                                             java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.truncate(String, int) value equals the expected value.

        maxWidth - maximum length of truncated string, must be positive
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • truncatedValueEquals

        default boolean truncatedValueEquals​(int offset,
                                             int maxWidth,
                                             java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.truncate(String, int, int) value equals the expected value.

        offset - left edge of string to start truncate from
        maxWidth - maximum length of truncated string, must be positive
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • truncatedValueNotEquals

        default boolean truncatedValueNotEquals​(int maxWidth,
                                                java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.truncate(String, int) value NOT equals the expected value.

        maxWidth - maximum length of truncated string, must be positive
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result
      • truncatedValueNotEquals

        default boolean truncatedValueNotEquals​(int offset,
                                                int maxWidth,
                                                java.lang.String expected)

        Verify if StringUtils.truncate(String, int, int) value NOT equals the expected value.

        offset - left edge of string to start truncate from
        maxWidth - maximum length of truncated string, must be positive
        expected - the expected result.
        execution boolean result