Interface CDateVerifier

    • Method Detail

      • verifyEqualsByFormat

        default void verifyEqualsByFormat​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                          java.util.Date expected,
                                          java.lang.String format)
        Verify that actual and expected have the exact same string value after they converted using the provided date format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20" and "2019-08-09 11:20" using "yyyy-MM-dd" passes.

        Please note that verification consider as passe if both value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
        format - date format to be use
      • verifyEqualsByFormat

        default void verifyEqualsByFormat​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                          java.util.Date expected,
                                          java.lang.String format,
                                          java.lang.String message,
                                          java.lang.Object... params)
        Verify that actual and expected have the exact same string value after they converted using the provided date format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20" and "2019-08-09 11:20" using "yyyy-MM-dd" passes.

        Please note that verification consider as passe if both value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
        format - date format to be use
        message - information about the propose of this verification
        params - parameters in case if message is a format String.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...)
      • verifyEqualsDatePortion

        default void verifyEqualsDatePortion​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                             java.util.Date expected)
        Verify that actual and expected have same string value after they converted using "yyyy-MM-dd" for format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20" and "2019-08-09 11:20" passes

        Please note that verification consider as passe if both value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
      • verifyEqualsDatePortion

        default void verifyEqualsDatePortion​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                             java.util.Date expected,
                                             java.lang.String message,
                                             java.lang.Object... params)
        Verify that actual and expected have same string value after they converted using "yyyy-MM-dd" for format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20" and "2019-08-09 11:20" passes

        Please note that verification consider as passe if both value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
        message - information about the propose of this verification
        params - parameters in case if message is a format String.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...)
      • verifyEqualsTimePortion

        default void verifyEqualsTimePortion​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                             java.util.Date expected)
        Verify that actual and expected have same string value after they converted using "HH:mm:ss" for format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20" and "2019-08-08 12:20" passes

        Please note that verification consider as passe if both value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
      • verifyEqualsTimePortion

        default void verifyEqualsTimePortion​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                             java.util.Date expected,
                                             java.lang.String message,
                                             java.lang.Object... params)
        Verify that actual and expected have same string value after they converted using "HH:mm:ss" for format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20" and "2019-08-08 12:20" passes

        Please note that verification consider as passe if both value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
        message - information about the propose of this verification
        params - parameters in case if message is a format String.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...)
      • verifyNotEqualsByFormat

        default void verifyNotEqualsByFormat​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                             java.util.Date expected,
                                             java.lang.String format)
        Verify that actual and expected have different string value after they converted using the provided date format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20" and "2019-08-09 11:20" using "yyyy-MM-dd HH" passes (means values are different)

        Please note that verification consider as passe if one of value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
        format - date format to be use
      • verifyNotEqualsByFormat

        default void verifyNotEqualsByFormat​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                             java.util.Date expected,
                                             java.lang.String format,
                                             java.lang.String message,
                                             java.lang.Object... params)
        Verify that actual and expected have different string value after they converted using the provided date format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20" and "2019-08-09 11:20" using "yyyy-MM-dd HH" passes (means values are different)

        Please note that verification consider as passe if one of value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
        format - date format to be use
        message - information about the propose of this verification
        params - parameters in case if message is a format String.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...)
      • verifyNotEqualsDatePortion

        default void verifyNotEqualsDatePortion​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                                java.util.Date expected)
        Verify that actual and expected have different string value after they converted using "yyyy-MM-dd" for format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20" and "2019-08-08 12:20" passes (means values are different)

        Please note that verification consider as passe if one of value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
      • verifyNotEqualsDatePortion

        default void verifyNotEqualsDatePortion​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                                java.util.Date expected,
                                                java.lang.String message,
                                                java.lang.Object... params)
        Verify that actual and expected have different string value after they converted using "yyyy-MM-dd" for format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20" and "2019-08-08 12:20" passes (means values are different)

        Please note that verification consider as passe if one of value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
        message - information about the propose of this verification
        params - parameters in case if message is a format String.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...)
      • verifyNotEqualsTimePortion

        default void verifyNotEqualsTimePortion​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                                java.util.Date expected)
        Verify that actual and expected have different string value after they converted using "HH:mm:ss" for format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20:31" and "2019-08-09 12:20:30" passes (means values are different)

        Please note that verification consider as passe if one of value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
      • verifyNotEqualsTimePortion

        default void verifyNotEqualsTimePortion​(CVerificationQueue verificationQueue,
                                                java.util.Date expected,
                                                java.lang.String message,
                                                java.lang.Object... params)
        Verify that actual and expected have different string value after they converted using "HH:mm:ss" for format. Means that verification of "2019-08-09 12:20:31" and "2019-08-09 12:20:30" passes (means values are different)

        Please note that verification consider as passe if one of value is null

        verificationQueue - CTest, CVerifier or any other verification queue instance
        expected - value to compare
        message - information about the propose of this verification
        params - parameters in case if message is a format String.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...)