

package engine

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ABuilderFactory1[P, R, FullR] extends EngineUniverse[R, FullR] with Engine1Types[P, R, FullR]

  2. trait ABuilderFactory2[P1, P2, R, FullR] extends EngineUniverse[R, FullR] with Engine2Types[P1, P2, R, FullR]

  3. trait ABuilderFactory3[P1, P2, P3, R, FullR] extends EngineUniverse[R, FullR] with Engine3Types[P1, P2, P3, R, FullR]

  4. abstract class AbstractStructuredMap[V, I] extends AnyRef

    This class is designed to support the production of documents with keys like 1.

  5. class BecauseClauseException extends EngineException

  6. class BuilderFactory1[P, R, FullR] extends ABuilderFactory1[P, R, FullR]

  7. class BuilderFactory2[P1, P2, R, FullR] extends ABuilderFactory2[P1, P2, R, FullR]

  8. class BuilderFactory3[P1, P2, P3, R, FullR] extends ABuilderFactory3[P1, P2, P3, R, FullR]

  9. class ByReferenceDocumentPrinterStrategy extends DocumentPrinterStrategy

  10. class CanAddChildEngineAfterUseCaseOrScenarioException extends Exception

  11. class CanOnlyAddDocumentToBuilderException extends Exception

  12. class CannotFindDocumentException extends Exception

  13. class CannotHaveChildEnginesWithoutFolderException extends Exception

  14. class CannotHaveFolderWithoutChildEnginesException extends Exception

  15. trait ChildEngine[R] extends EngineBuiltFromTests[R] with ReportableWithTemplate

    A child engine is an engine that 'belongs' to a full engine.

  16. class ChildReportWalker extends ReportWalker

  17. case class ClassFunction[C, T](clazz: Class[C], fn: (C) ⇒ T) extends Product with Serializable

  18. case class ClassFunctionList[T](list: List[ClassFunction[_, T]] = immutable.this.Nil) extends Product with Serializable

  19. trait Conclusion extends ConclusionOrDecision

    This represents a conclusion in the decision tree

  20. trait ConclusionOrDecision extends Reportable

    The decision tree inside an engine with tests is made of nodes that either a conclusion or a decision.

  21. class ConsoleLogger extends SimpleTddLogger

  22. case class DataAndChildren[V, I](key: Key, data: I, children: List[DataAndChildren[V, I]])(implicit toIterable: (I) ⇒ Iterable[V]) extends Product with Serializable

  23. trait Decision extends ConclusionOrDecision

    This represents a decision in the decision tree

  24. trait DecisionTreeFolder[Acc] extends AnyRef

    This is the visitor when folding a decision tree.

  25. class DefaultDocumentMergeStrategy extends DocumentMergeStrategy

  26. class DefaultIfThenPrinter extends IfThenPrinter

  27. class DelegatingLogger extends TddLogger

  28. case class Document(title: Option[String] = scala.None, description: Option[String] = scala.None, priority: Option[Int] = scala.None, url: Option[String] = scala.None, mergeStrategy: DocumentMergeStrategy = DocumentMergeStrategy.default) extends Requirement with Product with Serializable

    Documents are external documents such as requirements specifications, emails and so on.

  29. case class DocumentHolder(children: List[Document]) extends ReportableHolder with Product with Serializable

  30. trait DocumentMergeStrategy extends AnyRef

  31. class DocumentPrinter extends AnyRef

  32. trait DocumentPrinterStrategy extends AnyRef

  33. class DocumentThenEngineWalker extends ReportWalker

  34. class DuplicateKeyException extends Exception

  35. trait Engine extends RequirementAndHolder with ReportableWithTextOrder

    This is the core object that describes an Engine.

  36. trait Engine1[P, R] extends Engine with (P) ⇒ R

  37. trait Engine1Types[P, R, FullR] extends EngineTypes[R, FullR]

  38. trait Engine2[P1, P2, R] extends Engine with (P1, P2) ⇒ R

  39. trait Engine2Types[P1, P2, R, FullR] extends EngineTypes[R, FullR]

  40. trait Engine3[P1, P2, P3, R] extends Engine with (P1, P2, P3) ⇒ R

  41. trait Engine3Types[P1, P2, P3, R, FullR] extends EngineTypes[R, FullR]

  42. trait EngineBuiltFromTests[R] extends EngineWithResult[R]

    This is the 'normal' engine.

  43. class EngineConclusionWalker extends ReportWalker

  44. trait EngineFull[R, FullR] extends EngineWithResult[FullR]

    An engine with child engines and a folding function for aggregating the results

  45. case class EngineHolder(children: List[Reportable]) extends ReportableHolder with Product with Serializable

  46. trait EngineTypes[R, FullR] extends AnyRef

    R is the type returned by the child engines, or the engine if there are no child enginers.

  47. trait EngineUniverse[R, FullR] extends EngineTypes[R, FullR]

  48. trait EngineWithLogger extends Engine

  49. trait EngineWithResult[R] extends Engine

  50. trait EngineWithScenarioExceptionMap extends Engine

  51. class ExceptionAddingScenario extends EngineException

  52. class FieldSet[T] extends AnyRef

  53. class FileReportCreator extends ReportCreator[FileSystemReportableToUrl]

  54. class FileSystemReportableToUrl extends ReportableToUrl

  55. case class Fold[T, A](initial: A, fn: (A, T) ⇒ A) extends Product with Serializable

  56. trait FragStrategy[S, Result] extends AnyRef

  57. case class Fragment[S, Result, T, A](fragStrategy: FragStrategy[S, Result], raw: S, paths: List[Path] = immutable.this.Nil, convertor: Option[(Result) ⇒ Option[T]], fold: Option[Fold[T, A]] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  58. class FullHtmlPage extends IfThenPrinter

  59. trait HtmlDisplay extends AnyRef

    Classes implementing this are displayed using htmlDisplay, rather than toString when shown on a website, or in HTML pages.

  60. trait HtmlForIfThenPrinter extends IfThenPrinter

  61. class HtmlIfThenPrinter extends HtmlForIfThenPrinter

  62. class HtmlRenderer extends AnyRef

  63. class HtmlWithTestIfThenPrinter extends HtmlForIfThenPrinter

  64. trait IfThenPrinter extends AnyRef

  65. case class IndentAndString(indent: String, string: String) extends Product with Serializable

  66. case class Key(key: String, path: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  67. case class KeyOrder[V, I](depth: Int) extends Ordering[DataAndChildren[V, I]] with Product with Serializable

  68. trait KeyStrategy extends AnyRef

  69. class Lists[A] extends AnyRef

  70. class Log4JLogger extends SimpleTddLogger

  71. trait LoggerDisplay extends AnyRef

  72. trait LoggerDisplayProcessor extends (Any) ⇒ String

  73. case class MapOfList[K, V](map: Map[K, List[V]] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  74. class Maps extends AnyRef

  75. case class MergedDescription(description: Option[String], children: ReportableList) extends ReportableHolder with MergedShortDescription with Product with Serializable

  76. case class MergedReportable(key: String, titles: List[MergedTitle], children: ReportableList) extends ReportableHolder with MergedShortDescription with ReportableWithTemplate with Product with Serializable

    A merged requirement is used to handle the fact that many reportables may implement a '2.

  77. trait MergedShortDescription extends AnyRef

  78. case class MergedTitle(title: Option[String], children: List[MergedDescription]) extends ReportableHolder with MergedShortDescription with Product with Serializable

  79. class NeedScenarioException extends Exception

  80. class NeedUseCaseException extends Exception

  81. class NestedTraceBuilder extends TraceBuilder

  82. class NoLogger extends SimpleTddLogger

  83. class NoReportableToUrl extends ReportableToUrl

  84. trait NodeComparator[R, FullR] extends EngineUniverse[R, FullR]

  85. case class ParamDetail(displayName: String, parser: Function1[String, _], testValue: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    The details about the parameters to an engine, including a parser for the live website and a default string value that allows the live website to be be tested by a selenium test easily

  86. trait ParamDetails extends AnyRef

  87. case class Path(linked: Boolean, element: String) extends Product with Serializable

  88. case class PathMap[S, Result](map: Map[S, MapOfList[List[Path], List[Path]]], roots: Map[S, List[Path]], fullPaths: Map[S, List[Fragment[S, Result, _, _]]]) extends Product with Serializable

    So this is all the ends in a parent / child map.

  89. case class Project(projectTitle: String, engines: ReportableHolder*) extends RequirementAndHolder with Product with Serializable

    A project is basically a list of the engines that are used on a software project

  90. case class ROrException[R](value: Option[R], exception: Option[Throwable]) extends Product with Serializable

  91. case class Reference(ref: String = "", document: Option[Document] = scala.None) extends Comparable[Reference] with Product with Serializable

    A reference is usually a link to a document.

  92. class ReferenceRenderer extends AttributeRenderer

  93. trait RenderAttributeConfigurer extends AnyRef

  94. trait Renderer extends AnyRef

  95. case class RendererContext[R <: Reportable](reportableToUrl: ReportableToUrl, loggerDisplayProcessor: LoggerDisplayProcessor, urlMap: UrlMap, path: List[Reportable], r: R, stringTemplate: StringTemplate, rootUrl: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  96. case class Report(reportTitle: String, reportables: Reportable*) extends RequirementAndHolder with Product with Serializable

    A report is what it says: the object representation of a (usually) html report

  97. class ReportCreator[RtoUrl <: ReportableToUrl] extends AnyRef

  98. trait ReportWalker extends AnyRef

  99. trait Reportable extends AnyRef

    Reportables are things that appear in reports.

  100. trait ReportableHolder extends Reportable with Traversable[Reportable]

    Quite a lot of reportables have 'child' reportables.

  101. case class ReportableRenderer(loggerDisplayProcessor: LoggerDisplayProcessor, restrict: Set[Reportable], configurers: List[RenderAttributeConfigurer] = immutable.this.Nil, templates: Map[String, Renderer] = ..., walker: ReportWalker, rootUrl: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  102. trait ReportableToUrl extends AnyRef

  103. trait ReportableWithTemplate extends AnyRef

    Templates was used to control the text is generated.

  104. trait ReportableWithTextOrder extends Reportable

  105. trait ReportableWrapper extends Reportable

    A reportable with a wrapper is used in the reports when making a projection of an original report.

  106. trait Requirement extends Reportable

    Very little is known about Reportables: no methods are implemented.

  107. case class RequirementAndEngine(reportable: RequirementAndHolder, engine: Option[Engine]) extends RequirementAndHolder with ReportableWrapper with Product with Serializable

  108. trait RequirementAndHolder extends ReportableHolder with Requirement

    As the name suggests this is both a requirement and a reportableholder

  109. case class ScenarioExceptionMap(map: Map[Test, Throwable] = ..., first: Option[Throwable] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  110. class SimpleDocumentPrinterStrategy extends DocumentPrinterStrategy

  111. class SimpleKeyStrategy extends KeyStrategy

  112. class SimpleLoggerDisplayProcessor extends LoggerDisplayProcessor

  113. class SimpleReportableToUrl extends ReportableToUrl

  114. case class SimpleRequirementAndHolder(delegate: Option[Reportable], title: Option[String], description: Option[String], priority: Option[Int], references: Set[Reference], children: ReportableList) extends RequirementAndHolder with ReportableWrapper with ReportableWithTextOrder with Product with Serializable

  115. trait SimpleTddLogger extends TddLogger

  116. class StringCleaner extends AnyRef

  117. case class StringTemplateRenderer(template: String) extends Renderer with Product with Serializable

  118. trait Structure[S, Result] extends HtmlDisplay

  119. class StructuredMap[V] extends AbstractStructuredMap[V, Option[V]]

  120. class StructuredMapOfList[V] extends AbstractStructuredMap[V, List[V]]

  121. trait TddLogger extends LoggerDisplayProcessor

  122. trait Test extends Requirement with ReportableWithTextOrder

    This is a full 'test + optional reason why + optional code to implement the behaviour that will make the test past

  123. class TestLogger extends SimpleTddLogger

  124. class TraceBuilder extends AnyRef

  125. case class TraceItem(engine: Engine, params: List[Any], nested: List[TraceItem], conclusion: Conclusion, result: ROrException[Any], took: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  126. class UndecidedException extends Exception

  127. case class UrlMap(toUrl: Map[Reportable, String], fromUrl: Map[String, List[Reportable]]) extends Product with Serializable

    When reporting, this keeps track of what url a reportable is associated with.

  128. trait UseCase extends RequirementAndHolder with ReportableWithTextOrder

    Usecases are at the moment mostly 'just text'.

  129. class ValueForRender extends AnyRef

  130. class ValueForRenderer extends AttributeRenderer

  131. trait XmlSituation extends Structure[Elem, NodeSeq]

Value Members

  1. object DocumentMergeStrategy

  2. object Engine

  3. object EngineWithLogger

    Engines have loggers which record interesting events.

  4. object EngineWithScenarioExceptionMap

    Engines have loggers which record interesting events.

  5. object Files

  6. object HtmlForIfThenPrinter

  7. object HtmlRenderer

  8. object Key extends Serializable

  9. object Lists

  10. object LoggerDisplayProcessor

  11. object Maps

  12. object ParamDetails

    In order to avoid polluting the Engine trait, if you need access to the paramDetails, this can be imported

  13. object PathMap extends Serializable

  14. object PathUtils

    Paths are often used: see ReportableAndHolder walking and folding operations.

  15. object ROrException extends Serializable

  16. object RenderAttributeConfigurer

  17. object Renderer

  18. object ReportCreator

  19. object ReportWalker

  20. object Reportable

  21. object ReportableWithTemplate

  22. object SimpleRequirementAndHolder extends Serializable

  23. object Strings

  24. object StructuredMap

  25. object StructuredMapOfList

  26. object TddLogger

  27. object ValueForRender

  28. object Xml

  29. package tests
