Interface IIntConstraintFactory

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    IConstraintFactory, IModel
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IIntConstraintFactory
    extends ISelf<Model>
    Interface to make constraints over BoolVar and IntVar A kind of factory relying on interface default implementation to allow (multiple) inheritance
    Jean-Guillaume FAGES, Charles Prud'homme
    • Method Detail

      • arithm

        default Constraint arithm​(IntVar var,
                                  String op,
                                  int cste)
        Creates an arithmetic constraint : var op cste, where op in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="}
        var - a variable
        op - an operator
        cste - a constant
      • member

        default Constraint member​(IntVar var,
                                  int[] table)
        Creates a member constraint. Ensures var takes its values in table
        var - an integer variable
        table - an array of values
      • member

        default Constraint member​(IntVar var,
                                  int lb,
                                  int ub)
        Creates a member constraint. Ensures var takes its values in [LB, UB]
        var - an integer variable
        lb - the lower bound of the interval
        ub - the upper bound of the interval
      • mod

        default Constraint mod​(IntVar X,
                               int mod,
                               int res)
        Creates a modulo constraint. Ensures X % a = b
        X - an integer variable
        mod - the value of the modulo operand
        res - the result of the modulo operation
      • not

        default Constraint not​(Constraint cstr)
        Gets the opposite of a given constraint Works for any constraint, including globals, but the associated performances might be weak
        cstr - a constraint
        the opposite constraint of cstr
      • notMember

        default Constraint notMember​(IntVar var,
                                     int[] table)
        Creates a notMember constraint. Ensures var does not take its values in table
        var - an integer variable
        table - an array of values
      • member

        default Constraint member​(IntVar var,
                                  IntIterableRangeSet set)
        Creates a member constraint. Ensures var takes its values in set
        var - an integer variable
        set - a set of values
      • notMember

        default Constraint notMember​(IntVar var,
                                     int lb,
                                     int ub)
        Creates a notMember constraint. Ensures var does not take its values in [lb, UB]
        var - an integer variable
        lb - the lower bound of the interval
        ub - the upper bound of the interval
      • notMember

        default Constraint notMember​(IntVar var,
                                     IntIterableRangeSet set)
        Creates a notMember constraint. Ensures var does not take its values in set
        var - an integer variable
        set - a set of values
      • absolute

        default Constraint absolute​(IntVar var1,
                                    IntVar var2)
        Creates an absolute value constraint: var1 = |var2|
      • arithm

        default Constraint arithm​(IntVar var1,
                                  String op,
                                  IntVar var2)
        Creates an arithmetic constraint: var1 op var2, where op in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="}
        var1 - first variable
        op - an operator
        var2 - second variable
      • arithm

        default Constraint arithm​(IntVar var1,
                                  String op1,
                                  IntVar var2,
                                  String op2,
                                  int cste)
        Creates an arithmetic constraint : var1 op var2, where op in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="} or {"+", "-", "*", "/"}
        var1 - first variable
        op1 - an operator
        var2 - second variable
        op2 - another operator
        cste - an operator
      • distance

        default Constraint distance​(IntVar var1,
                                    IntVar var2,
                                    String op,
                                    int cste)
        Creates a distance constraint : |var1-var2| op cste
        where op can take its value among {"=", ">", "<", "!="}
      • element

        default Constraint element​(IntVar value,
                                   int[] table,
                                   IntVar index,
                                   int offset)
        Creates an element constraint: value = table[index-offset]
        value - an integer variable taking its value in table
        table - an array of integer values
        index - an integer variable representing the value of value in table
        offset - offset matching and table[0] (Generally 0)
      • element

        default Constraint element​(IntVar value,
                                   int[] table,
                                   IntVar index)
        Creates an element constraint: value = table[index]
        value - an integer variable taking its value in table
        table - an array of integer values
        index - an integer variable representing the value of value in table
      • mod

        default Constraint mod​(IntVar X,
                               int mod,
                               IntVar Y)
        Creates a modulo constraint: X % a = Y
        X - first integer variable
        mod - the value of the modulo operand
        Y - second integer variable (result of the modulo operation)
      • square

        default Constraint square​(IntVar var1,
                                  IntVar var2)
        Creates a square constraint: var1 = var2^2
      • table

        default Constraint table​(IntVar var1,
                                 IntVar var2,
                                 Tuples tuples)
        Create a table constraint over a couple of variables var1 and var2 Uses AC3rm algorithm by default
        var1 - first variable
        var2 - second variable
      • table

        default Constraint table​(IntVar var1,
                                 IntVar var2,
                                 Tuples tuples,
                                 String algo)
        Creates a table constraint over a couple of variables var1 and var2:
        - AC2001: table constraint which applies the AC2001 algorithm,
        - AC3: table constraint which applies the AC3 algorithm,
        - AC3rm: table constraint which applies the AC3 rm algorithm,
        - AC3bit+rm (default): table constraint which applies the AC3 bit+rm algorithm,
        - FC: table constraint which applies forward checking algorithm.
        var1 - first variable
        var2 - second variable
        tuples - the relation between the two variables, among {"AC3", "AC3rm", "AC3bit+rm", "AC2001", "FC"}
      • times

        default Constraint times​(IntVar X,
                                 int Y,
                                 IntVar Z)
        Creates a multiplication constraint: X * Y = Z
        X - first variable
        Y - a constant
        Z - result variable
      • times

        default Constraint times​(IntVar X,
                                 IntVar Y,
                                 int Z)
        Creates a multiplication constraint: X * Y = Z
        X - first variable
        Y - second variable
        Z - a constant (result)
      • arithm

        default Constraint arithm​(IntVar var1,
                                  String op1,
                                  IntVar var2,
                                  String op2,
                                  IntVar var3)
        Creates an arithmetic constraint: var1 op1 var2 op2 var3, where op1 and op2 in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="} or {"+", "-", "*", "/"}
        var1 - first variable
        op1 - an operator
        var2 - second variable
        op2 - another operator
        var3 - third variable
      • distance

        default Constraint distance​(IntVar var1,
                                    IntVar var2,
                                    String op,
                                    IntVar var3)
        Creates a distance constraint: |var1-var2| op var3
        where op can take its value among {"=", ">", "<"}
        var1 - first variable
        var2 - second variable
        op - an operator
        var3 - resulting variable
      • div

        default Constraint div​(IntVar dividend,
                               IntVar divisor,
                               IntVar result)
        Creates an euclidean division constraint. Ensures dividend / divisor = result, rounding towards 0 Also ensures divisor != 0
        dividend - dividend
        divisor - divisor
        result - result
      • max

        default Constraint max​(IntVar max,
                               IntVar var1,
                               IntVar var2)
        Creates a maximum constraint : max = max(var1, var2) (Bound Consistency)
        max - a variable
        var1 - a variable
        var2 - a variable
      • min

        default Constraint min​(IntVar min,
                               IntVar var1,
                               IntVar var2)
        Creates a minimum constraint: min = min(var1, var2) (Bound Consistency)
        min - a variable
        var1 - a variable
        var2 - a variable
      • mod

        default Constraint mod​(IntVar X,
                               IntVar Y,
                               IntVar Z)

        Ensures X % Y = Z.

        Creates a modulo constraint, that uses truncated division: the quotient is defined by truncation q = trunc(a/n) and the remainder would have same sign as the dividend. The quotient is rounded towards zero: equal to the first integer in the direction of zero from the exact rational quotient.

        X - first variable
        Y - second variable
        Z - result
      • times

        default Constraint times​(IntVar X,
                                 IntVar Y,
                                 IntVar Z)
        Creates a multiplication constraint: X * Y = Z
        X - first variable
        Y - second variable
        Z - result variable
      • allDifferent

        default Constraint allDifferent​(IntVar... vars)
        Creates an allDifferent constraint. Ensures that all variables from vars take a different value. Uses BC plus a probabilistic AC propagator to get a compromise between BC and AC
        vars - list of variables
      • allDifferent

        default Constraint allDifferent​(IntVar[] vars,
                                        String CONSISTENCY)
        Creates an allDifferent constraint. Ensures that all variables from vars take a different value. The consistency level should be chosen among "BC", "AC" and "DEFAULT".
        vars - list of variables
        CONSISTENCY - consistency level, among {"BC", "AC_REGIN", "AC", "AC_ZHANG", "DEFAULT"}

        BC: Based on: "A Fast and Simple Algorithm for Bounds Consistency of the AllDifferent Constraint"
        A. Lopez-Ortiz, CG. Quimper, J. Tromp, P.van Beek
        AC_REGIN: Uses Regin algorithm Runs in O(m.n) worst case time for the initial propagation and then in O(n+m) on average.

        AC, AC_ZHANG: Uses Zhang improvement of Regin algorithm

        Uses BC plus a probabilistic AC_ZHANG propagator to get a compromise between BC and AC_ZHANG

      • allDifferentUnderCondition

        default Constraint allDifferentUnderCondition​(IntVar[] vars,
                                                      Condition condition,
                                                      boolean singleCondition)
        Creates an allDifferent constraint subject to the given condition. More precisely: IF singleCondition for all X,Y in vars, condition(X) => X != Y ELSE for all X,Y in vars, condition(X) AND condition(Y) => X != Y
        vars - collection of variables
        condition - condition defining which variables should be constrained
        singleCondition - specifies how to apply filtering
      • allDifferentExcept0

        default Constraint allDifferentExcept0​(IntVar[] vars)
        Creates an allDifferent constraint for variables that are not equal to 0. There can be multiple variables equal to 0.
        vars - collection of variables
      • allEqual

        default Constraint allEqual​(IntVar... vars)
        Creates an allEqual constraint. Ensures that all variables from vars take the same value.
        vars - list of variables
      • notAllEqual

        default Constraint notAllEqual​(IntVar... vars)
        Creates a notAllEqual constraint. Ensures that all variables from vars take more than a single value.
        vars - list of variables
      • among

        default Constraint among​(IntVar nbVar,
                                 IntVar[] vars,
                                 int[] values)
        Creates an among constraint. nbVar is the number of variables of the collection vars that take their value in values.
        gccat among
        Propagator : C. Bessiere, E. Hebrard, B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, T. Walsh, Among, common and disjoint Constraints CP-2005
        nbVar - a variable
        vars - vector of variables
        values - set of values
      • and

        default Constraint and​(BoolVar... bools)
        Creates an and constraint that is satisfied if all boolean variables in bools are true
        bools - an array of boolean variable
        a constraint and ensuring that variables in bools are all set to true
      • and

        default Constraint and​(Constraint... cstrs)
        Creates an and constraint that is satisfied if all constraints in cstrs are satisfied BEWARE: this should not be used to post several constraints at once but in a reification context
        cstrs - an array of constraints
        a constraint and ensuring that all constraints in cstrs are satisfied
      • atLeastNValues

        default Constraint atLeastNValues​(IntVar[] vars,
                                          IntVar nValues,
                                          boolean AC)
        Creates an atLeastNValue constraint. Let N be the number of distinct values assigned to the variables of the vars collection. Enforce condition N >= nValues to hold.

        This embeds a light propagator by default. Additional filtering algorithms can be added.

        vars - collection of variables
        nValues - limit variable
        AC - additional filtering algorithm, domain filtering algorithm derivated from (Soft)AllDifferent
      • atMostNValues

        default Constraint atMostNValues​(IntVar[] vars,
                                         IntVar nValues,
                                         boolean STRONG)
        Creates an atMostNValue constraint. Let N be the number of distinct values assigned to the variables of the vars collection. Enforce condition N <= nValues to hold.

        This embeds a light propagator by default. Additional filtering algorithms can be added.

        vars - collection of variables
        nValues - limit variable
        STRONG - "AMNV" Filters the conjunction of AtMostNValue and disequalities (see Fages and Lapègue Artificial Intelligence 2014) automatically detects disequalities and allDifferent constraints. Presumably useful when nValues must be minimized.
      • binPacking

        default Constraint binPacking​(IntVar[] itemBin,
                                      int[] itemSize,
                                      IntVar[] binLoad,
                                      int offset)
        Creates a BinPacking constraint. Bin Packing formulation: forall b in [0,binLoad.length-1], binLoad[b]=sum(itemSize[i] | i in [0,itemSize.length-1], itemBin[i] = b+offset forall i in [0,itemSize.length-1], itemBin is in [offset,binLoad.length-1+offset],
        itemBin - IntVar representing the bin of each item
        itemSize - int representing the size of each item
        binLoad - IntVar representing the load of each bin (i.e. the sum of the size of the items in it)
        offset - 0 by default but typically 1 if used within MiniZinc (which counts from 1 to n instead of from 0 to n-1)
      • boolsIntChanneling

        default Constraint boolsIntChanneling​(BoolVar[] bVars,
                                              IntVar var,
                                              int offset)
        Creates an channeling constraint between an integer variable and a set of boolean variables. Maps the boolean assignments variables bVars with the standard assignment variable var.
        var = i <-> bVars[i-offset] = 1
        bVars - array of boolean variables
        var - observed variable. Should presumably have an enumerated domain
        offset - 0 by default but typically 1 if used within MiniZinc (which counts from 1 to n instead of from 0 to n-1)
      • bitsIntChanneling

        default Constraint bitsIntChanneling​(BoolVar[] bits,
                                             IntVar var)
        Creates an channeling constraint between an integer variable and a set of bit variables. Ensures that var = 20*BIT_1 + 21*BIT_2 + ... 2n-1*BIT_n.
        BIT_1 is related to the first bit of OCTET (2^0), BIT_2 is related to the first bit of OCTET (2^1), etc.
        The upper bound of var is given by 2n, where n is the size of the array bits.
        bits - the array of bits
        var - the numeric value
        See Also:
        table(IntVar[], Tuples)
      • clausesIntChanneling

        default Constraint clausesIntChanneling​(IntVar var,
                                                BoolVar[] eVars,
                                                BoolVar[] lVars)
        Creates an channeling constraint between an integer variable and a set of clauses. Link each value from the domain of var to two boolean variable: one reifies the equality to the i^th value of the variable domain, the other reifies the less-or-equality to the i^th value of the variable domain. Contract: eVars.lenght == lVars.length == var.getUB() - var.getLB() + 1 Contract: var is not a boolean variable
        var - an Integer variable
        eVars - array of EQ boolean variables
        lVars - array of LQ boolean variables
      • circuit

        default Constraint circuit​(IntVar[] vars)
        Creates a circuit constraint which ensures that

        the elements of vars define a covering circuit

        where vars[i] = offset+j means that j is the successor of i.

        Filtering algorithms:

        subtour elimination : Caseau & Laburthe (ICLP'97)

        allDifferent GAC algorithm: Régin (AAAI'94)

        dominator-based filtering: Fages & Lorca (CP'11)

        Strongly Connected Components based filtering (Cambazar & Bourreau JFPC'06 and Fages and Lorca TechReport'12)

        vars - vector of variables which take their value in [offset,offset+|vars|-1]
        a circuit constraint
      • circuit

        default Constraint circuit​(IntVar[] vars,
                                   int offset)
        Creates a circuit constraint which ensures that

        the elements of vars define a covering circuit

        where vars[i] = offset+j means that j is the successor of i.

        Filtering algorithms:

        subtour elimination : Caseau & Laburthe (ICLP'97)

        allDifferent GAC algorithm: Régin (AAAI'94)

        dominator-based filtering: Fages & Lorca (CP'11)

        Strongly Connected Components based filtering (Cambazar & Bourreau JFPC'06 and Fages and Lorca TechReport'12)

        vars - vector of variables which take their value in [offset,offset+|vars|-1]
        offset - 0 by default but typically 1 if used within MiniZinc (which counts from 1 to n instead of from 0 to n-1)
        a circuit constraint
      • circuit

        default Constraint circuit​(IntVar[] vars,
                                   int offset,
                                   CircuitConf conf)
        Creates a circuit constraint which ensures that

        the elements of vars define a covering circuit

        where vars[i] = offset+j means that j is the successor of i.

        Filtering algorithms:

        subtour elimination : Caseau & Laburthe (ICLP'97)

        allDifferent GAC algorithm: Régin (AAAI'94)

        dominator-based filtering: Fages & Lorca (CP'11)

        Strongly Connected Components based filtering (Cambazard & Bourreau JFPC'06 and Fages and Lorca TechReport'12)

        See Fages PhD Thesis (2014) for more information

        vars - vector of variables which take their value in [offset,offset+|vars|-1]
        offset - 0 by default but typically 1 if used within MiniZinc (which counts from 1 to n instead of from 0 to n-1)
        conf - filtering options
        a circuit constraint
      • costRegular

        default Constraint costRegular​(IntVar[] vars,
                                       IntVar cost,
                                       ICostAutomaton costAutomaton)
        Creates a regular constraint that supports a cost function. Ensures that the assignment of a sequence of variables is recognized by costAutomaton, a deterministic finite automaton, and that the sum of the costs associated to each assignment is bounded by the cost variable. This version allows to specify different costs according to the automaton state at which the assignment occurs (i.e. the transition starts)
        vars - sequence of variables
        cost - cost variable
        costAutomaton - a deterministic finite automaton defining the regular language and the costs Can be built with method CostAutomaton.makeSingleResource(...)
      • count

        default Constraint count​(int value,
                                 IntVar[] vars,
                                 IntVar limit)
        Creates a count constraint. Let N be the number of variables of the vars collection assigned to value value; Enforce condition N = limit to hold.

        value - an int
        vars - a vector of variables
        limit - a variable
      • count

        default Constraint count​(IntVar value,
                                 IntVar[] vars,
                                 IntVar limit)
        Creates a count constraint. Let N be the number of variables of the vars collection assigned to value value; Enforce condition N = limit to hold.

        value - a variable
        vars - a vector of variables
        limit - a variable
      • cumulative

        default Constraint cumulative​(Task[] tasks,
                                      IntVar[] heights,
                                      IntVar capacity)
        Creates a cumulative constraint: Enforces that at each point in time, the cumulated height of the set of tasks that overlap that point does not exceed a given limit. Task duration and height should be >= 0 Discards tasks whose duration or height is equal to zero
        tasks - Task objects containing start, duration and end variables
        heights - integer variables representing the resource consumption of each task
        capacity - integer variable representing the resource capacity
        a cumulative constraint
      • cumulative

        default Constraint cumulative​(Task[] tasks,
                                      IntVar[] heights,
                                      IntVar capacity,
                                      boolean incremental)
        Creates a cumulative constraint: Enforces that at each point in time, the cumulated height of the set of tasks that overlap that point does not exceed a given limit. Task duration and height should be >= 0 Discards tasks whose duration or height is equal to zero
        tasks - Task objects containing start, duration and end variables
        heights - integer variables representing the resource consumption of each task
        capacity - integer variable representing the resource capacity
        incremental - specifies if an incremental propagation should be applied
        a cumulative constraint
      • cumulative

        default Constraint cumulative​(Task[] tasks,
                                      IntVar[] heights,
                                      IntVar capacity,
                                      boolean incremental,
                                      Cumulative.Filter... filters)
        Creates a cumulative constraint: Enforces that at each point in time, the cumulated height of the set of tasks that overlap that point does not exceed a given limit. Task duration and height should be >= 0 Discards tasks whose duration or height is equal to zero
        tasks - Task objects containing start, duration and end variables
        heights - integer variables representing the resource consumption of each task
        capacity - integer variable representing the resource capacity
        incremental - specifies if an incremental propagation should be applied
        filters - specifies which filtering algorithms to apply
        a cumulative constraint
      • cumulative

        default Constraint cumulative​(Task[] tasks,
                                      IntVar[] heights,
                                      IntVar capacity,
                                      boolean incremental,
                                      CumulFilter... filters)
        Creates a cumulative constraint: Enforces that at each point in time, the cumulated height of the set of tasks that overlap that point does not exceed a given limit. Task duration and height should be >= 0 Discards tasks whose duration or height is equal to zero
        tasks - Task objects containing start, duration and end variables
        heights - integer variables representing the resource consumption of each task
        capacity - integer variable representing the resource capacity
        incremental - specifies if an incremental propagation should be applied
        filters - specifies which filtering algorithms to apply
        a cumulative constraint
      • cumulative

        default void cumulative​(IntVar[] starts,
                                int[] durations,
                                int[] heights,
                                int capacity)
        Creates and posts a decomposition of a cumulative constraint: Enforces that at each point in time, the cumulated height of the set of tasks that overlap that point does not exceed a given limit. Task duration and height should be >= 0 Discards tasks whose duration or height is equal to zero
        starts - starting time of each task
        durations - processing time of each task
        heights - resource consumption of each task
        capacity - resource capacity
      • diffN

        default Constraint diffN​(IntVar[] X,
                                 IntVar[] Y,
                                 IntVar[] width,
                                 IntVar[] height,
                                 boolean addCumulativeReasoning)
        Creates a diffN constraint. Constrains each rectanglei, given by their origins Xi,Yi and sizes widthi,heighti, to be non-overlapping.
        X - collection of coordinates in first dimension
        Y - collection of coordinates in second dimension
        width - collection of width (each duration should be > 0)
        height - collection of height (each height should be >= 0)
        addCumulativeReasoning - indicates whether or not redundant cumulative constraints should be put on each dimension (advised)
        a non-overlapping constraint
      • element

        default Constraint element​(IntVar value,
                                   IntVar[] table,
                                   IntVar index,
                                   int offset)
        Creates a element constraint: value = table[index-offset] where table is an array of variables.
        value - value variable
        table - array of variables
        index - index variable in range [offset,offset+|table|-1]
        offset - int offset, generally 0
      • globalCardinality

        default Constraint globalCardinality​(IntVar[] vars,
                                             int[] values,
                                             IntVar[] occurrences,
                                             boolean closed)
        Creates a global cardinality constraint (GCC): Each value values[i] should be taken by exactly occurrences[i] variables of vars.
        This constraint does not ensure any well-defined level of consistency, yet.
        vars - collection of variables
        values - collection of constrained values
        occurrences - collection of cardinality variables
        closed - restricts domains of vars to values if set to true
      • inverseChanneling

        default Constraint inverseChanneling​(IntVar[] vars1,
                                             IntVar[] vars2)
        Creates an inverse channeling between vars1 and vars2: vars1[i] = j <=> vars2[j] = i Performs AC if domains are enumerated. If not, then it works on bounds without guaranteeing BC (enumerated domains are strongly recommended)

        Beware you should have |vars1| = |vars2|

        vars1 - vector of variables which take their value in [0,|vars2|-1]
        vars2 - vector of variables which take their value in [0,|vars1|-1]
      • inverseChanneling

        default Constraint inverseChanneling​(IntVar[] vars1,
                                             IntVar[] vars2,
                                             int offset1,
                                             int offset2)
        Creates an inverse channeling between vars1 and vars2: vars1[i-offset2] = j <=> vars2[j-offset1] = i Performs AC if domains are enumerated. If not, then it works on bounds without guaranteeing BC (enumerated domains are strongly recommended)

        Beware you should have |vars1| = |vars2|

        vars1 - vector of variables which take their value in [offset1,offset1+|vars2|-1]
        vars2 - vector of variables which take their value in [offset2,offset2+|vars1|-1]
        offset1 - lowest value in vars1 (most often 0)
        offset2 - lowest value in vars2 (most often 0)
      • intValuePrecedeChain

        default Constraint intValuePrecedeChain​(IntVar[] X,
                                                int S,
                                                int T)
        Creates an intValuePrecedeChain constraint. Ensure that if there exists j such that X[j] = T, then, there must exist i < j such that X[i] = S.
        X - an array of variables
        S - a value
        T - another value
      • intValuePrecedeChain

        default Constraint intValuePrecedeChain​(IntVar[] X,
                                                int[] V)
        Creates an intValuePrecedeChain constraint. Ensure that, for each pair of V[k] and V[l] of values in V, such that k < l, if there exists j such that X[j] = V[l], then, there must exist i < j such that X[i] = V[k].
        X - array of variables
        V - array of (distinct) values
      • knapsack

        default Constraint knapsack​(IntVar[] occurrences,
                                    IntVar weightSum,
                                    IntVar energySum,
                                    int[] weight,
                                    int[] energy)
        Creates a knapsack constraint. Ensures that :
        - occurrences[i] * weight[i] = weightSum
        - occurrences[i] * energy[i] = energySum
        and maximizing the value of energySum.

        A knapsack constraint wikipedia:
        "Given a set of items, each with a weight and an energy value, determine the count of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible. It derives its name from the problem faced by someone who is constrained by a fixed-size knapsack and must fill it with the most useful items." The limit over weightSum has to be specified either in its domain or with an additional constraint:

   , "<=", limit);
        occurrences - number of occurrences of every item
        weightSum - load of the knapsack
        energySum - profit of the knapsack
        weight - weight of each item (must be >=0)
        energy - energy of each item (must be >=0)
      • keySort

        default Constraint keySort​(IntVar[][] vars,
                                   IntVar[] PERMvars,
                                   IntVar[][] SORTEDvars,
                                   int K)
        Creates a keySort constraint which ensures that the variables of SORTEDvars correspond to the variables of vars according to a permutation stored in PERMvars (optional, can be null). The variables of SORTEDvars are also sorted in increasing order wrt to K-size tuples. The sort is stable, that is, ties are broken using the position of the tuple in vars.

        For example:
        - vars= (<4,2,2>,<2,3,1>,<4,2,1>,<1,3,0>)
        - SORTEDvars= (<1,3,0>,<2,3,1>,<4,2,2>,<4,2,1>)
        - PERMvars= (4,2,1,3)
        - K = 2

        vars - a tuple of array of variables
        PERMvars - array of permutation variables, domains should be [1,vars.length] -- Can be null
        SORTEDvars - a tuple of array of variables sorted in increasing order
        K - key prefix size (0 ≤ k ≤ m, where m is the size of the array of variable)
        a keySort constraint
      • lexChainLess

        default Constraint lexChainLess​(IntVar[]... vars)
        Creates a lexChainLess constraint. For each pair of consecutive vectors varsi and varsi+1 of the vars collection varsi is lexicographically strictly less than than varsi+1
        vars - collection of vectors of variables
      • lexChainLessEq

        default Constraint lexChainLessEq​(IntVar[]... vars)
        Creates a lexChainLessEq constraint. For each pair of consecutive vectors varsi and varsi+1 of the vars collection varsi is lexicographically less or equal than than varsi+1
        vars - collection of vectors of variables
      • lexLess

        default Constraint lexLess​(IntVar[] vars1,
                                   IntVar[] vars2)
        Creates a lexLess constraint. Ensures that vars1 is lexicographically strictly less than vars2.
        vars1 - vector of variables
        vars2 - vector of variables
      • lexLessEq

        default Constraint lexLessEq​(IntVar[] vars1,
                                     IntVar[] vars2)
        Creates a lexLessEq constraint. Ensures that vars1 is lexicographically less or equal than vars2.
        vars1 - vector of variables
        vars2 - vector of variables
      • max

        default Constraint max​(IntVar max,
                               IntVar[] vars)
        Creates a maximum constraint. max is the maximum value of the collection of domain variables vars
        max - a variable
        vars - a vector of variables, of size > 0
      • max

        default Constraint max​(BoolVar max,
                               BoolVar[] vars)
        Creates a maximum constraint. max is the maximum value of the collection of boolean variables vars
        max - a boolean variable
        vars - a vector of boolean variables, of size > 0
      • mddc

        default Constraint mddc​(IntVar[] vars,
                                MultivaluedDecisionDiagram MDD)
        Create a constraint where solutions (tuples) are encoded by a multi-valued decision diagram. The order of the variables in vars is important and must refer to the MDD.
        vars - the array of variables
        MDD - the multi-valued decision diagram encoding solutions
      • min

        default Constraint min​(IntVar min,
                               IntVar[] vars)
        Creates a minimum constraint. min is the minimum value of the collection of domain variables vars
        min - a variable
        vars - a vector of variables, of size > 0
      • min

        default Constraint min​(BoolVar min,
                               BoolVar[] vars)
        Creates a minimum constraint. min is the minimum value of the collection of boolean variables vars
        min - a boolean variable
        vars - a vector of boolean variables, of size > 0
      • multiCostRegular

        default Constraint multiCostRegular​(IntVar[] vars,
                                            IntVar[] costVars,
                                            ICostAutomaton costAutomaton)
        Creates a regular constraint that supports a multiple cost function. Ensures that the assignment of a sequence of vars is recognized by costAutomaton, a deterministic finite automaton, and that the sum of the cost vector associated to each assignment is bounded by the variable vector costVars. This version allows to specify different costs according to the automaton state at which the assignment occurs (i.e. the transition starts)
        vars - sequence of variables
        costVars - cost variables
        costAutomaton - a deterministic finite automaton defining the regular language and the costs Can be built from method CostAutomaton.makeMultiResources(...)
      • multiCostRegular

        default Constraint multiCostRegular​(IntVar[] vars,
                                            IntVar[] costVars,
                                            ICostAutomaton costAutomaton,
                                            double precision)
        Creates a regular constraint that supports a multiple cost function. Ensures that the assignment of a sequence of vars is recognized by costAutomaton, a deterministic finite automaton, and that the sum of the cost vector associated to each assignment is bounded by the variable vector costVars. This version allows to specify different costs according to the automaton state at which the assignment occurs (i.e. the transition starts)
        vars - sequence of variables
        costVars - cost variables
        costAutomaton - a deterministic finite automaton defining the regular language and the costs Can be built from method CostAutomaton.makeMultiResources(...)
        precision - the smallest used double for MCR algorithm
      • nValues

        default Constraint nValues​(IntVar[] vars,
                                   IntVar nValues)
        Creates an nValue constraint. Let N be the number of distinct values assigned to the variables of the vars collection. Enforce condition N = nValues to hold.

        This embeds a light propagator by default. Additional filtering algorithms can be added.

        see atleast_nvalue and atmost_nvalue

        vars - collection of variables
        nValues - limit variable
        the conjunction of atleast_nvalue and atmost_nvalue
      • or

        default Constraint or​(BoolVar... bools)
        Creates an or constraint that is satisfied if at least one boolean variables in bools is true
        bools - an array of boolean variable
        a constraint that is satisfied if at least one boolean variables in bools is true
      • or

        default Constraint or​(Constraint... cstrs)
        Creates an or constraint that is satisfied if at least one constraint in cstrs are satisfied
        cstrs - an array of constraints
        a constraint and ensuring that at least one constraint in cstrs are satisfied
      • path

        default Constraint path​(IntVar[] vars,
                                IntVar start,
                                IntVar end)
        Creates a path constraint which ensures that

        the elements of vars define a covering path from start to end

        where vars[i] = j means that j is the successor of i.

        Moreover, vars[end] = |vars|

        Requires : |vars|>0

        Filtering algorithms: see circuit constraint

        vars - vector of variables which take their value in [0,|vars|]
        start - variable indicating the index of the first variable in the path
        end - variable indicating the index of the last variable in the path
        a path constraint
      • path

        default Constraint path​(IntVar[] vars,
                                IntVar start,
                                IntVar end,
                                int offset)
        Creates a path constraint which ensures that

        the elements of vars define a covering path from start to end

        where vars[i] = offset+j means that j is the successor of i.

        Moreover, vars[end-offset] = |vars|+offset

        Requires : |vars|>0

        Filtering algorithms: see circuit constraint

        vars - vector of variables which take their value in [offset,offset+|vars|]
        start - variable indicating the index of the first variable in the path
        end - variable indicating the index of the last variable in the path
        offset - 0 by default but typically 1 if used within MiniZinc (which counts from 1 to n instead of from 0 to n-1)
        a path constraint
      • regular

        default Constraint regular​(IntVar[] vars,
                                   IAutomaton automaton)
        Creates a regular constraint. Enforces the sequence of vars to be a word recognized by the deterministic finite automaton. For example regexp = "(1|2)(3*)(4|5)"; The same dfa can be used for different propagators.
        vars - sequence of variables
        automaton - a deterministic finite automaton defining the regular language
      • scalar

        default Constraint scalar​(IntVar[] vars,
                                  int[] coeffs,
                                  String operator,
                                  int scalar)
        Creates a scalar constraint which ensures that Sum(vars[i]*coeffs[i]) operator scalar
        vars - a collection of IntVar
        coeffs - a collection of int, for which |vars|=|coeffs|
        operator - an operator in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="}
        scalar - an integer
        a scalar constraint
      • scalar

        default Constraint scalar​(IntVar[] vars,
                                  int[] coeffs,
                                  String operator,
                                  int scalar,
                                  int minCardForDecomp)
        Creates a scalar constraint which ensures that Sum(vars[i]*coeffs[i]) operator scalar
        vars - a collection of IntVar
        coeffs - a collection of int, for which |vars|=|coeffs|
        operator - an operator in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="}
        scalar - an integer
        minCardForDecomp - minimum number of cardinality threshold to a sum constraint to be decomposed
        a scalar constraint
      • scalar

        default Constraint scalar​(IntVar[] vars,
                                  int[] coeffs,
                                  String operator,
                                  IntVar scalar)
        Creates a scalar constraint which ensures that Sum(vars[i]*coeffs[i]) operator scalar
        vars - a collection of IntVar
        coeffs - a collection of int, for which |vars|=|coeffs|
        operator - an operator in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="}
        scalar - an IntVar
        a scalar constraint
      • scalar

        default Constraint scalar​(IntVar[] vars,
                                  int[] coeffs,
                                  String operator,
                                  IntVar scalar,
                                  int minCardForDecomp)
        Creates a scalar constraint which ensures that Sum(vars[i]*coeffs[i]) operator scalar
        vars - a collection of IntVar
        coeffs - a collection of int, for which |vars|=|coeffs|
        operator - an operator in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="}
        scalar - an IntVar
        minCardForDecomp - minimum number of cardinality threshold to a sum constraint to be decomposed
        a scalar constraint
      • sort

        default Constraint sort​(IntVar[] vars,
                                IntVar[] sortedVars)
        Creates a sort constraint which ensures that the variables of sortedVars correspond to the variables of vars according to a permutation. The variables of sortedVars are also sorted in increasing order.

        For example:
        - X= (4,2,1,3)
        - Y= (1,2,3,4)

        vars - an array of variables
        sortedVars - an array of variables sorted in increasing order
        a sort constraint
      • subCircuit

        default Constraint subCircuit​(IntVar[] vars,
                                      int offset,
                                      IntVar subCircuitLength)
        Creates a subCircuit constraint which ensures that

        the elements of vars define a single circuit of subcircuitSize nodes where

        vars[i] = offset+j means that j is the successor of i.

        and vars[i] = offset+i means that i is not part of the circuit

        the constraint ensures that |{vars[i] =/= offset+i}| = subCircuitLength

        Filtering algorithms:

        subtour elimination : Caseau & Laburthe (ICLP'97)

        allDifferent GAC algorithm: Régin (AAAI'94)

        dominator-based filtering: Fages & Lorca (CP'11) (adaptive scheme by default, see implementation)

        vars - a vector of variables
        offset - 0 by default but 1 if used within MiniZinc (which counts from 1 to n instead of from 0 to n-1)
        subCircuitLength - expected number of nodes in the circuit
        a subCircuit constraint
      • subPath

        default Constraint subPath​(IntVar[] vars,
                                   IntVar start,
                                   IntVar end,
                                   int offset,
                                   IntVar SIZE)
        Creates a subPath constraint which ensures that

        the elements of vars define a path of SIZE vertices, leading from start to end

        where vars[i] = offset+j means that j is the successor of i.

        where vars[i] = offset+i means that vertex i is excluded from the path.

        Moreover, vars[end-offset] = |vars|+offset

        Requires : |vars|>0

        Filtering algorithms: see subCircuit constraint

        vars - vector of variables which take their value in [offset,offset+|vars|]
        start - variable indicating the index of the first variable in the path
        end - variable indicating the index of the last variable in the path
        offset - 0 by default but typically 1 if used within MiniZinc (which counts from 1 to n instead of from 0 to n-1)
        SIZE - variable indicating the number of variables to belong to the path
        a subPath constraint
      • sum

        default Constraint sum​(IntVar[] vars,
                               String operator,
                               int sum)
        Creates a sum constraint. Enforces that ∑i in |vars|varsi operator sum.
        vars - a collection of IntVar
        operator - operator in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="}
        sum - an integer
        a sum constraint
      • sum

        default Constraint sum​(IntVar[] vars,
                               String operator,
                               int sum,
                               int minCardForDecomp)
        Creates a sum constraint. Enforces that ∑i in |vars|varsi operator sum.
        vars - a collection of IntVar
        operator - operator in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="}
        sum - an integer
        minCardForDecomp - minimum number of cardinality threshold to a sum constraint to be decomposed
        a sum constraint
      • sum

        default Constraint sum​(IntVar[] vars,
                               String operator,
                               IntVar sum)
        Creates a sum constraint. Enforces that ∑i in |vars|varsi operator sum.
        vars - a collection of IntVar
        operator - operator in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="}
        sum - an IntVar
        a sum constraint
      • sum

        default Constraint sum​(IntVar[] vars,
                               String operator,
                               IntVar sum,
                               int minCardForDecomp)
        Creates a sum constraint. Enforces that ∑i in |vars|varsi operator sum.
        vars - a collection of IntVar
        operator - operator in {"=", "!=", ">","<",">=","<="}
        sum - an IntVar
        minCardForDecomp - minimum number of cardinality threshold to a sum constraint to be decomposed
        a sum constraint
      • sum

        default Constraint sum​(BoolVar[] vars,
                               String operator,
                               int sum)
        Creates a sum constraint. Enforces that ∑i in |vars|varsi operator sum. This constraint is much faster than the one over integer variables
        vars - a vector of boolean variables
        sum - an integer
      • sum

        default Constraint sum​(BoolVar[] vars,
                               String operator,
                               IntVar sum)
        Creates a sum constraint. Enforces that ∑i in |vars|varsi operator sum. This constraint is much faster than the one over integer variables
        vars - a vector of boolean variables
        sum - a variable
      • sum

        default Constraint sum​(BoolVar[] vars,
                               String operator,
                               IntVar sum,
                               int minCardForDecomp)
        Creates a sum constraint. Enforces that ∑i in |vars|varsi operator sum. This constraint is much faster than the one over integer variables
        vars - a vector of boolean variables
        sum - a variable
        minCardForDecomp - minimum number of cardinality threshold to a sum constraint to be decomposed
      • table

        default Constraint table​(IntVar[] vars,
                                 Tuples tuples)
        Creates a table constraint specifying that the sequence of variables vars must belong to the list of tuples (or must NOT belong in case of infeasible tuples) Default configuration with GACSTR+ algorithm for feasible tuples and GAC3rm otherwise
        vars - variables forming the tuples
        tuples - the relation between the variables (list of allowed/forbidden tuples)
      • table

        default Constraint table​(IntVar[] vars,
                                 Tuples tuples,
                                 String algo)
        Creates a table constraint, with the specified algorithm defined algo

        - CT+: Compact-Table algorithm (AC),
        - GAC2001: Arc Consistency version 2001 for tuples,
        - GAC2001+: Arc Consistency version 2001 for allowed tuples,
        - GAC3rm: Arc Consistency version AC3 rm for tuples,
        - GAC3rm+ (default): Arc Consistency version 3rm for allowed tuples,
        - GACSTR+: Arc Consistency version STR for allowed tuples,
        - STR2+: Arc Consistency version STR2 for allowed tuples,
        - FC: Forward Checking.
        - MDD+: uses a multi-valued decision diagram for allowed tuples (see mddc constraint),

        vars - variables forming the tuples
        tuples - the relation between the variables (list of allowed/forbidden tuples). Should not be modified once passed to the constraint.
        algo - to choose among {"TC+", "GAC3rm", "GAC2001", "GACSTR", "GAC2001+", "GAC3rm+", "FC", "STR2+"}
      • tree

        default Constraint tree​(IntVar[] succs,
                                IntVar nbTrees)
        Creates a tree constraint. Partition succs variables into nbTrees (anti) arborescences

        succs[i] = j means that j is the successor of i.

        and succs[i] = i means that i is a root

        dominator-based filtering: Fages & Lorca (CP'11)

        However, the filtering over nbTrees is quite light here

        succs - successors variables, taking their domain in [0,|succs|-1]
        nbTrees - number of arborescences (=number of loops)
        a tree constraint
      • tree

        default Constraint tree​(IntVar[] succs,
                                IntVar nbTrees,
                                int offset)
        Creates a tree constraint. Partition succs variables into nbTrees (anti) arborescences

        succs[i] = offset+j means that j is the successor of i.

        and succs[i] = offset+i means that i is a root

        dominator-based filtering: Fages & Lorca (CP'11)

        However, the filtering over nbTrees is quite light here

        succs - successors variables, taking their domain in [offset,|succs|-1+offset]
        nbTrees - number of arborescences (=number of loops)
        offset - 0 by default but 1 if used within MiniZinc (which counts from 1 to n instead of from 0 to n-1)
        a tree constraint
      • getDomainUnion

        default int[] getDomainUnion​(IntVar... vars)
        Get the list of values in the domains of vars
        vars - an array of integer variables
        the list of values in the domains of vars