Interface IVariableFactory

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    public interface IVariableFactory
    extends ISelf<Model>
    Interface to make variables (BoolVar, IntVar, RealVar and SetVar) A kind of factory relying on interface default implementation to allow (multiple) inheritance
    Jean-Guillaume FAGES, Charles Prud'homme
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String CSTE_NAME
      Default prefix for constants
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default BoolVar boolVar()
      Create a boolean variable, i.e. a particular integer variable of domain {0, 1}
      default BoolVar boolVar​(boolean value)
      Create a constant boolean variable equal to 1 if value is true and 0 otherwise
      default BoolVar boolVar​(String name)
      Create a boolean variable
      default BoolVar boolVar​(String name, boolean value)
      Create a constant boolean variable equal to 1 if value is true and 0 otherwise
      default BoolVar[] boolVarArray​(int size)
      Create an array of size boolean variables
      default BoolVar[] boolVarArray​(String name, int size)
      Create an array of size boolean variables
      default BoolVar[][] boolVarMatrix​(int dim1, int dim2)
      Create a dim1*dim2-sized matrix of boolean variables
      default BoolVar[][] boolVarMatrix​(String name, int dim1, int dim2)
      Create a dim1*dim2-sized matrix of boolean variables
      default void checkIntDomainRange​(String NAME, int MIN, int MAX)
      Checks domain range.
      default void checkRealDomainRange​(String NAME, double MIN, double MAX)
      Checks domain range.
      default String generateName()
      Return a generated short string, prefixed with Settings.defaultPrefix() and followed with a single-use number.
      default String generateName​(String prefix)
      Return a generated short string prefixed with prefix and followed with a single-use number.
      default IntVar intVar​(int value)
      Create a constant integer variable equal to value
      default IntVar intVar​(int[] values)
      Create an integer variable of initial domain values.
      default IntVar intVar​(int lb, int ub)
      Create an integer variable of initial domain [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
      default IntVar intVar​(int lb, int ub, boolean boundedDomain)
      Create an integer variable of initial domain [lb, ub]
      default IntVar intVar​(String name, int value)
      Create a constant integer variable equal to value
      default IntVar intVar​(String name, int[] values)
      Create an integer variable of initial domain values Uses an enumerated domain that supports holes
      default IntVar intVar​(String name, int lb, int ub)
      Create an integer variable of initial domain [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
      default IntVar intVar​(String name, int lb, int ub, boolean boundedDomain)
      Create an integer variable of initial domain [lb, ub]
      default IntVar[] intVarArray​(int size, int[] values)
      Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in values
      default IntVar[] intVarArray​(int size, int lb, int ub)
      Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
      default IntVar[] intVarArray​(int size, int lb, int ub, boolean boundedDomain)
      Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
      default IntVar[] intVarArray​(String name, int size, int[] values)
      Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in values
      default IntVar[] intVarArray​(String name, int size, int lb, int ub)
      Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
      default IntVar[] intVarArray​(String name, int size, int lb, int ub, boolean boundedDomain)
      Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
      default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(int dim1, int dim2, int[] values)
      Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in values
      default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(int dim1, int dim2, int lb, int ub)
      Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
      default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(int dim1, int dim2, int lb, int ub, boolean boundedDomain)
      Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in [lb, ub]
      default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(String name, int dim1, int dim2, int[] values)
      Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in values
      default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(String name, int dim1, int dim2, int lb, int ub)
      Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
      default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(String name, int dim1, int dim2, int lb, int ub, boolean boundedDomain)
      Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in [lb, ub]
      default RealVar realVar​(double value)
      Create a constant real variable equal to value
      default RealVar realVar​(double value, double precision)
      Creates a constant real variable equal to value
      default RealVar realVar​(double lb, double ub, double precision)
      Creates a real variable, taking its domain in [lb, ub]
      default RealVar realVar​(String name, double value)
      Create a constant real variable equal to value
      default RealVar realVar​(String name, double lb, double ub, double precision)
      Creates a real variable, taking its domain in [lb, ub]
      default RealVar[] realVarArray​(int size, double lb, double ub, double precision)
      Creates an array of size real variables, each of domain [lb, ub]
      default RealVar[] realVarArray​(String name, int size, double lb, double ub, double precision)
      Creates an array of size real variables, each of domain [lb, ub]
      default RealVar[][] realVarMatrix​(int dim1, int dim2, double lb, double ub, double precision)
      Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 real variables, each of domain [lb, ub]
      default RealVar[][] realVarMatrix​(String name, int dim1, int dim2, double lb, double ub, double precision)
      Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 real variables, each of domain [lb, ub]
      default SetVar setVar​(int... value)
      Creates a constant set variable, equal to value
      default SetVar setVar​(int[] lb, int[] ub)
      Creates a set variable taking its domain in [lb, ub], For instance [{0,3},{-2,0,2,3}] means the variable must include both 0 and 3 and can additionnaly include -2, and 2
      default SetVar setVar​(String name, int... value)
      Creates a constant set variable, equal to value
      default SetVar setVar​(String name, int[] lb, int[] ub)
      Creates a set variable taking its domain in [lb, ub], For instance [{0,3},{-2,0,2,3}] means the variable must include both 0 and 3 and can additionnaly include -2, and 2
      default SetVar[] setVarArray​(int size, int[] lb, int[] ub)
      Creates an array of size set variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
      default SetVar[] setVarArray​(String name, int size, int[] lb, int[] ub)
      Creates an array of size set variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
      default SetVar[][] setVarMatrix​(int dim1, int dim2, int[] lb, int[] ub)
      Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 set variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
      default SetVar[][] setVarMatrix​(String name, int dim1, int dim2, int[] lb, int[] ub)
      Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 set variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
      default Task taskVar​(IntVar s, int d)
      Creates a task variable, based on a starting time s and a duration d such that: s + d = e, where e is the ending time.
      default Task taskVar​(IntVar s, int d, IntVar e)
      Creates a task variable, based on a starting time s and a duration d such that: s + d = e, where e is the ending time.
      default Task taskVar​(IntVar s, IntVar d)
      Creates a task variable, based on a starting time s and a duration d such that: s + d = e, where e is the ending time.
      default Task taskVar​(IntVar s, IntVar d, IntVar e)
      Creates a task variable, made of a starting time s, a duration d and an ending time e such that: s + d = e.
      default Task[] taskVarArray​(IntVar[] s, IntVar[] p, IntVar[] e)
      Creates an array of s.length task variables, where task i is made of a starting time s_i, a processing time p_i and an ending time e_i such that: s_i + p_i = e_i.
      default Task[][] taskVarMatrix​(IntVar[][] s, IntVar[][] p, IntVar[][] e)
      Creates a matrix of s.length * s_0.length task variables, where task i,j is made of a starting time s_(i,j), a processing time p_(i,j) and an ending time e_(i,j) such that: s_(i,j) + p_(i,j) = e_(i,j).
      default BoolVar[] toBoolVar​(IntVar... ivars)
      Converts ivars into an array of boolean variables
      • Methods inherited from interface org.chocosolver.solver.ISelf

    • Method Detail

      • boolVar

        default BoolVar boolVar​(boolean value)
        Create a constant boolean variable equal to 1 if value is true and 0 otherwise
        value - constant value of the boolean variable (true or false)
        a constant of type BoolVar
      • boolVar

        default BoolVar boolVar​(String name,
                                boolean value)
        Create a constant boolean variable equal to 1 if value is true and 0 otherwise
        name - name of the variable
        value - constant value of the boolean variable (true or false)
        a constant of type BoolVar
      • boolVar

        default BoolVar boolVar()
        Create a boolean variable, i.e. a particular integer variable of domain {0, 1}
        a BoolVar of domain {0, 1}
      • boolVar

        default BoolVar boolVar​(String name)
        Create a boolean variable
        name - name of the variable
        a BoolVar of domain {0, 1}
      • boolVarArray

        default BoolVar[] boolVarArray​(int size)
        Create an array of size boolean variables
        size - number of variable to create
        an array of size BoolVar of domain {0, 1}
      • boolVarArray

        default BoolVar[] boolVarArray​(String name,
                                       int size)
        Create an array of size boolean variables
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The ith variable will be named name[i]
        size - number of variable to create
        an array of size BoolVar of domain {0, 1}
      • boolVarMatrix

        default BoolVar[][] boolVarMatrix​(int dim1,
                                          int dim2)
        Create a dim1*dim2-sized matrix of boolean variables
        dim1 - number of rows in the matrix
        dim2 - number of columns in the matrix
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 BoolVar of domain {0, 1}
      • boolVarMatrix

        default BoolVar[][] boolVarMatrix​(String name,
                                          int dim1,
                                          int dim2)
        Create a dim1*dim2-sized matrix of boolean variables
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The variable in row i and col j will be named name[i][j]
        dim1 - number of rows in the matrix
        dim2 - number of columns in the matrix
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 BoolVar of domain {0, 1}
      • intVar

        default IntVar intVar​(int value)
        Create a constant integer variable equal to value
        value - constant value of the variable
        a constant IntVar of domain {value}
      • intVar

        default IntVar intVar​(int[] values)
        Create an integer variable of initial domain values. Uses an enumerated domain that supports holes
        values - initial domain of the variable
        an IntVar of domain values
      • intVar

        default IntVar intVar​(int lb,
                              int ub)
        Create an integer variable of initial domain [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
        lb - initial domain lower bound
        ub - initial domain upper bound
        an IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVar

        default IntVar intVar​(int lb,
                              int ub,
                              boolean boundedDomain)
        Create an integer variable of initial domain [lb, ub]
        lb - initial domain lower bound
        ub - initial domain upper bound
        boundedDomain - specifies whether to use a bounded domain or an enumerated domain. When 'boundedDomain' only bounds modifications are handled (any value removals in the middle of the domain will be ignored).
        an IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVar

        default IntVar intVar​(String name,
                              int value)
        Create a constant integer variable equal to value
        name - name of the variable
        value - value of the variable
        a constant IntVar of domain {value}
      • intVar

        default IntVar intVar​(String name,
                              int lb,
                              int ub,
                              boolean boundedDomain)
        Create an integer variable of initial domain [lb, ub]
        name - name of the variable
        lb - initial domain lower bound
        ub - initial domain upper bound
        boundedDomain - specifies whether to use a bounded domain or an enumerated domain. When 'boundedDomain' only bounds modifications are handled (any value removals in the middle of the domain will be ignored).
        an IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVar

        default IntVar intVar​(String name,
                              int lb,
                              int ub)
        Create an integer variable of initial domain [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
        name - name of the variable
        lb - initial domain lower bound
        ub - initial domain upper bound
        an IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVar

        default IntVar intVar​(String name,
                              int[] values)
        Create an integer variable of initial domain values Uses an enumerated domain that supports holes
        name - name of the variable
        values - initial domain
        an IntVar of domain values
      • intVarArray

        default IntVar[] intVarArray​(int size,
                                     int[] values)
        Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in values
        size - number of variables
        values - initial domain of each variable
        an array of size IntVar of domain values
      • intVarArray

        default IntVar[] intVarArray​(int size,
                                     int lb,
                                     int ub)
        Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
        size - number of variables
        lb - initial domain lower bound of each variable
        ub - initial domain upper bound of each variable
        an array of size IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVarArray

        default IntVar[] intVarArray​(int size,
                                     int lb,
                                     int ub,
                                     boolean boundedDomain)
        Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
        size - number of variables
        lb - initial domain lower bound of each variable
        ub - initial domain upper bound of each variable
        boundedDomain - specifies whether to use bounded domains or enumerated domains for each variable. When 'boundedDomain' only bounds modifications are handled (any value removals in the middle of the domain will be ignored).
        an array of size IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVarArray

        default IntVar[] intVarArray​(String name,
                                     int size,
                                     int lb,
                                     int ub,
                                     boolean boundedDomain)
        Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The ith variable will be named name[i]
        size - number of variables
        lb - initial domain lower bound of each variable
        ub - initial domain upper bound of each variable
        boundedDomain - specifies whether to use bounded domains or enumerated domains for each variable. When 'boundedDomain' only bounds modifications are handled (any value removals in the middle of the domain will be ignored).
        an array of size IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVarArray

        default IntVar[] intVarArray​(String name,
                                     int size,
                                     int lb,
                                     int ub)
        Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The ith variable will be named name[i]
        size - number of variables
        lb - initial domain lower bound of each variable
        ub - initial domain upper bound of each variable
        an array of size IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVarArray

        default IntVar[] intVarArray​(String name,
                                     int size,
                                     int[] values)
        Creates an array of size integer variables, taking their domain in values
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The ith variable will be named name[i]
        size - number of variables
        values - initial domain of each variable
        an array of size IntVar of domain values
      • intVarMatrix

        default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(int dim1,
                                        int dim2,
                                        int[] values)
        Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in values
        dim1 - number of rows in the matrix
        dim2 - number of columns in the matrix
        values - initial domain of each variable
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 IntVar of domain values
      • intVarMatrix

        default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(int dim1,
                                        int dim2,
                                        int lb,
                                        int ub)
        Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
        dim1 - number of rows in the matrix
        dim2 - number of columns in the matrix
        lb - initial domain lower bound of each variable
        ub - initial domain upper bound of each variable
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVarMatrix

        default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(int dim1,
                                        int dim2,
                                        int lb,
                                        int ub,
                                        boolean boundedDomain)
        Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in [lb, ub]
        dim1 - number of rows in the matrix
        dim2 - number of columns in the matrix
        lb - initial domain lower bound of each variable
        ub - initial domain upper bound of each variable
        boundedDomain - specifies whether to use bounded domains or enumerated domains for each variable. When 'boundedDomain' only bounds modifications are handled (any value removals in the middle of the domain will be ignored).
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVarMatrix

        default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(String name,
                                        int dim1,
                                        int dim2,
                                        int lb,
                                        int ub,
                                        boolean boundedDomain)
        Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in [lb, ub]
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The variable in row i and col j will be named name[i][j]
        dim1 - number of rows in the matrix
        dim2 - number of columns in the matrix
        lb - initial domain lower bound of each variable
        ub - initial domain upper bound of each variable
        boundedDomain - specifies whether to use bounded domains or enumerated domains for each variable. When 'boundedDomain' only bounds modifications are handled (any value removals in the middle of the domain will be ignored).
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVarMatrix

        default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(String name,
                                        int dim1,
                                        int dim2,
                                        int lb,
                                        int ub)
        Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in [lb, ub] Uses an enumerated domain if ub-lb is small, and a bounded domain otherwise
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The variable in row i and col j will be named name[i][j]
        dim1 - number of rows in the matrix
        dim2 - number of columns in the matrix
        lb - initial domain lower bound of each variable
        ub - initial domain upper bound of each variable
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 IntVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • intVarMatrix

        default IntVar[][] intVarMatrix​(String name,
                                        int dim1,
                                        int dim2,
                                        int[] values)
        Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 integer variables taking their domain in values
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The variable in row i and col j will be named name[i][j]
        dim1 - number of rows in the matrix
        dim2 - number of columns in the matrix
        values - initial domain of each variable
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 IntVar of domain values
      • taskVar

        default Task taskVar​(IntVar s,
                             int d)
        Creates a task variable, based on a starting time s and a duration d such that: s + d = e, where e is the ending time. A call to Task.ensureBoundConsistency() is required before launching the resolution, this will not be done automatically.
        s - integer variable, starting time
        d - fixed duration
        a task variable.
      • taskVar

        default Task taskVar​(IntVar s,
                             IntVar d)
        Creates a task variable, based on a starting time s and a duration d such that: s + d = e, where e is the ending time. A call to Task.ensureBoundConsistency() is required before launching the resolution, this will not be done automatically.
        s - integer variable, starting time
        d - integer variable, duration
        a task variable.
      • taskVar

        default Task taskVar​(IntVar s,
                             int d,
                             IntVar e)
        Creates a task variable, based on a starting time s and a duration d such that: s + d = e, where e is the ending time. A call to Task.ensureBoundConsistency() is required before launching the resolution, this will not be done automatically.
        s - integer variable, starting time
        d - fixed duration
        e - integer variable, ending time
        a task variable.
      • taskVar

        default Task taskVar​(IntVar s,
                             IntVar d,
                             IntVar e)
        Creates a task variable, made of a starting time s, a duration d and an ending time e such that: s + d = e. A call to Task.ensureBoundConsistency() is required before launching the resolution, this will not be done automatically.
        s - integer variable, starting time
        d - integer variable, duration
        e - integer variable, ending time
        a task variable.
      • taskVarArray

        default Task[] taskVarArray​(IntVar[] s,
                                    IntVar[] p,
                                    IntVar[] e)
        Creates an array of s.length task variables, where task i is made of a starting time s_i, a processing time p_i and an ending time e_i such that: s_i + p_i = e_i. A call to Task.ensureBoundConsistency() is required before launching the resolution, this will not be done automatically.
        s - integer variables, starting times
        p - integer variables, processing times
        e - integer variables, ending times
        an array of task variables.
      • taskVarMatrix

        default Task[][] taskVarMatrix​(IntVar[][] s,
                                       IntVar[][] p,
                                       IntVar[][] e)
        Creates a matrix of s.length * s_0.length task variables, where task i,j is made of a starting time s_(i,j), a processing time p_(i,j) and an ending time e_(i,j) such that: s_(i,j) + p_(i,j) = e_(i,j). A call to Task.ensureBoundConsistency() is required before launching the resolution, this will not be done automatically.
        s - integer variables, starting times
        p - integer variables, processing times
        e - integer variables, ending times
        a matrix task variable.
      • realVar

        default RealVar realVar​(double value)
        Create a constant real variable equal to value
        value - constant value of the variable
        a constant RealVar of domain [value,value]
      • realVar

        default RealVar realVar​(String name,
                                double value)
        Create a constant real variable equal to value
        name - name of the variable
        value - value of the variable
        a constant RealVar of domain [value,value]
      • realVar

        default RealVar realVar​(double value,
                                double precision)
        Creates a constant real variable equal to value
        value - constant value of the variable
        precision - double precision (e.g., 0.00001d)
        a constant RealVar of domain {value}
      • realVar

        default RealVar realVar​(double lb,
                                double ub,
                                double precision)
        Creates a real variable, taking its domain in [lb, ub]
        lb - initial domain lower bound
        ub - initial domain upper bound
        precision - double precision (e.g., 0.00001d)
        a RealVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • realVar

        default RealVar realVar​(String name,
                                double lb,
                                double ub,
                                double precision)
        Creates a real variable, taking its domain in [lb, ub]
        name - variable name
        lb - initial domain lower bound
        ub - initial domain upper bound
        precision - double precision (e.g., 0.00001d)
        a RealVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • realVarArray

        default RealVar[] realVarArray​(int size,
                                       double lb,
                                       double ub,
                                       double precision)
        Creates an array of size real variables, each of domain [lb, ub]
        size - number of variables
        lb - initial domain lower bound
        ub - initial domain upper bound
        precision - double precision (e.g., 0.00001d)
        an array of size RealVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • realVarArray

        default RealVar[] realVarArray​(String name,
                                       int size,
                                       double lb,
                                       double ub,
                                       double precision)
        Creates an array of size real variables, each of domain [lb, ub]
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The ith variable will be named name[i]
        size - number of variables
        lb - initial domain lower bound
        ub - initial domain upper bound
        precision - double precision (e.g., 0.00001d)
        an array of size RealVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • realVarMatrix

        default RealVar[][] realVarMatrix​(int dim1,
                                          int dim2,
                                          double lb,
                                          double ub,
                                          double precision)
        Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 real variables, each of domain [lb, ub]
        dim1 - number of matrix rows
        dim2 - number of matrix columns
        lb - initial domain lower bound
        ub - initial domain upper bound
        precision - double precision (e.g., 0.00001d)
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 RealVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • realVarMatrix

        default RealVar[][] realVarMatrix​(String name,
                                          int dim1,
                                          int dim2,
                                          double lb,
                                          double ub,
                                          double precision)
        Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 real variables, each of domain [lb, ub]
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The variable in row i and col j will be named name[i][j]
        dim1 - number of matrix rows
        dim2 - number of matrix columns
        lb - initial domain lower bound
        ub - initial domain upper bound
        precision - double precision (e.g., 0.00001d)
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 RealVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • setVar

        default SetVar setVar​(int[] lb,
                              int[] ub)
        Creates a set variable taking its domain in [lb, ub], For instance [{0,3},{-2,0,2,3}] means the variable must include both 0 and 3 and can additionnaly include -2, and 2
        lb - initial domain lower bound (contains mandatory elements that should be present in every solution)
        ub - initial domain upper bound (contains potential elements)
        a SetVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • setVar

        default SetVar setVar​(int... value)
        Creates a constant set variable, equal to value
        value - value of the set variable, e.g. {0,4,9}
        a constant SetVar of domain {value}
      • setVar

        default SetVar setVar​(String name,
                              int[] lb,
                              int[] ub)
        Creates a set variable taking its domain in [lb, ub], For instance [{0,3},{-2,0,2,3}] means the variable must include both 0 and 3 and can additionnaly include -2, and 2
        name - name of the variable
        lb - initial domain lower bound (contains mandatory elements that should be present in every solution)
        ub - initial domain upper bound (contains potential elements)
        a SetVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • setVar

        default SetVar setVar​(String name,
                              int... value)
        Creates a constant set variable, equal to value
        name - name of the variable
        value - value of the set variable, e.g. {0,4,9}
        a constant SetVar of domain {value}
      • setVarArray

        default SetVar[] setVarArray​(int size,
                                     int[] lb,
                                     int[] ub)
        Creates an array of size set variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
        size - number of variables
        lb - initial domain lower bound of every variable (contains mandatory elements that should be present in every solution)
        ub - initial domain upper bound of every variable (contains potential elements)
        an array of size SetVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • setVarArray

        default SetVar[] setVarArray​(String name,
                                     int size,
                                     int[] lb,
                                     int[] ub)
        Creates an array of size set variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The ith variable will be named name[i]
        size - number of variables
        lb - initial domain lower bound of every variable (contains mandatory elements that should be present in every solution)
        ub - initial domain upper bound of every variable (contains potential elements)
        an array of size SetVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • setVarMatrix

        default SetVar[][] setVarMatrix​(int dim1,
                                        int dim2,
                                        int[] lb,
                                        int[] ub)
        Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 set variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
        dim1 - number of rows in the matrix
        dim2 - number of columns in the matrix
        lb - initial domain lower bound of every variable (contains mandatory elements that should be present in every solution)
        ub - initial domain upper bound of every variable (contains potential elements)
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 SetVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • setVarMatrix

        default SetVar[][] setVarMatrix​(String name,
                                        int dim1,
                                        int dim2,
                                        int[] lb,
                                        int[] ub)
        Creates a matrix of dim1*dim2 set variables, taking their domain in [lb, ub]
        name - prefix name of the variables to create. The variable in row i and col j will be named name[i][j]
        dim1 - number of rows in the matrix
        dim2 - number of columns in the matrix
        lb - initial domain lower bound of every variable (contains mandatory elements that should be present in every solution)
        ub - initial domain upper bound of every variable (contains potential elements)
        a matrix of dim1*dim2 SetVar of domain [lb, ub]
      • checkIntDomainRange

        default void checkIntDomainRange​(String NAME,
                                         int MIN,
                                         int MAX)
        Checks domain range. Throws an exception if wrong range definition
        NAME - name of the variable
        MIN - lower bound of the domain
        MAX - upper bound of the domain
      • checkRealDomainRange

        default void checkRealDomainRange​(String NAME,
                                          double MIN,
                                          double MAX)
        Checks domain range. Throws an exception if wrong range definition
        NAME - name of the variable
        MIN - lower bound of the domain
        MAX - upper bound of the domain
      • toBoolVar

        default BoolVar[] toBoolVar​(IntVar... ivars)
        Converts ivars into an array of boolean variables
        ivars - an IntVar array containing only boolean variables
        an array of BoolVar
        ClassCastException - if one variable is not a BoolVar
      • generateName

        default String generateName()
        Return a generated short string, prefixed with Settings.defaultPrefix() and followed with a single-use number.
        generated String to name internally created variables
      • generateName

        default String generateName​(String prefix)
        Return a generated short string prefixed with prefix and followed with a single-use number.
        prefix - the prefix name