



package classutil

Classes and utilities for operating on JVM classes, at runtime.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. classutil
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show all
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AnnotationInfo extends AnyRef


    Information about a field, as read from a class file.

  2. class ClassFinder extends AnyRef


    A ClassFinder finds classes in a class path, returning the result in a lazy iterator.

    A ClassFinder finds classes in a class path, returning the result in a lazy iterator. The iterator can then be filtered, mapped, or passed to the utility methods in the ClassFinder companion object.

  3. trait ClassInfo extends BaseInfo


    Information about a class, as read from a class file.

  4. trait FieldInfo extends BaseInfo


    Information about a field, as read from a class file.

  5. trait MapToBeanMapper extends AnyRef


    Takes a Scala Map, with String keys and object values, and generates an object, with fields for each map value.

    Takes a Scala Map, with String keys and object values, and generates an object, with fields for each map value. Field that are, themselves, Map[String,Any] objects can be recursively mapped, as well.

  6. trait MethodInfo extends BaseInfo


    Information about a method, as read from a class file.

Value Members

  1. object ClassFinder


    The entrance to the factory floor, providing methods for finding and filtering classes.

  2. object ClassUtil


    Some general-purpose class-related utility functions.

  3. object MapToBean extends ClassNameGenerator


    Takes a Scala Map, with String keys and object values, and generates a Java Bean object, with fields for each map value.

    Takes a Scala Map, with String keys and object values, and generates a Java Bean object, with fields for each map value. Field that are, themselves, Map[String,Any] objects can be recursively mapped, as well. The map's keys are mapped to Java Bean get accessors. For instance, a key name "foo" is mapped to a method called getFoo().

    The transformation results in an object that can only really be used via reflection; however, that fits fine with some APIs that want to receive Java Beans as parameters.

    There are some restrictions imposed on any map that is to be converted.

    - Only maps with string keys can be converted. - The string keys must be valid Java identifiers.

    Here's a simple example:

    import org.clapper.classutil._
    val charList = List('1', '2', '3')
    val subMap = Map("sub1" -> 1, "sub2" -> 2)
    val m =  Map("oneInt" -> 1,
                 "twoFloat" -> 2f,
                 "threeString" -> "three",
                 "fourIntClass" -> classOf[Int],
                 "fiveMap" -> subMap,
                 "sixList" -> charList)
    val obj = MapToBean(m)
    def showName(name: String) = (name startsWith "get")
    obj.getClass.getMethods.filter(m => showName(m.getName)).foreach(println _)
    def call(methodName: String) = {
      val method = obj.getClass.getMethod(methodName)
    println("getFiveMap returns " + call("getFiveMap"))

    That Scala script will produce output like the following:

    public final $Proxy0 $Proxy1.getFiveMap()
    public final java.lang.Integer $Proxy1.getOneInt()
    public final java.lang.Class $Proxy1.getFourIntClass()
    public final scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon $Proxy1.getSixList()
    public final java.lang.Float $Proxy1.getTwoFloat()
    public final java.lang.String $Proxy1.getThreeString()
    public static java.lang.Class java.lang.reflect.Proxy.getProxyClass(java.lang.ClassLoader,java.lang.Class[]) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    public static java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler java.lang.reflect.Proxy.getInvocationHandler(java.lang.Object) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    public final native java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()
    getFiveMap returns Map(getSub1 -> 1, getSub2 -> 2)
  4. object Modifier extends Enumeration


    An enumerated high-level view of the modifiers that can be attached to a method, class or field.

  5. object ScalaObjectToBean


    ScalaObjectToBean maps a Scala object into a read-only Java bean.

    ScalaObjectToBean maps a Scala object into a read-only Java bean. It takes a Scala object, locates the Scala accessors (using simple heuristics), and generates a new object with additional Java Bean get and set methods for the accessors. ScalaObjectToBean is an alternative to using the @BeanProperty annotation on classes, so it is useful for mapping case classes into Java Beans, or for mapping classes from other APIs into Java Beans without having to extend them.

    ScalaObjectToBean uses the following heuristics to determine which fields to map.

    First, it recognizes that any Scala val or var is really a getter method returning some type. That is:

    val x: Int = 0
    var y: Int = 10

    is compiled down to the equivalent of the following Java code:

    private int _x = 0;
    private int _y = 10;
    public int x() { return _x; }
    public int y() { return _y; }
    public void y_$eq(int newY) { _y = newY; }

    So, the mapper looks for Scala getter methods that take no parameters and return some non-void (i.e., non-Unit) value, and it looks for Scala setter methods that take one parameter, return void (Unit) and have names ending in "_$eq". Then, from that set of methods, the mapper discards:

    - Methods starting with "get" - Methods that have a corresponding "get" method. In the above example, if there's a getX() method that returns an int, the mapper will assume that it's the bean version of x(), and it will ignore x(). - Methods that aren't public. - Any method in java.lang.Object. - Any method in scala.Product.

    If there are any methods in the remaining set, then the mapper returns a new wrapper object that contains Java Bean versions of those methods; otherwise, the mapper returns the original Scala object. The resulting bean delegates its calls to the original object, instead of capturing the object's method values at the time the bean is called. That way, if the underlying Scala object's methods return different values for each call, the bean will reflect those changes.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
