
class Zipper extends AnyRef

Zipper: Write zip and jar files more easily

The Zipper class provides a convenient mechanism for writing zip and jar files; it's a simplifying layer that sits on top of the existing Zip and Jar classes provided by the JDK. A Zipper object behaves somewhat like an immutable Scala collection, into which you can drop File objects, InputStream objects, Reader objects, Source objects, URLs and pathnames. When you call writeZip or writeJar, the objects in Zipper are written to the actual underlying zip or jar file.

A Zipper can either preserve pathnames or flatten the paths down to single components. When preserving pathnames, a Zipper object converts absolute paths to relative paths by stripping any leading "file system mount points." On Unix-like systems, this means stripping the leading "/"; on Windows, it means stripping any leading drive letter and the leading "\". (See for more information.) For instance, if you're not flattening pathnames, and you addFile C:\Temp\hello.txt to a Zipper on Windows, the Zipper will strip the C:\, adding Temp/hello.txt. to the zip or jar file. If you're on a Unix-like system, including Mac OS X, and you addFile /tmp/foo/bar.txt, the Zipper will addFile tmp/foo/bar.txt to the file.


You can explicitly addFile directory entries to a Zipper, using addZipDirectory(). When you're not flattening entries, a Zipper object will also ensure that any intermediate directories in a pathname are created in the zip file. For instance, if you addFile file /tmp/foo/bar/baz.txt to a Zipper, without flattening it, the Zipper will create the following entries in the underlying zip file:

If you use the JDK's zip or jar classes directly, you have to create those intermediate directory entries yourself. In addition, you have to be careful not to create a directory more than once; doing so will cause an error. Zipper automatically creating unique intermediate directories for you.

Constructing a Zipper object

The class constructor is private; use the companion object's apply() functions to instantiate Zipper objects.

Using a Zipper object

The addFile() methods all return Try objects, and they do not modify the original Zipper object. On success, they return a Success object that contains a new Zipper.

Because the addFile() methods return Try, they are unsuitable for use in traditional "builder" patterns. For instance, the following will not work:

// Will NOT work
val zipper = Zipper()

There are other patterns you can use, however. Since Try is monadic, a for comprehension works nicely:

val zipper = Zipper()
val newZipper = for { z1 <- zipper.addFile("/tmp/foo/bar.txt")
                      z2 <- z1.addFile("/tmp/baz.txt")
                      z3 <- z2.addFile("hello.txt") }
                yield z3
// newZipper is a Try[Zipper]

If you're trying to addFile a collection of objects, a for comprehension can be problematic. If you're not averse to using a local var, you can just use a traditional imperative loop:

val zipper = Zipper()
var z = zipper
val paths: List[String] = ...

for (path <- paths) {
  val t = z.addFile(path)
  z = t.get // will throw an exception if the addFile failed

You can also avoid a var using foldLeft(), though you still have to contend with a thrown exception. (You can always wrap the code in a Try.)

val zipper = Zipper()
val paths: List[String] = ...
paths.foldLeft(zipper) { case (z, path) =>
  z.addFile(path).get // throws an exception if the addFile fails

Finally, to avoid the exception and the var, use tail-recursion:

import scala.annnotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

def addNext(paths: List[String], currentZipper: Zipper): Try[Zipper] = {
  paths match {
    case Nil => Success(currentZipper)
    case path :: rest =>
      // Can't use currentZipper.addFile(path).map(), because the recursion
      // will then be invoked within the lambda, violating tail-recursion.
      currentZipper.addFile(path) match {
        case Failure(ex) => Failure(ex)
        case Success(z)  => addNext(rest, z)

val paths: List[String] = ...
val zipper = addNext(paths, Zipper())


A Zipper is not a true Scala collection. It does not support extensively querying its contents, looping over them, or transforming them. It is simply a container to be filled and then written.

The Zipper class currently provides no support for storing uncompressed (i.e., fully inflated) entries. All data stored in the underlying zip is compressed, even though the JDK-supplied zip classes support both compressed and uncompressed entries. If necessary, the Zipper class can be extended to support storing uncompressed data.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Zipper
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show all
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  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. def addBytes(bytes: Array[Byte], zipPath: String): Try[Zipper]

    Add an array of bytes to the Zipper.

    Add an array of bytes to the Zipper. The bytes constitute an eventual entry in a zip file; a reference to the byte array is held within this Zipper until it is garbage-collected.


    the array of bytes representing the entry to be written to the zip file


    the path for the entry in the zip file

  7. def addDirectory(dir: File, strip: Option[String] = None, flatten: Boolean = false, wildcard: Option[String] = None): Try[Zipper]

    Recursively add all the files in a directory to the Zipper.

    Recursively add all the files in a directory to the Zipper.


    the directory, which must exist


    optional leading path to strip. If not specified, the full path to each file (minus file system root) is used.


    whether or not to flatten the entries. Note that a true value can cause errors if files in different directories have the same name.


    optional wildcard to match files against. If None, all files found are added. This is a simple glob pattern, acceptable to grizzled.file.util.fnmatch.


    A Success with the number of files found and added, or Failure on error.

  8. def addFile(f: File, zipPath: String): Try[Zipper]

    Add a file to the Zipper, specifying the zip file entry name explicitly.

    Add a file to the Zipper, specifying the zip file entry name explicitly.

    Note: The existence or non-existence of the file isn't checked until you call writeZip() or writeJar().


    the File to be added


    the path of the entry in the zip or jar file. Any file system root will be stripped.


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  9. def addFile(f: File, flatten: Boolean): Try[Zipper]

    Add a file to the Zipper.

    Add a file to the Zipper. The entry in the zip file will be the base name of the file, if flatten is specified. Otherwise, it'll be the path itself (if the path is relative) or the path with the file system root removed (if it's absolute).

    Note: The existence or non-existence of the file isn't checked until you call writeZip() or writeJar().


    the File to be added


    whether or not to flatten the path in the zip file


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  10. def addFile(f: File): Try[Zipper]

    Add a file to the Zipper.

    Add a file to the Zipper. The path in the resulting zip or jar file will be the path (if it's relative) or the path with the file system root removed (if it's absolute).

    Note: The existence or non-existence of the file isn't checked until you call writeZip() or writeJar().


    the File to be added


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  11. def addFile(path: String, zipPath: String): Try[Zipper]

    Add a file to the Zipper, specifying the zip file entry name explicitly.

    Add a file to the Zipper, specifying the zip file entry name explicitly.

    Note: The existence or non-existence of the file isn't checked until you call writeZip() or writeJar().


    path to the file to addFile


    the path of the entry in the zip or jar file. Any file system root will be stripped.


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  12. def addFile(path: String, flatten: Boolean): Try[Zipper]

    Add a file to the Zipper.

    Add a file to the Zipper. The entry in the zip file will be the base name of the file, if flatten is specified. Otherwise, it'll be the path itself (if the path is relative) or the path with the file system root removed (if it's absolute).

    Note: The existence or non-existence of the file isn't checked until you call writeZip() or writeJar().


    path to the file to addFile


    whether or not to flatten the path in the zip file


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  13. def addFile(path: String): Try[Zipper]

    Add a file to the Zipper.

    Add a file to the Zipper. The path in the resulting zip or jar file will be the path (if it's relative) or the path with the file system root removed (if it's absolute).

    Note: The existence or non-existence of the file isn't checked until you call writeZip() or writeJar().


    path to the file to addFile


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  14. def addInputStream(inputStream: InputStream, zipPath: String, flatten: Boolean): Try[Zipper]

    Add an InputStream to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file.

    Add an InputStream to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file. If flatten is specified, all directories will be removed from the zip path; otherwise, it will be used as-is, with any file system root removed.

    Warning: An InputStream represents an open resource (e.g., an open file descriptor). Those resources are held open until you call writeZip() or writeJar(). If you addFile too many InputStream objects (or Reader or Source objects) to a Zipper, you could theoretically, run out of open file descriptors.


    the InputStream to addFile


    the path to use within the zip file. Any file system root is removed from this path.


    whether or not to flatten the zip path


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  15. def addInputStream(inputStream: InputStream, zipPath: String): Try[Zipper]

    Add an InputStream to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file.

    Add an InputStream to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file.

    Warning: An InputStream represents an open resource (e.g., an open file descriptor). Those resources are held open until you call writeZip() or writeJar(). If you addFile too many InputStream objects (or Reader or Source objects) to a Zipper, you could theoretically, run out of open file descriptors.


    the InputStream to addFile


    the path to use within the zip file. Any file system root is removed from this path.


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  16. def addReader(reader: Reader, zipPath: String, flatten: Boolean): Try[Zipper]

    Add a Reader to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file.

    Add a Reader to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file. If flatten is specified, all directories will be removed from the zip path; otherwise, it will be used as-is, with any file system root removed.

    Warning: A Reader represents an open resource (e.g., an open file descriptor). Those resources are held open until you call writeZip() or writeJar(). If you addFile too many InputStream objects (or InputStream or Source objects) to a Zipper, you could theoretically, run out of open file descriptors.


    the Reader to addFile


    the path to use within the zip file. Any file system root is removed from this path.


    whether or not to flatten the zip path


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  17. def addReader(reader: Reader, zipPath: String): Try[Zipper]

    Add a Reader to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file.

    Add a Reader to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file.

    Warning: A Reader represents an open resource (e.g., an open file descriptor). Those resources are held open until you call writeZip() or writeJar(). If you addFile too many InputStream objects (or InputStream or Source objects) to a Zipper, you could theoretically, run out of open file descriptors.


    the Reader to addFile


    the path to use within the zip file. Any file system root is removed from this path.


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  18. def addSource(source: Source, zipPath: String, flatten: Boolean): Try[Zipper]

    Add a to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file.

    Add a to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file. If flatten is specified, all directories will be removed from the zip path; otherwise, it will be used as-is, with any file system root removed.

    Warning: A Source represents an open resource (e.g., an open file descriptor). Those resources are held open until you call writeZip() or writeJar(). If you addFile too many Source objects (or Reader or InputStream objects) to a Zipper, you could theoretically, run out of open file descriptors.


    the Source to addFile


    the path to use within the zip file. Any file system root is removed from this path.


    whether or not to flatten the zip path


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  19. def addSource(source: Source, zipPath: String): Try[Zipper]

    Add a to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file.

    Add a to the Zipper, using the specified path in the zip file.

    Warning: A Source represents an open resource (e.g., an open file descriptor). Those resources are held open until you call writeZip() or writeJar(). If you addFile too many Source objects (or Reader or InputStream objects) to a Zipper, you could theoretically, run out of open file descriptors.


    the Source to addFile


    the path to use within the zip file. Any file system root is removed from this path.


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  20. def addURL(url: URL, flatten: Boolean): Try[Zipper]

    Add a URL to the Zipper.

    Add a URL to the Zipper. The path in the zip file will be taken from the path component of the URL, and all directories will be stripped from the path. That means the URL must have a file name component. For instance, if you addFile the URL, you'll get an error, because the path component is "/", and the corresponding relative path is "". In other words, Zipper does not addFile index.html for you automatically. A URL like will work fine, resulting in index.html being added to the resulting zip file. Using this method to addFile will write music/My-Song.mp3 to the zip or jar file, if flatten is false; if flatten is true, My-Song.mp3 will be written.

    Note: The URL is not validated (i.e., no connection is made) until you call writeZip() or writeJar().


    the URL to the resource to be added


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  21. def addURL(url: URL): Try[Zipper]

    Add a URL to the Zipper.

    Add a URL to the Zipper. The path in the zip file will be taken from the path component of the URL. That means the URL must have a file name component. For instance, if you addFile the URL, you'll get an error, because the path component is "/", and the corresponding relative path is "". In other words, Zipper does not addFile index.html for you automatically. A URL like will work fine, resulting in index.html being added to the resulting zip file. Similarly, using this method to addFile will write music/My-Song.mp3 to the zip or jar file.

    Note: The URL is not validated (i.e., no connection is made) until you call writeZip() or writeJar().


    the URL to the resource to be added


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  22. def addZipDirectory(path: String): Try[Zipper]

    Add a directory entry to the Zipper.

    Add a directory entry to the Zipper. The path should be in "/" form, even on Windows, since zip and jar files always use "/". Any leading "/" will be removed, converting it to a relative path.


    the path of the directory entry to addFile


    A Success with a new Zipper object, on success. A Failure on error. The original Zipper is not modified.

  23. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  24. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  25. val comment: Option[String]

  26. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  27. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  28. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  29. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  30. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  31. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  32. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  33. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  34. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  35. val paths: Set[String]

    The unique paths in the Zipper.

    The unique paths in the Zipper. The directory entries will be suffixed with "/". Note that intermediate directory entries will not be represented in this list. Only the paths that have been explicitly added are represented.

  36. def setComment(comment: String): Zipper

    Set the comment to be written to the zip or jar file.

    Set the comment to be written to the zip or jar file.


    the comment.


    a new Zipper with the comment. This operation cannot fail, so the new value is returned without being wrapped in a Try.

  37. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  38. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  39. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  40. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  41. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  42. def writeJar(jarFile: File, manifest: Option[Manifest]): Try[File]

    Write the contents of this Zipper to a jar file, with or without a jar manifest.

    Write the contents of this Zipper to a jar file, with or without a jar manifest. You can call this method more than once.

    Warning: While you can call this method multiple times (to write a single Zipper to multiple zip files, for instance), some entry sources cannot be read multiple times. For instance, Zipper does not attempt to rewind Reader, InputStream or Source objects, so they cannot be read more than once; reusing a Zipper containing those types of sources will result in an error.


    the jar file to write. If it exists, it will be overwritten.


    optional jar manifest


    A Success containing the jarFile parameter, on success. A Failure on error.

  43. def writeJar(jarFile: File): Try[File]

    Write the contents of this Zipper to a jar file.

    Write the contents of this Zipper to a jar file. The jar file will not have a jar manifest. You can call this method more than once.

    Warning: While you can call this method multiple times (to write a single Zipper to multiple zip files, for instance), some entry sources cannot be read multiple times. For instance, Zipper does not attempt to rewind Reader, InputStream or Source objects, so they cannot be read more than once; reusing a Zipper containing those types of sources will result in an error.


    the jar file to write. If it exists, it will be overwritten.


    A Success containing the jarFile parameter, on success. A Failure on error.

  44. def writeJar(path: String): Try[File]

    Write the contents of this Zipper to a jar file.

    Write the contents of this Zipper to a jar file. The jar file will not have a jar manifest. You can call this method more than once.

    Warning: While you can call this method multiple times (to write a single Zipper to multiple zip files, for instance), some entry sources cannot be read multiple times. For instance, Zipper does not attempt to rewind Reader, InputStream or Source objects, so they cannot be read more than once; reusing a Zipper containing those types of sources will result in an error.


    the path to the jar file to write. If it exists, it will be overwritten


    A Success with a File of the written jar, on success. A Failure on error.

  45. def writeZip(zipFile: File): Try[File]

    Write the contents of this Zipper to a zip file.

    Write the contents of this Zipper to a zip file. You can call this method more than once.

    Warning: While you can call this method multiple times (to write a single Zipper to multiple zip files, for instance), some entry sources cannot be read multiple times. For instance, Zipper does not attempt to rewind Reader, InputStream or Source objects, so they cannot be read more than once; reusing a Zipper containing those types of sources will result in an error.


    the zip file to write. If it exists, it will be overwritten.


    A Success containing the zipFile parameter, on success. A Failure on error.

  46. def writeZip(path: String): Try[File]

    Write the contents of this Zipper to a zip file.

    Write the contents of this Zipper to a zip file. You can call this method more than once.

    Warning: While you can call this method multiple times (to write a single Zipper to multiple zip files, for instance), some entry sources cannot be read multiple times. For instance, Zipper does not attempt to rewind Reader, InputStream or Source objects, so they cannot be read more than once; reusing a Zipper containing those types of sources will result in an error.


    the path to the zip file to write. If it exists, it will be overwritten


    A Success with a File of the written zip, on success. A Failure on error.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
