


Related Docs: object Configuration | package config


final class Configuration extends AnyRef

An INI-style configuration file parser.

Configuration implements an in-memory store for a configuration file whose syntax is reminiscent of classic Windows .INI files, though with many extensions.


A configuration file is broken into sections, and each section is introduced by a section name in brackets. For example:

[main] /usr/local/foo/programs

searchCommand: find /usr/local/foo -type f -name '*.class'

searchFailedMessage=Search failed, sorry.

Notes and caveats:

At least one section is required.

Sections may be empty.

It is an error to have any variable definitions before the first section header.

The section names "system" and "env" are reserved. They don't really exist, but they're used during variable substitution (see below) to substitute from and the environment, respectively.

Section Name Syntax

There can be any amount of whitespace before and after the brackets in a section name; the whitespace is ignored. Section names may consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores. Anything else is not permitted.

Variable Syntax

Each section contains zero or more variable settings. Similar to a Java Properties file, the variables are specified as name/value pairs, separated by an equal sign ("=") or a colon (":"). Variable names are case-sensitive by default, though the case-sensitivity (and other aspects of the variable name) may be changed by subclassing Configuration and providing your own version of the transformOptionName() method. Variable names may contain alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens (-). Variable values may contain anything at all. The parser ignores whitespace on either side of the "=" or ":"; that is, leading whitespace in the value is skipped. The way to include leading whitespace in a value is escape the whitespace characters with backslashes. (See below).

Continuation Lines

Variable definitions may span multiple lines; each line to be continued must end with a backslash ("\") character, which escapes the meaning of the newline, causing it to be treated like a space character. The following line is treated as a logical continuation of the first line. Unlike Java properties files, however, leading whitespace is not removed from continued lines.

Only variable definition lines may be continued. Section header lines, comment lines (see below) and include directives (see below) cannot span multiple lines.

Expansions of Variable Values

The configuration parser preprocesses each variable's value, replacing embedded metacharacter sequences and substituting variable references. You can use backslashes to escape the special characters that the parser uses to recognize metacharacter and variable sequences; you can also use single quotes. See Suppressing Metacharacter Expansion and Variable Substitution, below, for more details.


The parser recognizes Java-style ASCII escape sequences \t, \n, \r, \\, \ (a backslash and a space), and \uxxxx are recognized and converted to single characters. Note that metacharacter expansion is performed before variable substitution.

Variable Substitution

A variable value can interpolate the values of other variables, using a variable substitution syntax. The general form of a variable reference is ${sectionName.varName}.

sectionName is the name of the section containing the variable to substitute; if omitted, it defaults to the current section. varName is the name of the variable to substitute.

If a variable reference specifies a section name, the referenced section must precede the current section. It is not possible to substitute the value of a variable in a section that occurs later in the file.

The section names "system" and "env" are reserved for special "pseudosections."

The "system" pseudosection is used to interpolate values from For instance, ${system.user.home} substitutes the value of the user.home system property (typically, the home directory of the user running the program). Similarly, ${} substitutes the user's name.

The "env" pseudosection is used to interpolate values from the environment. On UNIX systems, for instance, ${env.HOME} substitutes user's home directory (and is, therefore, a synonym for ${system.user.home}. On some versions of Windows, ${env.USERNAME} will substitute the name of the user running the program. Note: On UNIX systems, environment variable names are typically case-sensitive; for instance, ${env.USER} and ${env.user} refer to different environment variables. On Windows systems, environment variable names are typically case-insensitive; ${env.USERNAME} and ${env.username} are equivalent.

Notes and caveats:

Configuration uses the grizzled.string.template.UnixShellVariableSubstituter class to do variable substitution, so it honors all the syntax conventions supported by that class.

Variable substitutions are only permitted within variable values. They are ignored in variable names, section names, include directives and comments.

Variable substitution is performed after metacharacter expansion (so don't include metacharacter sequences in your variable names).

To include a literal "$" character in a variable value, escape it with a backslash, e.g., "var=value with \$ dollar sign"

Suppressing Metacharacter Expansion and Variable Substitution

To prevent the parser from interpreting metacharacter sequences, variable substitutions and other special characters, use the "->" assignment operator, instead of ":" or "=".

For example, suppose you want to set variable "prompt" to the literal value "Enter value. To specify a newline, use \n." The following configuration file line will do the trick:

prompt -> Enter value. To specify a newline, use \n

Similarly, to set variable "abc" to the literal string "${foo}" suppressing the parser's attempts to expand "${foo}" as a variable reference, you could use:

abc -> ${foo}

Note: It's also possible, though hairy, to escape the special meaning of special characters via the backslash character. For instance, you can escape the variable substitution lead-in character, '$', with a backslash. e.g., "\$". This technique is not recommended, however, because you have to double-escape any backslash characters that you want to be preserved literally. For instance, to get "\t", you must specify "\\\\t". To get a literal backslash, specify "\\\\". (Yes, that's four backslashes, just to get a single unescaped one.) This double-escaping is a regrettable side effect of how the configuration file parses variable values: It makes two separate passes over the value (one for metacharacter expansion and another for variable expansion). Each of those passes honors and processes backslash escapes. This problem would go away if the configuration file parser parsed both metacharacter sequences and variable substitutions itself, in one pass. It doesn't currently do that, because it uses the separate grizzled.string.template.UnixShellStringTemplate class grizzled.GrizzledString.translateMetachars() method to do the variable substitution and metacharacter translation. In general, you're better off just sticking with the "->" assignment operator.


A special include directive permits inline inclusion of another configuration file. The include directive takes two forms:

%include "path"
%include "URL"

For example:

%include "/home/bmc/mytools/common.cfg"
%include ""

If the include path is not a URL, and is not an absolute path, its location is relative to the file that's trying to include it.

The included file may contain any content that is valid for this parser. It may contain just variable definitions (i.e., the contents of a section, without the section header), or it may contain a complete configuration file, with individual sections. Since Configuration recognizes a variable syntax that is essentially identical to Java's properties file syntax, it's also legal to include a properties file, provided it's included within a valid section.

Note: Attempting to include a file from itself, either directly or indirectly, will cause the parser to throw an exception.

Comments and Blank Lines

A comment line is a one whose first non-whitespace character is a "#". A blank line is a line containing no content, or one containing only white space. Blank lines and comments are ignored.

Caller-supplied Predefined Sections

Calling applications may supply predefined sections and options, in the form of a map. These sections may then be used by other sections, via variable references. The predefined sections are defined in a map of maps. The outer map is keyed by predefined section name. The inner maps consist of options and their values. For instance, to read a configuration file, giving it access to certain command line parameters, you could do something like this:

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
  val configFile = args(0)
  val name = args(1)
  val ipAddress = args(2)
  val sections = Map("args" -> Map("name" -> name, "ip" -> ipAddress))
  val config = Configuration(configFile, sections)

Note that contents of the configuration file can override the predefined sections.

Applications may also provide a "not found" function that is called to resolveOpt options that are not found in the table. Such a function can be used to supply on-demand sections and values. For example, suppose you want to do something crazy, such as look up any not-found values in a database. (This is probably a very bad idea, but it makes a good example.) You might do something like this:

def findInDatabase(sectionName: String, optionName: String):
  Either[String, Option[String]] = {

  val select = "SELECT value FROM config WHERE section = ? and option = ?"

val config = Configuration(configFile, notFoundFunction = findInDatabase)
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Configuration
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def +(section: String, option: String, value: String): Configuration


    Add a value to the configuration, returning a new object.

    Add a value to the configuration, returning a new object. If the option already exists in the specified section, it is replaced in the new configuration. Otherwise, it's added. If the section doesn't exist, it's created and the option is added.


    val cfg = Configuration(...)
    val newCfg = cfg + ("myNewSection", "optionName", "value")

    the section name


    the option name


    the value


    a new Configuration object with the change applied.

  4. def ++(newValues: Map[String, Map[String, String]]): Configuration


    Add new sections to the configuration.

    Add new sections to the configuration. Example usage:

    val cfg = Configuration(...)
    val newCfg = cfg ++ Map(
      "newSection1" -> Map("option1" -> "value1",
                           "option2" -> "value2"),
      "newSection2" -> Map("option1" -> "value1")

    A map of (section -> Map(option -> value)) values


    new configuration

  5. def ++(values: (String, (String, String))*): Configuration


    Add multiple (section -> (option -> value)) triplets to the configuration, returning the new configuration.

    Add multiple (section -> (option -> value)) triplets to the configuration, returning the new configuration. Example use:

    val cfg = Configuration(...)
    val newCfg = cfg ++ (("newSection1" -> ("option1" -> "value1")),
                         ("newSection2" -> ("option1" -> "value1")),
                         ("newSection1" -> ("option3" -> "value3")))

    one or more (section -> (option -> value)) triplets


    new configuration

  6. def -(section: String, option: String): Configuration


    Remove a value from the configuration, returning a new object.

    Remove a value from the configuration, returning a new object. If the section or option don't exist, the original configuration is returned (not a copy). If the section and option exist, the option is removed. If the section is then empty, it's also removed.


    the section name


    the option name


    a new Configuration object with the change applied, or the original configuration if the section or option weren't there.

  7. def --(values: Seq[(String, String)]): Configuration


    Remove multiple (section -> option) pairs from the configuration, returning the new configuration.

    Remove multiple (section -> option) pairs from the configuration, returning the new configuration. Example use:

    val cfg = Configuration(...)
    val newCfg = cfg -- (("newSection1" -> "option1"),
                         ("newSection2" -> "option1"),
                         ("newSection1" -> "option3"))

    sequence of (section, option) pairs


    new configuration

  8. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  9. def asEither[T](sectionName: String, optionName: String)(implicit converter: ValueConverter[T]): Either[String, Option[T]]


    Get a value as an instance of specified type.

    Get a value as an instance of specified type. This method retrieves the value of an option from a section and, using the specified (or implicit) converter, attempts to convert the option's to the specified type. If you import grizzled.config.Configuration.Implicits._, you'll bring implicit converters for various common types into scope.

    If safe is true (as defined when the Configuration object is built), substitutions of nonexistent variables will result in empty strings for where the substitutions were specified (e.g., val${section1.notValid} will result in the string "val"). If safe is false, substitutions of nonexistent values will result in an error (i.e., a Left result).


    the desired type of the result


    the section from which to retrieve the value


    the name of the option whose value is to be returned


    a ValueConverter object that will handle the actual conversion.


    Left(error) on conversion error. Right(None) if not found. Right(Some(value)) if found and converted.

  10. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  11. def asOpt[T](sectionName: String, optionName: String)(implicit converter: ValueConverter[T]): Option[T]


    Get a value as an instance of specified type.

    Get a value as an instance of specified type. This method retrieves the value of an option from a section and, using the specified (or implicit) converter, attempts to convert the option's to the specified type. If you import grizzled.config.Configuration.Implicits._, you'll bring implicit converters for various common types into scope.


    the desired type of the result


    the section from which to retrieve the value


    the name of the option whose value is to be returned


    a ValueConverter object that will handle the actual conversion.


    None if not found or not convertible, Some(value) if found and converted. If you want to distinguish between "not found" and "cannot convert", use asEither().

  12. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  13. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  14. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  15. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  16. def forMatchingSections(regex: Regex)(code: (Section) ⇒ Unit): Unit


    Invoke a code block on each section whose name matches a regular expression.

    Invoke a code block on each section whose name matches a regular expression.


    the regular expression to match


    the block of code to invoke with each section

  17. def get(sectionName: String, optionName: String): Option[String]


    Works like Map.get(), returning Some(string) if the value is found, None if not.

    Works like Map.get(), returning Some(string) if the value is found, None if not. Does not throw exceptions.


    the section name


    the option name


    Some(value) if the section and option exist, None if either the section or option cannot be found.

  18. def getAsList(sectionName: String, optionName: String, separators: Regex = """[\s,]""".r): Option[List[String]]


    Retrieve a value, splitting it into a list of strings.

    Retrieve a value, splitting it into a list of strings. Returns Some(list) if the key is found, and None otherwise.


    the section name


    the option name


    separator regex to use. Default: [\s,]

  19. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. def getEither(sectionName: String, optionName: String): Either[String, Option[String]]


    Like get(), except that this method returns an Either, allowing errors to be captured and processed.

    Like get(), except that this method returns an Either, allowing errors to be captured and processed.

    NOTE: Prefer tryGet(), as this method may eventually go away.


    the section name


    the option name


    Left(error) on error. Right(None) if not found. Right(Some(value)) if found and processed.

  21. def getOrElse(sectionName: String, optionName: String, default: String): String


    Works like Map.getOrElse(), returning an option value or a default, if the option has no value.

    Works like Map.getOrElse(), returning an option value or a default, if the option has no value. Does not throw exceptions. Calling this function is the same as:

    get(sectionName, optionName).getOrElse(default)

    the section name


    the option name


    the default value


    The option's value if the section and option exist, the default if either the section or option cannot be found.

  22. def getSection(name: String): Option[Section]


    Get a section.

    Get a section. Similar to Map.get, this method returns Some(Section) if the section exists, and None if it does not.


    the section to get


    Some(Section) or None

  23. def hasSection(sectionName: String): Boolean


    Determine whether the configuration contains a named section.

    Determine whether the configuration contains a named section.


    the new section's name


    true if the configuration has a section with that name, false otherwise

  24. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  25. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  26. def matchingSections(regex: Regex): Seq[Section]


    Return a sequence of sections whose name match matches a regular expression.

    Return a sequence of sections whose name match matches a regular expression.


    the regular expression to match

  27. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  28. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  29. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  30. def optionNames(sectionName: String): Iterator[String]


    Get the list of option names.

    Get the list of option names.


    the section's name


    a list of option names in that section. The iterator will be empty if the section doesn't exist.

  31. def options(sectionName: String): Map[String, String]


    Get all options in a section.

    Get all options in a section.


    the section name


    a map of all options and their values for the section. If the section doesn't exist, an empty map is returned.

  32. def sectionNames: Iterator[String]


    Get the list of section names.

    Get the list of section names.


    the section names, in a iterator

  33. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  34. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  35. def tryGet(sectionName: String, optionName: String): Try[Option[String]]


    Like get(), except that this method returns a Try, allowing errors to be captured and processed.

    Like get(), except that this method returns a Try, allowing errors to be captured and processed.


    the section name


    the option name


    Failure(error) on error. Success(None) if not found. Success(Some(value)) if found and processed.

  36. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  37. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  38. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
