



package net

Network-related utility methods and classes.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. net
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class IPAddress extends AnyRef


    Represents an IP address.

    Represents an IP address. This class is similar to, but it's designed to be more intuitive and easier to use from Scala. This package provides implicit converters to make this class compatible with The converters ensure that all the (non-static) methods defined in the class are directly callable from an instance of the Scala IPAddress class. For instance, the following code is perfectly legal:

    val ip = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 5)
    // Test if the address is reachable within 1 second.
    println(ip + " is reachable? " + ip.isReachable(1000))
    // Get the canonical host name for (i.e., do a reverse lookup on) the
    // address.
    println(ip + " -> " + ip.getCanonicalHostName)
    // Determine whether it's the loopback address.
    println(ip + " == loopback? " + ip.isLoopbackAddress)

    Here's an IPv6 example:

    val ip = IPAddress("fe80::21d:9ff:fea7:53e3")
    // Test if the address is reachable within 1 second.
    println(ip + " is reachable? " + ip.isReachable(1000))
    // Get the canonical host name for (i.e., do a reverse lookup on) the
    // address.
    println(ip + " -> " + ip.getCanonicalHostName)
    // Determine whether it's the loopback address.
    println(ip + " == loopback? " + ip.isLoopbackAddress)
  2. trait UDPDatagramSocket extends AnyRef


    A UDPDatagramSocket object represents a UDP datagram socket, providing a simpler interface to sending and receiving UDP packets than the one provided by the Java JDK.

    A UDPDatagramSocket object represents a UDP datagram socket, providing a simpler interface to sending and receiving UDP packets than the one provided by the Java JDK.

    Sending UDP Datagrams

    The easiest way to explain how to use this API is with some code. So, without further ado, the following example shows how you might send the string "foo" to port 2003 on host "".

    // Import the appropriate stuff.
    // First, create an object for the destination
    // machine.
    val address = IPAddress("")
    // Next, create the socket object. Since we're sending the packet,
    // we don't care what the local port is. By not specifying one, we allow
    // the operating system to choose one one for us. Similarly, by not
    // passing an explicit address, we indicate that the API should bind to a
    // wildcard address, so that the packet can go out over any appropriate
    // interface.
    val socket = UDPDatagramSocket()
    // Next, use the sendString() method to send the string
    socket.sendString("foo", address, 2003)
    // Finally, close the socket.

    That's pretty simple. However, using the utility methods provided by the UDPDatagramSocket companion object, we can further simplify the above code:

    // Import the appropriate stuff.
    UDPDatagramSocket.sendString("foo", IPAddress(""), 2003)

    The sendString() method in the companion object takes care of allocating the socket, sending the packet, and closing the socket. Obviously, if you're planning on sending multiple packets at once, you'll want to use the first example (perhaps in a loop), so you're not constantly allocating and deallocating sockets. But sending a one-shot UDP packet can be as simple as one line of code, as shown in the second example.

    Sending binary data is not much more complicated. You have to convert the data to a stream of bytes, which the server must then decode. After that, however, sending the bytes isn't much more difficult than sending a string. Here's an example, which assumes that you have already encoded the data to be send into an array of bytes.

    // Import the appropriate stuff.
    // Encode the data into bytes. (Not shown.)
    val data: Array[Byte] = encodeTheData()
    // Create the socket object.
    val socket = UDPDatagramSocket()
    // Send the data.
    socket.send(data, IPAddress(""), 2003)
    // Finally, close the socket.

    Once again, there's a simple utility method that does most of the work for you:

    // Import the appropriate stuff.
    // Encode the data into bytes. (Not shown.)
    val data: Array[Byte] = encodeTheData()
    // Send the data.
    UDPDatagramSocket.send(data, IPAddress(""), 2003)

    Receiving UDP Datagrams

    When receiving UDP datagrams, you must first bind to an incoming socket. That is, you must listen on the port to which clients are sending their packets. In this example, we create the socket object with the receiving port, and we allow the wildcard address to be used on the local machine (permitting us to receive packets on any interface).

    // Import the appropriate stuff.
    // Create the socket object.
    val socket = UDPDatagramSocket(2003)

    Next, we want to receive and process the incoming data. Let's assume that we're receiving the "foo" string (or, for that matter, any string) being sent by the sample sender, above.

    // Receive and print strings.
    while (true)

    That code says, "Wait for incoming strings, using a 1024-byte buffer. Then, decode the strings and print them to standard output.

    Receiving bytes isn't much more difficult.

    // Allocate a byte buffer. For efficiency, we'll re-use the same buffer
    // on every incoming message.
    val buf = Array.make[Byte](1024, 0)
    // Receive and process the incoming bytes. The process() method isn't
    // shown.
    while (true)
        val totalRead = socket.receive(buf)
        process(buf, totalRead)

    The above loop can be made even simpler (though a little more obscure), since the receive() method is filling our buffer and returning a count of the number of bytes it put into the buffer:

    while (true)
        process(buf, socket.receive(buf))
  3. case class URI(scheme: Option[String], userInfo: Option[String], host: Option[String], port: Option[Int], path: Option[String], query: Option[String] = None, fragment: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Convenient Scala case-class wrapper for a

    Convenient Scala case-class wrapper for a


    the scheme, if defined


    the user info, if defined


    the host, if defined


    the port, if defined


    the path, if defined


    the query string, if defined


    the fragment, if defined

  4. case class URL(protocol: String, host: Option[String], port: Option[Int], path: Option[String], query: Option[String] = None, userInfo: Option[String] = None, fragment: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Convenient Scala case-class wrapper for a

    Convenient Scala case-class wrapper for a This class doesn't include all the capabilities. For example, it lacks the equivalent of getContent(), as that's better handled through other means.


    the protocol, if defined


    the host, if defined


    the port, if defined


    the path


    the query string, if any


    the URL's user info, if any


    the fragment, if any

Value Members

  1. object IPAddress


    Companion object to IPAddress class.

  2. object Implicits


    Implicit conversions for network classes and types.

  3. object UDPDatagramSocket


    Companion object for the UDPDatagramSocket trait, containing methods to simplify creation of UDPDatagramSocket objects, as well as some useful utility methods.

    Companion object for the UDPDatagramSocket trait, containing methods to simplify creation of UDPDatagramSocket objects, as well as some useful utility methods. See the documentation for the UDPDatagramSocket trait for a full treatment on this API.

    See also


  4. object URI extends Serializable


    Companion object, adding some functions that aren't available in the generated one.

  5. object URL extends Serializable


    Companion object, adding some functions that aren't available in the generated one.

  6. object URLUtil


    URL-related utility methods.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
