All Classes and Interfaces

Represents a list of cloudlets of a customer.
Represents a simulation created in CloudSim Plus.
A customer registry stores information about a specific customer.
A datacenter registry stores information about a specific datacenter.
Starts the example, parsing a YAML file containing the simulation scenario, building and running it in CloudSim Plus.
A host registry stores information about a specific host configuration.
Useful methods to print log information to the terminal.
Dynamically creates instances of classes such as VmScheduler, VmAllocationPolicy, CloudletScheduler, ResourceProvisioner and others from the class name of the object to be instantiated.
A SAN registry stores basic information about a storage area network owned by a datacenter.
Starts the tool by loading a Cloud Computing simulation scenario from an YAML file given by command line.
A virtual machine registry stores information about a specific virtual machine configuration.
Represents a Cloud Computing simulation scenario read from an YAML file.
Reads Cloud Computing simulation scenarios from an YAML file and stores them into a List of YamlCloudScenario objects.