Class CloudletSimple

    • Constructor Detail

      • CloudletSimple

        public CloudletSimple​(long length,
                              int pesNumber)
        Creates a Cloudlet with no priority or id. The id is defined when the Cloudlet is submitted to a DatacenterBroker. The file size and output size is defined as 1.
        length - the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be executed in a VM (check out CloudletAbstract.setLength(long))
        pesNumber - number of PEs that Cloudlet will require
      • CloudletSimple

        public CloudletSimple​(long length,
                              long pesNumber)
        Creates a Cloudlet with no priority or id. The id is defined when the Cloudlet is submitted to a DatacenterBroker. The file size and output size is defined as 1.
        length - the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be executed in a VM (check out CloudletAbstract.setLength(long))
        pesNumber - number of PEs that Cloudlet will require
      • CloudletSimple

        public CloudletSimple​(long id,
                              long length,
                              long pesNumber)
        Creates a Cloudlet with no priority and file size and output size equal to 1. To change these values, use the respective setters.
        id - the unique ID of this cloudlet
        length - the length or size (in MI) of this cloudlet to be executed in a VM (check out CloudletAbstract.setLength(long))
        pesNumber - the pes number