Class NetworkDatacenter

    • Constructor Detail

      • NetworkDatacenter

        public NetworkDatacenter​(Simulation simulation,
                                 List<? extends Host> hostList,
                                 VmAllocationPolicy vmAllocationPolicy)
        Creates a NetworkDatacenter with the given parameters.
        simulation - The CloudSim instance that represents the simulation the Entity is related to
        hostList - list of Hosts that will compound the Datacenter
        vmAllocationPolicy - the policy to be used to allocate VMs into hosts
        IllegalArgumentException - when this entity has zero number of PEs (Processing Elements).
        No PEs mean the Cloudlets can't be processed. A CloudResource must contain one or more Machines. A Machine must contain one or more PEs.
    • Method Detail

      • getEdgeSwitch

        public List<Switch> getEdgeSwitch()
        Gets a map of all Edge Switches in the Datacenter network, where each key is the switch id and each value is the switch itself. One can design similar functions for other type of Datacenter.
      • addSwitch

        public void addSwitch​(Switch swt)
        Adds a Switch to the Datacenter.
        swt - the Switch to be added
      • getSwitchMap

        public List<Switch> getSwitchMap()
        Gets a read-only list of network Datacenter's Switches.