Class TraceReaderBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • TraceReaderBase

        protected TraceReaderBase​(String filePath,
                                  InputStream reader)
    • Method Detail

      • getFieldValue

        protected <T extends EnumString getFieldValue​(T field)
        Gets a field's value from the last parsed line as String.
        field - a enum value representing the index of the field to get the value
      • getFieldDoubleValue

        protected <T extends Enum> double getFieldDoubleValue​(T field)
        Gets a field's value from the last parsed line as double.
        field - a enum value representing the index of the field to get the value
      • getFieldDoubleValue

        protected <T extends Enum> double getFieldDoubleValue​(T field,
                                                              double defaultValue)
        Gets a field's value from the last parsed line as double.
        field - a enum value representing the index of the field to get the value
        defaultValue - the default value to be returned if the field value is not a number
      • getFieldIntValue

        protected <T extends Enum> int getFieldIntValue​(T field)
        Gets a field's value from the last parsed line as an int.
        field - a enum value representing the index of the field to get the value
      • getFieldIntValue

        protected <T extends Enum> int getFieldIntValue​(T field,
                                                        int defaultValue)
        Gets a field's value from the last parsed line as an int.
        field - a enum value representing the index of the field to get the value
        defaultValue - the default value to be returned if the field value is not an int
      • getFieldLongValue

        protected <T extends Enum> long getFieldLongValue​(T field)
        Gets a field's value from the last parsed line as an int.
        field - a enum value representing the index of the field to get the value
      • getFieldLongValue

        protected <T extends Enum> long getFieldLongValue​(T field,
                                                          long defaultValue)
        Gets a field's value from the last parsed line as an int.
        field - a enum value representing the index of the field to get the value
        defaultValue - the default value to be returned if the field value is not an int
      • getLastParsedLineArray

        protected String[] getLastParsedLineArray()
        Gets an array containing the field values from the last parsed trace line.
      • setLastParsedLineArray

        protected void setLastParsedLineArray​(String[] lastParsedLineArray)
        Sets an array containing the field values from the last parsed trace line.
        lastParsedLineArray - the field values from the last parsed trace line