Package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.datacenters

Provides Datacenter implementations, that represents a physical Cloud Datacenter and contains a set of Host that together provide the basic cloud infrastructure.

Each Datacenter has attributes that define its characteristics, such as the costs to use different physical resources from Hosts. These attributes are defined by a DatacenterCharacteristics object.

For each created Datacenter, a VmAllocationPolicy instance must be defined. This object decides which PM will host each Vm. The most basic VmAllocationPolicy is the VmAllocationPolicySimple.

All datacenter implementations are natively power-ware. Specific implementations can also be network-aware, enabling the simulation of network communication. There are specifc networtk-aware versions for Hosts and VMs and a single kindle of such objects must be used for a simulation. For instance a network-aware simulation must use NetworkDatacenter, NetworkHost, NetworkVm and NetworkCloudlet.

Manoel Campos da Silva Filho