Package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.schedulers

Provides processor schedulers implementations to enable multiple processes to run on some CPU cores (Pe). Consider a process being a Vm running inside a Host (PM) or a Cloudlet running inside a VM.

A scheduler is used manage the execution of VMs inside a PM and Cloudlets inside a VM. Since a PM can host multiple VMs and a VM can host multiple Cloudlets, such schedulers defined the policy used to allow sharing CPU time among such processes.

For Cloudlet and VM schedulers there are different implementations such as time- and space-shared schedulers. A time-shared is a multitasking scheduler that share CPU time among processes if there are more processes than CPU cores.
A space-shared is a non-multitasking scheduler that DOES NOT share CPU time among processes. Thus, if there are more processes than CPU cores, some processes will have to wait until other ones finish to start executing.

The choice of a given scheduler usually depends on desired goals and different implementations may provide more or less accuracy in how the processes are scheduled, what usually impacts the simulation overhead.

Manoel Campos da Silva Filho