Uses of Package

Packages that use org.cloudbus.cloudsim.distributions
Package Description
Provides classes that implement policies for a Datacenter to select a Host to place or migrate a VM, based on some criteria defined by each class.
Provides Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNG) following several statistical distributions used by the simulation API.
Provides classes that represent different physical and logical Resource used by simulation objects such as Hosts and VMs.
Provides VmSelectionPolicy implementations that define policies to be used by a Host to select a Vm to migrate from a list of VMs.
Provides classes that model utilization of resources such as CPU, Ram and Bandwidth, defining how a given resource is used by a Cloudlet along the simulation time.
Provides classes to inject random faults during simulation runtime.
Provides a set of interfaces and classes to develop heuristics to find sub-optimal solutions for problems, considering some utility function that has to be minimized or maximized.
Provides base classes to enable implementing testbeds in a repeatable manner, allowing a researcher to execute several simulation runs for a given experiment and collect statistical data using a scientific approach.