Interface Machine

All Superinterfaces:
AbstractMachine, ChangeableId, Identifiable, Resourceful
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
HostSimple, NetworkHost

public interface Machine
extends AbstractMachine
An interface to be implemented by different kinds of Physical Machines (PMs).
CloudSim Plus 1.2.0
Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
  • Method Details

    • getRelativeCpuUtilization

      default double getRelativeCpuUtilization​(Vm vm)
      Computes the current relative percentage of the CPU the VM is using from the Machine's total MIPS Capacity. If the capacity is 1000 MIPS and the VM is using 250 MIPS, it's equivalent to 25% of the Machines's capacity.
      the relative VM CPU usage percent (from 0 to 1)
    • getExpectedRelativeCpuUtilization

      default double getExpectedRelativeCpuUtilization​(Vm vm, double vmCpuUtilizationPercent)
      Computes what would be the relative percentage of the CPU the VM is using from a Machine's total MIPS Capacity, considering that the VM's CPU load is at a given percentage.
      vm - the VM to get its relative percentage of CPU utilization
      vmCpuUtilizationPercent - the VM's CPU utilization percentage for a given time
      the relative VM CPU usage percent (from 0 to 1)
    • getRelativeMipsCapacityPercent

      default double getRelativeMipsCapacityPercent​(Vm vm)
      Gets the percentage of the MIPS capacity a VM represents from the total Machine's MIPS capacity.
      the VM relative MIPS capacity percentage
    • getRelativeRamUtilization

      default double getRelativeRamUtilization​(Vm vm)
      Computes the relative percentage of the RAM a VM is using from a Machine's total Capacity for the current simulation time.
      vm - the Vm to compute the relative utilization of RAM from this machine
      the relative VM RAM usage percent (from 0 to 1)
    • getRelativeBwUtilization

      default double getRelativeBwUtilization​(Vm vm)
      Computes the relative percentage of the BW a VM is using from a Machine's total Capacity for the current simulation time.
      vm - the Vm to compute the relative utilization of BW from this machine
      the relative VM BW usage percent (from 0 to 1)