Interface UniquelyIdentifiable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Cloudlet, CustomerEntity, Vm
All Known Implementing Classes:
CloudletAbstract, CloudletSimple, CustomerEntityAbstract, NetworkCloudlet, NetworkVm, VmGroup, VmSimple

public interface UniquelyIdentifiable
extends Identifiable
An interface for objects that have an Unique Identifier (UID) that is compounded by a DatacenterBroker ID and the object ID.
Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    String getUid()
    Gets the Unique Identifier (UID) for the VM, that is compounded by the id of a DatacenterBroker (representing the User) and the object id.
    static String getUid​(long brokerId, long id)
    Generates an Unique Identifier (UID).

    Methods inherited from interface org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.Identifiable

  • Method Details

    • getUid

      static String getUid​(long brokerId, long id)
      Generates an Unique Identifier (UID).
      brokerId - the id of the DatacenterBroker (user)
      id - the object id
      the generated UID
    • getUid

      String getUid()
      Gets the Unique Identifier (UID) for the VM, that is compounded by the id of a DatacenterBroker (representing the User) and the object id.