Interface PowerModel

All Known Implementing Classes:
PowerModelDatacenter, PowerModelDatacenterSimple, PowerModelHost, PowerModelHostSimple, PowerModelHostSpec

public interface PowerModel
A common interface for implementing models of power consumption for entities such as Datacenters and Hosts. A PowerModel computes the current power usage (in Watts) of an entity during the simulation.
CloudSim Plus 6.0.0
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    default double getPower()
    Returns the entity's current total power usage as a double value, representing the Watts consumed.
    PowerMeasurement getPowerMeasurement()
    Returns the entity's current power usage as a PowerMeasurement, which can hold additional information like static and dynamic fraction of power usage.
  • Method Details

    • getPowerMeasurement

      PowerMeasurement getPowerMeasurement()
      Returns the entity's current power usage as a PowerMeasurement, which can hold additional information like static and dynamic fraction of power usage.
    • getPower

      default double getPower()
      Returns the entity's current total power usage as a double value, representing the Watts consumed.