Package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core

package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core
Provides core classes used just internally by CloudSim Plus, except the CloudSim class that is the start point and main class used to run simulations.
  • Class
    Represents either a: (i) Physical Machine (PM) which implements the Host interface; or (ii) Virtual Machine (VM), which implements the Vm interface.
    An interface for objects that have to be identified by an id and that such id can be changed.
    A Cloud Information Service (CIS) is an entity that provides cloud resource registration, indexing and discovery services.
    The main class of the simulation API, that manages Cloud Computing simulations, providing all methods to start, pause and stop them.
    Represents a simulation entity.
    Tags indicating a type of action that needs to be undertaken by CloudSim entities when they receive or send events.
    Represents an object that is owned by a DatacenterBroker, namely Vm and Cloudlet.
    A base class for CustomerEntity implementations.
    Defines methods for an object that its execution can be delayed by some time when it is submitted to a Datacenter by a DatacenterBroker.
    An interface for objects that have to be identified by an id.
    An interface to be implemented by different kinds of Physical Machines (PMs), such as Hosts.
    An interface for objects that have to be identified by an id and that also have a name.
    An interface that enables machines (Vms or Hosts) to enable the computation of statistics for its resource utilization.
    An interface that represents a simulation entity.
    Defines the event state.
    A base interface used internally to implement the Null Object Design Pattern for interfaces extending SimEntity.
    An interface to be implemented by a class that manages simulation execution, controlling all the simulation life cycle.
    An interface for objects that have a Unique Identifier (UID) that is compounded by a DatacenterBroker ID and the object ID.