Class VmAllocationPolicyMigrationStaticThreshold

All Implemented Interfaces:
VmAllocationPolicyMigration, VmAllocationPolicy
Direct Known Subclasses:
VmAllocationPolicyMigrationBestFitStaticThreshold, VmAllocationPolicyMigrationFirstFitStaticThreshold, VmAllocationPolicyMigrationWorstFitStaticThreshold

public class VmAllocationPolicyMigrationStaticThreshold extends VmAllocationPolicyMigrationAbstract
A VM allocation policy that uses a static CPU utilization threshold to detect host over utilization. It's a First Fit policy which selects the first Host found with most efficient power usage to place a given VM.

If you are using any algorithms, policies or workload included in the power package please cite the following paper:

CloudSim Toolkit 3.0
Anton Beloglazov
  • Field Details


      public static final double DEF_OVER_UTILIZATION_THRESHOLD
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setOverUtilizationThreshold

      public final void setOverUtilizationThreshold(double overUtilizationThreshold)
      Sets the static host CPU utilization threshold to detect over utilization.
      overUtilizationThreshold - the overUtilizationThreshold to set
    • getOverUtilizationThreshold

      public double getOverUtilizationThreshold(Host host)
      Gets the static host CPU utilization threshold to detect over utilization. It is a percentage value from 0 to 1 that can be changed when creating an instance of the class.

      This implementation always returns the same over utilization threshold for any given host

      host - the host to get the over utilization threshold
      the over utilization threshold (that is the same for any given host)