Class VerticalVmScalingSimple

All Implemented Interfaces:
VerticalVmScaling, VmScaling

public class VerticalVmScalingSimple extends VerticalVmScalingAbstract
A VerticalVmScaling implementation which allows a DatacenterBroker to perform on demand up or down scaling for some Vm resource, such as Ram, Pe or Bandwidth.

For each resource that is required to be scaled, a distinct VerticalVmScaling instance must be assigned to the VM to be scaled.

CloudSim Plus 1.1.0
Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
  • Constructor Details

    • VerticalVmScalingSimple

      public VerticalVmScalingSimple(Class<? extends ResourceManageable> resourceClassToScale, double scalingFactor)
      Creates a VerticalVmScalingSimple with a ResourceScalingGradual scaling type.
      resourceClassToScale - the class of Vm resource that this scaling object will request up or down scaling (such as Ram.class, Bandwidth.class or Processor.class).
      scalingFactor - the factor (a percentage value in scale from 0 to 1) that will be used to scale a Vm resource up or down, whether such a resource is over or underloaded, according to the defined predicates. In the case of up scaling, the value 1 will scale the resource in 100%, doubling its capacity.
      See Also:
  • Method Details