Uses of Package

Provides DatacenterBroker classes that act on behalf of a cloud customer, attending his/her requests for creation and destruction of Cloudlets and VMs, assigning such Cloudlets to specific VMs.
Provides Cloudlet implementations, that represent an application that will run inside a Vm.
Provides core classes used just internally by CloudSim Plus, except the CloudSim class that is the start point and main class used to run simulations.
Provides implementations of Virtual Machines (Vm) which are a software package that emulate the architecture of a physical machine.
Provides Builder classes that implement the Builder Design Pattern to allow instantiating multiple simulation objects more easily.
Provides classes to inject random faults during simulation runtime.
Provides EventListener implementations to enable event notifications during simulation execution.
Provides base classes to enable implementing testbeds in a repeatable manner, allowing a researcher to execute several simulation runs for a given experiment and collect statistical data using a scientific approach.
Provides classes to process trace files from Google Cluster Data that create objects such as Hosts and Cloudlets from such files.