

package learning

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Answer extends AnyRef

    Evaluates the output of svm_rank_classify or other reranking classifier This currently computes P@1 This works for the QA system, but it should work for every generic svm_rank_classify like output User: mihais Date: 9/11/13

  2. class BVFDataset[L, F] extends Dataset[L, F]

    Dataset containing only BVFDatums Important note: to encode feature values > 1, simply store the same feature multiple times (equal to feature value)!

    Dataset containing only BVFDatums Important note: to encode feature values > 1, simply store the same feature multiple times (equal to feature value)!


    Type of labels


    Type of features

  3. class BVFDatum[L, F] extends Datum[L, F]

    Datum that contains only binary- (or Int) valued features

    Datum that contains only binary- (or Int) valued features


  4. class BVFRankingDataset[F] extends RankingDataset[F]

  5. class BaggingClassifier[L, F] extends Classifier[L, F]

    Classifier that implements bagging over another Classifier Created by dfried, mihais Date: 4/25/14

  6. trait Classifier[L, F] extends AnyRef

    Trait for iid classification For reranking problems, see RankingClassifier User: mihais Date: 11/17/13

  7. class CounterDataset[L, F] extends Dataset[L, F]

    Dataset that represents datums as explicit counters This is more efficient for the training of various algorithms such as random forests

  8. abstract class Dataset[L, F] extends Serializable

    Parent class for classification datasets User: mihais Date: 4/23/13

  9. class DatasetFold extends AnyRef

    Stores one fold, containing testing and training partitions Each tuple stores start and end offsets, starting from 0 User: mihais Date: 5/1/13

  10. class Datasets extends AnyRef

    Operations on datasets User: mihais Date: 5/1/13

  11. trait Datum[L, F] extends AnyRef

    Trait for ML datums.

    Trait for ML datums. L indicates the type of the label; F indicates the type of the feature User: mihais Date: 4/23/13

  12. trait FeatureTraversable[F, V] extends AnyRef

    Analogous to iterable -- defines a method for geting the feature traverser and updater Created by dfried on 5/27/14.

  13. trait FeatureUpdater[F, V] extends Traversable[(F, V)]

    Allows traversal of a dataset (or ranking dataset)'s features and values, and also destructive updates of the values.

    Allows traversal of a dataset (or ranking dataset)'s features and values, and also destructive updates of the values. Useful for finding the range of values and then rescaling them. Analogous to iterator with destructive updates Created by dfried on 5/27/14.

  14. class InformationGain extends AnyRef

  15. class KernelType extends AnyRef

  16. class L1LinearSVMClassifier[L, F] extends LiblinearClassifier[L, F]

    Linear SVM with L1 regularization

  17. class L1LogisticRegressionClassifier[L, F] extends LiblinearClassifier[L, F]

    LR with L1 regularization

  18. class LibSVMClassifier[L, F] extends Classifier[L, F] with Serializable

    Modified from mihais's Liblinear wrapper by dfried on 5/2/14

  19. class LiblinearClassifier[L, F] extends Classifier[L, F] with Serializable

    Wrapper for liblinear classifiers, which includes LR and linear SVM Note: this only supports classification; it does not support regression by design User: mihais Date: 11/16/13

  20. class LinearSVMClassifier[L, F] extends LiblinearClassifier[L, F]

    Linear SVM with L2 regularization

  21. class LogisticRegressionClassifier[L, F] extends LiblinearClassifier[L, F]

    Vanilla logistic regression with L2 regularization

  22. class PerceptronClassifier[L, F] extends Classifier[L, F] with Serializable

    Multiclass perceptron classifier, in primal mode Includes averaging, hard margin, burn-in iterations User: mihais Date: 12/15/13

  23. class PerceptronRankingClassifier[F] extends RankingClassifier[F] with Serializable

    Perceptron classifier for ranking, in primal mode Includes averaging, hard margin, burn-in iterations User: mihais Date: 12/10/13

  24. class Qid extends AnyRef

  25. class RFClassifier[L, F] extends Classifier[L, F] with Serializable

    An in-house implementation of random forests User: mihais Date: 11/23/15

  26. class RFJob[L, F] extends AnyRef

  27. class RFLeaf extends RFTree

  28. class RFNonTerminal extends RFTree

  29. trait RFTree extends AnyRef

  30. class RVFDataset[L, F] extends BVFDataset[L, F] with FeatureTraversable[F, Double]

    Dataset containing only RVFDatums

    Dataset containing only RVFDatums


    Type of labels


    Type of features

  31. class RVFDatum[L, F] extends Datum[L, F]

    Datum that contains real-valued features

    Datum that contains real-valued features


  32. class RVFKDatum[L, F] extends RVFDatum[L, F]

    Datum that contains real-valued features and kernelized representation

    Datum that contains real-valued features and kernelized representation


  33. class RVFKRankingDataset[F] extends RVFRankingDataset[F]

  34. class RVFRankingDataset[F] extends BVFRankingDataset[F] with FeatureTraversable[F, Double]

  35. trait RankingClassifier[F] extends AnyRef

    Generic trait for ranking classifiers; for iid classification see Classifier User: mihais Date: 4/23/13

  36. trait RankingDataset[F] extends AnyRef

    Parent class for all datasets used for ranking problems User: mihais Date: 4/23/13

  37. class SVMRankingClassifier[F] extends RankingClassifier[F] with Serializable

    Wrapper for SVMrank: trains using svm_rank_learn but predicts using native Scala code Only the linear kernel is supported User: mihais Date: 4/23/13

  38. class ScaleRange[F] extends Serializable

  39. case class Utility(feature: Int, threshold: Double, value: Double, parentValue: Double, leftChildValue: Double, rightChildValue: Double, leftCounter: Counter[Int], rightCounter: Counter[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object BaggingClassifier

  2. object Datasets

  3. object LearningExample

    Simple example of how to use RVF data and classifiers User: mihais Date: 11/18/15

  4. object LibSVMClassifier extends Serializable

  5. object LiblinearClassifier extends Serializable

  6. object LinearKernel extends KernelType with Product with Serializable

  7. object PerceptronClassifier extends Serializable

  8. object PerceptronRankingClassifier extends Serializable

  9. object PolynomialKernel extends KernelType with Product with Serializable

  10. object RBFKernel extends KernelType with Product with Serializable

  11. object RFClassifier extends Serializable

  12. object RVFDataset extends Serializable

  13. object RVFRankingDataset

  14. object RankerEvaluator

  15. object RankingClassifier

  16. object SVMRankingClassifier extends Serializable

  17. object ScaleRange extends Serializable

  18. object SigmoidKernel extends KernelType with Product with Serializable
