

package processors

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CorefChains extends Serializable

    Stores all the coreference chains extracted in one document

  2. class CorefMention extends Serializable

    Stores a single coreference mention

  3. class DependencyMap extends HashMap[Int, DirectedGraph[String]]

  4. class Document extends Serializable

    Stores all annotations for one document User: mihais Date: 3/1/13

  5. class DocumentSerializer extends AnyRef

    Saves/loads a Document to/from a stream An important focus here is to minimize the size of the serialized Document.

    Saves/loads a Document to/from a stream An important focus here is to minimize the size of the serialized Document. For this reason, we use a custom (compact) text format, rather than XML. User: mihais Date: 3/5/13

  6. trait Processor extends AnyRef

    User: mihais Date: 3/1/13

  7. class Sentence extends Serializable

    Stores the annotations for a single sentence

Value Members

  1. object BioNLPProcessorFile

    Runs BioNLPProcessor on a single text file.

    Runs BioNLPProcessor on a single text file. The output is serialized in a .ser output file. User: mihais Date: 12/8/14

  2. object BioNLPProcessorFilesByLine

    Runs BioNLPProcessor on a bunch of files, where each file stores one sentence per line User: mihais Date: 12/5/14

  3. object CorefChains extends Serializable

  4. object DependencyMap extends Serializable

  5. object DocumentSerializer

  6. object DocumentSerializerExample

    User: mihais Date: 10/1/14

  7. object Processor

  8. object ProcessorExample

    An example on how to fully annotate text using the CoreNLP or FastNLP processors User: mihais Date: 3/28/13

  9. object ProcessorFileExample

    User: mihais Date: 4/16/14

  10. object ProcessorShell extends App

    A simple interactive shell User: mihais Date: 3/13/14

  11. package bionlp

  12. package corenlp

  13. package fastnlp

  14. package ling

  15. package shallownlp

  16. package visualizer
