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Get a single FriesEntry representing a paper
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Produces Mentions from either a .nxml or .csv/.tsv paper using NxmlReader or DSVParser and ReachSystem
Produces Mentions from either a .nxml or .csv/.tsv paper using NxmlReader or DSVParser and ReachSystem
a File with either the .csv, .tsv, or .nxml extension
(PaperID, Mentions)
Produces Dataset from a directory of nxml and csv papers.
Produces Dataset from a directory of nxml and csv papers.
a File (directory) of nxml and csv papers
a Dataset (PaperID -> Mentions)
Produces Dataset from a directory of nxml and csv papers
Produces Dataset from a directory of nxml and csv papers
a directory of nxml and csv papers
a Dataset (PaperID -> Mentions)