Tell whether the given mention is grounded from a protein family KB or not.
Tell whether the given mention is grounded from a protein KB or not.
Return a file for the given filename in the knowledge bases directory.
Return a file for the given filename in the current user working directory.
Return a formatted string containing this entry's namespace and ID.
Return a resource path string for the given filename in the knowledge bases directory.
Return a path string for the given filename in the current user working directory.
Return given sequence of resolutions ordered in the application default manner.
Read and return all the lines from the specified file.
Filter sequence to return only resolutions (sorted) with the given species.
Filter sequence to return only resolutions (sorted) without a species in the given set.
Filter sequence to return only resolutions (sorted) with a species in the given set.
Filter sequence to return human resolutions (sorted).
Filter sequence to return resolutions which have no species.
Filter sequence to return only resolutions (sorted) without the given species.
Filter sequence to return only resolutions (sorted) with a non-human species.
Return a Scala Source object created from the given resource path string.
Return a Scala Source object created from the given resource path string. If the resource path ends with ".gz" the source is created around a gzip input stream.
Convert a single row string from a TSV file to a sequence of string fields.
Support methods for writing local KB accessors. Written by Tom Hicks. 10/23/2015. Last Modified: Modify methods to use species name sets.