Class WebLogic8xConfigXmlInstalledLocalDeployer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Deployer, org.codehaus.cargo.util.log.Loggable

    public class WebLogic8xConfigXmlInstalledLocalDeployer
    extends AbstractInstalledLocalDeployer
    Static deployer that manages deployment configuration by manipulating the WebLogic config.xml file.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WebLogic8xConfigXmlInstalledLocalDeployer

        public WebLogic8xConfigXmlInstalledLocalDeployer​(LocalContainer container)
        container - container to configure
    • Method Detail

      • writeConfigXml

        public void writeConfigXml​(Document configXml)
        write the domain's config.xml to disk.
        configXml - document to write to disk
      • getDomainHome

        protected String getDomainHome()
        get the DOMAIN_HOME of the server.
        location to find files like config.xml
      • deploy

        public void deploy​(Deployable deployable)
        deploys files by adding their configuration to the config.xml file of the WebLogic server.
        Specified by:
        deploy in interface Deployer
        deploy in class AbstractDeployer
      • undeploy

        public void undeploy​(Deployable deployable)
        undeploys files by removing their configuration to the config.xml file of the WebLogic server.
        Specified by:
        undeploy in interface Deployer
        undeploy in class AbstractDeployer
      • addWarToDomain

        protected void addWarToDomain​(WAR war,
                                      Element domain)
        Insert the corresponding web app element into the domain of the WebLogic server.
        war - - web application component to configure
        domain - - Domain element of the WebLogic server
      • addEarToDomain

        protected void addEarToDomain​(EAR ear,
                                      Element domain)
        Insert the corresponding ear element into the domain of the WebLogic server.
        ear - - ear to configure
        domain - - Domain element of the WebLogic server
      • getServerName

        protected String getServerName()
        return the running server's name.
        the WebLogic server's name