Class ReflectionUtils

  • public class ReflectionUtils
    extends Object
    This class contains utility methods to determine which class called the current class to multiple levels of depth. Calls used to handle the groovy MOP are excluded from the level counting.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReflectionUtils

        public ReflectionUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • isCallingClassReflectionAvailable

        public static boolean isCallingClassReflectionAvailable()
        Determine whether or not the getCallingClass methods will return any sensible results. On JVMs that are not Sun derived i.e. (gcj, Harmony) this will likely return false. When not available all getCallingClass methods will return null.
        true if getCallingClass can return anything but null, false if it will only return null.
      • getCallingClass

        public static Class getCallingClass()
        Get the immediate calling class, ignoring MOP frames.
        The Class of the caller
      • getCallingClass

        public static Class getCallingClass​(int matchLevel)
        Get the called that is matchLevel stack frames before the call, ignoring MOP frames.
        matchLevel - how may call stacks down to look. If it is less than 1 it is treated as though it was 1.
        The Class of the matched caller, or null if there aren't enough stackframes to satisfy matchLevel
      • getCallingClass

        public static Class getCallingClass​(int matchLevel,
                                            Collection<String> extraIgnoredPackages)
        Get the called that is matchLevel stack frames before the call, ignoring MOP frames and desired exclude packages.
        matchLevel - how may call stacks down to look. If it is less than 1 it is treated as though it was 1.
        extraIgnoredPackages - A collection of string names of packages to exclude in addition to the MOP packages when counting stack frames.
        The Class of the matched caller, or null if there aren't enough stackframes to satisfy matchLevel
      • checkCanSetAccessible

        public static boolean checkCanSetAccessible​(AccessibleObject accessibleObject,
                                                    Class<?> caller)
      • checkAccessible

        public static boolean checkAccessible​(Class<?> callerClass,
                                              Class<?> declaringClass,
                                              int memberModifiers,
                                              boolean allowIllegalAccess)
      • trySetAccessible

        public static boolean trySetAccessible​(AccessibleObject ao)