Package groovy.lang

Class Script

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DelegatingScript, GroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport.TypeCheckingDSL

public abstract class Script
extends GroovyObjectSupport
This object represents a Groovy script
  • Constructor Summary

    Modifier Constructor Description
    protected Script()  
    protected Script​(Binding binding)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Object evaluate​(File file)
    A helper method to allow the dynamic evaluation of groovy expressions using this scripts binding as the variable scope
    Object evaluate​(String expression)
    A helper method to allow the dynamic evaluation of groovy expressions using this scripts binding as the variable scope
    Binding getBinding()  
    Object getProperty​(String property)
    Retrieves a property value.
    Object invokeMethod​(String name, Object args)
    Invoke a method (or closure in the binding) defined.
    void print​(Object value)
    Prints the value to the current 'out' variable which should be a PrintWriter or at least have a print() method defined on it.
    void printf​(String format, Object value)
    Prints a formatted string using the specified format string and argument.
    void printf​(String format, Object[] values)
    Prints a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments.
    void println()
    Prints a newline to the current 'out' variable which should be a PrintWriter or at least have a println() method defined on it.
    void println​(Object value)
    Prints the value and a newline to the current 'out' variable which should be a PrintWriter or at least have a println() method defined on it.
    abstract Object run()
    The main instance method of a script which has variables in scope as defined by the current Binding instance.
    void run​(File file, String[] arguments)
    A helper method to allow scripts to be run taking command line arguments
    void setBinding​(Binding binding)  
    void setProperty​(String property, Object newValue)
    Sets the given property to the new value.

    Methods inherited from class groovy.lang.GroovyObjectSupport

    getMetaClass, setMetaClass

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Script

      protected Script()
    • Script

      protected Script​(Binding binding)
  • Method Details

    • getBinding

      public Binding getBinding()
    • setBinding

      public void setBinding​(Binding binding)
    • getProperty

      public Object getProperty​(String property)
      Description copied from interface: GroovyObject
      Retrieves a property value.
      property - the name of the property of interest
      the given property
    • setProperty

      public void setProperty​(String property, Object newValue)
      Description copied from interface: GroovyObject
      Sets the given property to the new value.
      property - the name of the property of interest
      newValue - the new value for the property
    • invokeMethod

      public Object invokeMethod​(String name, Object args)
      Invoke a method (or closure in the binding) defined.
      name - method to call
      args - arguments to pass to the method
    • run

      public abstract Object run()
      The main instance method of a script which has variables in scope as defined by the current Binding instance.
    • println

      public void println()
      Prints a newline to the current 'out' variable which should be a PrintWriter or at least have a println() method defined on it. If there is no 'out' property then print to standard out.
    • print

      public void print​(Object value)
      Prints the value to the current 'out' variable which should be a PrintWriter or at least have a print() method defined on it. If there is no 'out' property then print to standard out.
    • println

      public void println​(Object value)
      Prints the value and a newline to the current 'out' variable which should be a PrintWriter or at least have a println() method defined on it. If there is no 'out' property then print to standard out.
    • printf

      public void printf​(String format, Object value)
      Prints a formatted string using the specified format string and argument.
      format - the format to follow
      value - the value to be formatted
    • printf

      public void printf​(String format, Object[] values)
      Prints a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments.
      format - the format to follow
      values - an array of values to be formatted
    • evaluate

      public Object evaluate​(String expression) throws CompilationFailedException
      A helper method to allow the dynamic evaluation of groovy expressions using this scripts binding as the variable scope
      expression - is the Groovy script expression to evaluate
    • evaluate

      public Object evaluate​(File file) throws CompilationFailedException, IOException
      A helper method to allow the dynamic evaluation of groovy expressions using this scripts binding as the variable scope
      file - is the Groovy script to evaluate
    • run

      public void run​(File file, String[] arguments) throws CompilationFailedException, IOException
      A helper method to allow scripts to be run taking command line arguments