Interface SMBSigningDigest

    • Method Detail

      • sign

        void sign​(byte[] data,
                  int offset,
                  int length,
                  CommonServerMessageBlock request,
                  CommonServerMessageBlock response)
        Performs MAC signing of the SMB. This is done as follows. The signature field of the SMB is overwritten with the sequence number; The MD5 digest of the MAC signing key + the entire SMB is taken; The first 8 bytes of this are placed in the signature field.
        data - The data.
        offset - The starting offset at which the SMB header begins.
        length - The length of the SMB data starting at offset.
        request - request message
        response - response message
      • verify

        boolean verify​(byte[] data,
                       int offset,
                       int length,
                       int extraPad,
                       CommonServerMessageBlock msg)
        Performs MAC signature verification. This calculates the signature of the SMB and compares it to the signature field on the SMB itself.
        data - The data.
        offset - The starting offset at which the SMB header begins.
        length -
        extraPad - extra padding to include in signature
        msg - The message to verify
        whether verification was unsuccessful