Class ACE

  • public class ACE
    extends Object
    An Access Control Entry (ACE) is an element in a security descriptor such as those associated with files and directories. The Windows OS determines which users have the necessary permissions to access objects based on these entries.

    To fully understand the information exposed by this class a description of the access check algorithm used by Windows is required. The following is a basic description of the algorithm. For a more complete description we recommend reading the section on Access Control in Keith Brown's "The .NET Developer's Guide to Windows Security" (which is also available online).

    Direct ACEs are evaluated first in order. The SID of the user performing the operation and the desired access bits are compared to the SID and access mask of each ACE. If the SID matches, the allow/deny flags and access mask are considered. If the ACE is a "deny" ACE and any of the desired access bits match bits in the access mask of the ACE, the whole access check fails. If the ACE is an "allow" ACE and all of the bits in the desired access bits match bits in the access mask of the ACE, the access check is successful. Otherwise, more ACEs are evaluated until all desired access bits (combined) are "allowed". If all of the desired access bits are not "allowed" the then same process is repeated for inherited ACEs.

    For example, if user WNET\alice tries to open a file with desired access bits 0x00000003 (FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA) and the target file has the following security descriptor ACEs:

     Allow WNET\alice     0x001200A9  Direct
     Allow Administrators 0x001F01FF  Inherited
     Allow SYSTEM         0x001F01FF  Inherited
    the access check would fail because the direct ACE has an access mask of 0x001200A9 which doesn't have the FILE_WRITE_DATA bit on (bit 0x00000002). Actually, this isn't quite correct. If WNET\alice is in the local Administrators group the access check will succeed because the inherited ACE allows local Administrators both FILE_READ_DATA and FILE_WRITE_DATA access.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ACE

        public ACE()
    • Method Detail

      • isAllow

        public boolean isAllow()
        Returns true if this ACE is an allow ACE and false if it is a deny ACE.
      • isInherited

        public boolean isInherited()
        Returns true if this ACE is an inherited ACE and false if it is a direct ACE.

        Note: For reasons not fully understood, FLAGS_INHERITED may not be set within all security descriptors even though the ACE was in face inherited. If an inherited ACE is added to a parent the Windows ACL editor will rebuild all children ACEs and set this flag accordingly.

      • getFlags

        public int getFlags()
        Returns the flags for this ACE. The isInherited() method checks the FLAGS_INHERITED bit in these flags.
      • getApplyToText

        public String getApplyToText()
        Returns the 'Apply To' text for inheritance of ACEs on directories such as 'This folder, subfolder and files'. For files the text is always 'This object only'.
      • getAccessMask

        public int getAccessMask()
        Returns the access mask accociated with this ACE. Use the constants for FILE_READ_DATA, FILE_WRITE_DATA, READ_CONTROL, GENERIC_ALL, etc with bitwise operators to determine which bits of the mask are on or off.
      • getSID

        public SID getSID()
        Return the SID associated with this ACE.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a string represeting this ACE.

        Note: This function should probably be changed to return SDDL fragments but currently it does not.

        toString in class Object