Package jcifs.netbios

Class UniAddress

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UniAddress
    extends Object
    implements Address

    Under normal conditions it is not necessary to use this class to use jCIFS properly. Name resolusion is handled internally to the jcifs.smb package.

    This class is a wrapper for both NbtAddress and InetAddress. The name resolution mechanisms used will systematically query all available configured resolution services including WINS, broadcasts, DNS, and LMHOSTS. See Setting Name Resolution Properties and the jcifs.resolveOrder property. Changing jCIFS name resolution properties can greatly affect the behavior of the client and may be necessary for proper operation.

    This class should be used in favor of InetAddress to resolve hostnames on LANs and WANs that support a mixture of NetBIOS/WINS and DNS resolvable hosts.

    • Constructor Detail

      • UniAddress

        public UniAddress​(Object addr)
        Create a UniAddress by wrapping an InetAddress or NbtAddress.
        addr - wrapped address
    • Method Detail

      • isDotQuadIP

        public static boolean isDotQuadIP​(String hostname)
        Check whether a hostname is actually an ip address
        hostname -
        whether this is an IP address
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Return the IP address of this address as a 32 bit integer.
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Compare two addresses for equality. Two UniAddresss are equal if they are both UniAddress' and refer to the same IP address.
        equals in class Object
      • firstCalledName

        public String firstCalledName()
        Guess first called name to try for session establishment. This method is used exclusively by the jcifs.smb package.
        Specified by:
        firstCalledName in interface Address
        the guessed name
      • nextCalledName

        public String nextCalledName​(CIFSContext tc)
        Guess next called name to try for session establishment. This method is used exclusively by the jcifs.smb package.
        Specified by:
        nextCalledName in interface Address
        tc - context to use
        guessed alternate name
      • getAddress

        public Object getAddress()
        Return the underlying NbtAddress or InetAddress.
        wrapped address
      • getHostName

        public String getHostName()
        Return the hostname of this address such as "MYCOMPUTER".
        Specified by:
        getHostName in interface Address
        the hostname associated with the address
      • getHostAddress

        public String getHostAddress()
        Return the IP address as text such as "".
        Specified by:
        getHostAddress in interface Address
        the ip address
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return the a text representation of this address such as MYCOMPUTER/
        toString in class Object