Computate Vert.x Code Generation Tools API

Provides classes to start constructing a java project
Provides classes which transform the structs from the JavaParser to the Java model elements
Provides the default implementation of the classes which transform the structs from the JavaParser to the Java model elements
Provides classes to visit all files within a directory matching a certain filter
Provides classes to construct a classloader-like structure of libraries There are two types of ClassLibraryBuilders: SortedClassLibraryBuilder, which bundles the libraries by type OrderedClassLibraryBuilder, which respects the order of added libraries There are four types of ClassLibraries: ClassLoaderLibrary, which uses the classpath to search for sources or binaries SourceLibrary, which uses a specific sourcefile SourceFolderLibrary, which tries to locate sourcefiles by translating the package to folders ClassNameLibrary, which generates an anonymous class, as if it would exist
Provides classes reflecting the Java model elements.
Provides classes reflecting the Java expressions.
Provides the default implementation of the classes reflecting the Java model elements.
Provides utility classes supporting the construction of the models
Provides interfaces and exceptions for both Lexers and Parsers
Provides classes which make it possible to resolve expression values
Provides the implementations of the Lexers and Parsers
Provides simple models to be constructed by the parser.
Provides classes to write Java model elements in any style
Provides the default implementation of classes to write Java model elements in any style.