Interface EarlyResponseContainer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface EarlyResponseContainer
    A transient container for early response. In the context of COPPER, a reponse is called early, if an asynchronous response is provided to an engine using notify before the workflow has called wait. In this case the engine is unable to correlate the response with a waiting workflow instance and will store the response in this container. Later on, the engine will ask the container for every wait if a response for this wait is already there. In this case the response is removed from the container. The container may implement a strategy to remove reponses for which no wait from a corresponding workflow instance is called.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.List<Response<?>> get​(java.lang.String correlationId)
      Gets and removes the responses for the provided correlationId if they exists.
      void put​(Response<?> response)
      Puts an early reponse into the container
      void shutdown()
      Shutdown the container
      void startup()
      Startup the container
    • Method Detail

      • put

        void put​(Response<?> response)
        Puts an early reponse into the container
        response - the response to be put into the container
      • get

        java.util.List<Response<?>> get​(java.lang.String correlationId)
        Gets and removes the responses for the provided correlationId if they exists.
        correlationId - correlationId for which responses shall be get and removed.
        the responses or an empty list if there is no response for the provided correlationId.
      • startup

        void startup()
        Startup the container
      • shutdown

        void shutdown()
        Shutdown the container