

package collection

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AliasedEnumSymbol extends EnumSymbol

    An Enum symbol with a symbol name that can be explicitly set and which may be different than its corresponding Scala case object's name.

  2. abstract class AliasedIndexedEnumSymbol extends IndexedEnumSymbol

    Both a IndexedEnumSymbol and a AliasedEnumSymbol.

  3. trait Enum[SymbolType <: EnumSymbol] extends AnyRef

    Provides a convenient way to define "ADT" based Scala enumerations (enumerations defined with case objects extending a sealed trait) while still retaining the ability to:

  4. trait EnumSymbol extends AnyRef

    An Enum symbol.

  5. trait IndexedEnum[SymbolType <: IndexedEnumSymbol] extends Enum[SymbolType]

    An extension of Enum supporting IndexedEnumSymbol symbols.

  6. abstract class IndexedEnumSymbol extends EnumSymbol with Ordered[IndexedEnumSymbol]

    An IndexedEnum symbol indexed by an Int 'id'.
