All Classes and Interfaces

Simple interface to interact with Jongo/MongoDB.
Changes MongoException in to MongoRepositoryException (which is a checked exception).As well if Command result is not ok (CommandResult#isOk) return false a exception will be thrown the message for that exception will be CommandResult#getErrorMessage.
Some of the find and insert methods use a template queryName.
Mongo exception thrown when a document can't be inserted because there's already a document with the same key.
Grid Fs File Information
Creates a Jongo singleton for application wide use.
Holds a Map of all the register MongoQueries.
Creates a Mongo Client based on a connection String
FactoryBean that besides creating a MongoClient from a Mongo URI, closes the client when it's destroyed.
Spring helper for Create a MongoClient
Checked Exception to wrap around MongoException.
Utility class for running Mongo scripts in JS.
Created by alfonsovasquez on 13/6/16.