Class SingleFileMergeStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • SingleFileMergeStrategy

        public SingleFileMergeStrategy()
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptors

        public List<MergeableDescriptor> getDescriptors​(Context context,
                                                        CachingOptions cachingOptions,
                                                        String mainDescriptorUrl,
                                                        org.dom4j.Document mainDescriptorDom,
                                                        boolean mainDescriptorOptional)
                                                 throws XmlMergeException
        Description copied from interface: DescriptorMergeStrategy
        Returns the list of descriptors in the order they should be merged, given the URI of the primary descriptor.
        Specified by:
        getDescriptors in interface DescriptorMergeStrategy
        context - the current context
        cachingOptions - caching options in case you need access to items
        mainDescriptorUrl - the URL of the primary descriptor
        mainDescriptorDom - the DOM of the main descriptor
        mainDescriptorOptional - if the primary descriptor should be marked as optional
        a list of MergeableDescriptors representing the descriptors to merge