Interface ItemFilter

All Known Implementing Classes:
CompositeItemFilter, ExcludeByUrlItemFilter, IncludeByUrlItemFilter

public interface ItemFilter
Interface for item filters. Used by ContentStoreServices to filter the items returned to the user of the API.
Sumer Jabri, Alfonso Vásquez
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    accepts(Item item, List<Item> acceptedItems, List<Item> rejectedItems, boolean runningBeforeProcessing)
    Return true if the given item is accepted by the filter.
    Returns true if the filter should be executed after all items are processed (basically, after all ItemProcessor are called).
    Returns true if the filter should be executed before any item is processed (basically, before any ItemProcessor is called).
  • Method Details

    • runBeforeProcessing

      boolean runBeforeProcessing()
      Returns true if the filter should be executed before any item is processed (basically, before any ItemProcessor is called).
    • runAfterProcessing

      boolean runAfterProcessing()
      Returns true if the filter should be executed after all items are processed (basically, after all ItemProcessor are called).
    • accepts

      boolean accepts(Item item, List<Item> acceptedItems, List<Item> rejectedItems, boolean runningBeforeProcessing)
      Return true if the given item is accepted by the filter.
      item - the item to accept or reject
      acceptedItems - the list of the currently accepted items
      rejectedItems - the list of the currently rejected items
      runningBeforeProcessing - if the filter is running before processing (true) or after processing (false)