Interface DescriptorMergeStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInheritFromHierarchyMergeStrategy, CompositeInheritFromHierarchyMergeStrategy, ContentBundleMergeStrategy, ExplicitParentMergeStrategy, InheritLevelsMergeStrategy, InheritVersionsMergeStrategy, SingleFileMergeStrategy

public interface DescriptorMergeStrategy
Strategy for merging descriptor files.
Sumer Jabri, Alfonso Vásquez
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getDescriptors(Context context, CachingOptions cachingOptions, String mainDescriptorUrl, org.dom4j.Document mainDescriptorDom)
    Returns the list of descriptors in the order they should be merged, given the URI of the primary descriptor.
    getDescriptors(Context context, CachingOptions cachingOptions, String mainDescriptorUrl, org.dom4j.Document mainDescriptorDom, boolean mainDescriptorOptional)
    Returns the list of descriptors in the order they should be merged, given the URI of the primary descriptor.
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptors

      List<MergeableDescriptor> getDescriptors(Context context, CachingOptions cachingOptions, String mainDescriptorUrl, org.dom4j.Document mainDescriptorDom) throws XmlMergeException
      Returns the list of descriptors in the order they should be merged, given the URI of the primary descriptor.
      context - the current context
      cachingOptions - caching options in case you need access to items
      mainDescriptorUrl - the URL of the main descriptor
      mainDescriptorDom - the DOM of the main descriptor
      a list of MergeableDescriptors representing the descriptors to merge
    • getDescriptors

      List<MergeableDescriptor> getDescriptors(Context context, CachingOptions cachingOptions, String mainDescriptorUrl, org.dom4j.Document mainDescriptorDom, boolean mainDescriptorOptional) throws XmlMergeException
      Returns the list of descriptors in the order they should be merged, given the URI of the primary descriptor.
      context - the current context
      cachingOptions - caching options in case you need access to items
      mainDescriptorUrl - the URL of the primary descriptor
      mainDescriptorDom - the DOM of the main descriptor
      mainDescriptorOptional - if the primary descriptor should be marked as optional
      a list of MergeableDescriptors representing the descriptors to merge