Class CommandLineProcessor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DeploymentProcessor, InitializableByConfigBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware

    public class CommandLineProcessor
    extends AbstractMainDeploymentProcessor
    Processor that runs a command line process. A processor instance can be configured with the following YAML properties:
    • workingDir: The directory from which the process will run. (defaults to the deployer's folder)
    • command: The full command that the process will run.
    • processTimeoutSecs: The amount of seconds to wait for the process to finish. (defaults to 30)
    • includeChanges: Additional parameters will be added to the command. (defaults to false)
      Example: SITE_NAME OPERATION (CREATE | UPDATE | DELETE) FILE (relative path of the file)