Class CloudFrontInvalidationProcessor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DeploymentProcessor, InitializableByConfigBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware

    public class CloudFrontInvalidationProcessor
    extends AbstractMainDeploymentProcessor
    Implementation of DeploymentProcessor that invalidates the changed files in the given AWS Cloudfront distributions. Can be configured with the following YAML properties:
    • distributions: List of distributions ids
    • Field Detail

      • builderConfigurer

        protected AwsClientBuilderConfigurer builderConfigurer
        Helper class the configures credentials and other properties for a AmazonCloudFront client.
      • distributions

        protected String[] distributions
        List of distribution ids
    • Constructor Detail

      • CloudFrontInvalidationProcessor

        public CloudFrontInvalidationProcessor()