Class GitDiffProcessor

All Implemented Interfaces:
DeploymentProcessor, InitializableByConfigBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware

public class GitDiffProcessor extends AbstractMainDeploymentProcessor
Processor that, based on a previous processed commit that's stored, does a diff with the current commit of the deployment, to find out the change set. If there is no previous processed commit, then the entire repository becomes the change set. This processor is used basically to create the change set and should be used before other processors that actually process the change set, like OpenSearchIndexingProcessor.
  • Field Details


      protected static final String INCLUDE_GIT_LOG_CONFIG_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final String UPDATE_COMMIT_CONFIG_KEY
      See Also:
    • localRepoFolder

      protected File localRepoFolder
    • processedCommitsStore

      protected ProcessedCommitsStore processedCommitsStore
    • includeGitLog

      protected boolean includeGitLog
    • blobFileExtension

      protected String blobFileExtension
    • updateCommitStore

      protected boolean updateCommitStore
  • Constructor Details

    • GitDiffProcessor

      public GitDiffProcessor()
  • Method Details