Class GitPullProcessor

All Implemented Interfaces:
DeploymentProcessor, InitializableByConfigBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware

public class GitPullProcessor extends AbstractRemoteGitRepoAwareProcessor
Processor that clones/pulls a remote Git repository into a local path in the filesystem. A processor instance can be configured with the following YAML properties:
  • remoteRepo.url: The URL of the remote Git repo to pull.
  • The name to use for the remote repo when pulling from it (origin by default).
  • remoteRepo.branch: The branch of the remote Git repo to pull.
  • remoteRepo.username: The username for authentication with the remote Git repo. Not needed when SSH with RSA key pair authentication is used.
  • remoteRepo.password: The password for authentication with the remote Git repo. Not needed when SSH with RSA key pair authentication is used.
  • remoteRepo.ssh.privateKey.path: The SSH private key path, used only with SSH with RSA key pair authentication.
  • remoteRepo.ssh.privateKey.passphrase: The SSH private key passphrase, used only with SSH withRSA key pair authentication.