Class InputFieldFactory

    • Field Detail

      • tokenizeXPath

        protected String tokenizeXPath
        The XPath selector for the tokenize property
    • Method Detail

      • createField

        public void createField​(org.dom4j.Document contentTypeDefinition,
                                org.dom4j.Node contentTypeField,
                                String contentTypeFieldId,
                                String parentGraphQLTypeName,
                                graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder parentGraphQLType,
                                String graphQLFieldName,
                                graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder graphQLField)
        Adds all the required objects for a content-type field to a GraphQLObjectType
        Specified by:
        createField in interface GraphQLFieldFactory
        contentTypeDefinition - the XML document with the content type definition
        contentTypeField - the XML node with the content-type field
        contentTypeFieldId - the content-type field ID
        parentGraphQLTypeName - the field's parent GraphQL type name
        parentGraphQLType - the field's parent GraphQLObjectType
        graphQLFieldName - the field's GraphQL-friendly name
        graphQLField - the field's GraphQLFieldDefinition